Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 189: Not falling asleep but shock

  Chapter 189 It's not falling asleep but shock

  It was noon when I went home, and when I walked to the bottom of the corridor, there were several old people with their children playing on the side of the flower garden.

  Some are still running while eating.

  "Little ancestor, don't run, come, take two more bites!"

   "I'm full!" The child said gruffly.

   "Eat more, and you can grow taller if you eat more!" Grandma coaxed the child.

  The child stopped taking a few bites and then ran wildly.

  Guo Xiang shook his head. This is the way the Chinese people feed, which is not good for the children.

   With a "pounce" the child running wildly ran into Guo Xiang, and she quickly reached out and hugged the child, "Be careful!"

  "Who are you?" The child blinked his big eyes and looked up at Guo Xiang.

   "I'm new here, you don't know me!" Guo Xiang smiled. He hasn't been out for the past two months, so many people still don't know himself.

   "Are you Gu Gong's wife? I heard you are a doctor?" the child's grandmother asked.

  The last time the worker’s severed finger replantation was very disturbing. Everyone has heard of it, but there are still many people who have not seen Guo Xiang.

   "Yes!" Guo Xiang smiled, "Don't let your child run around while eating. Be careful to wait for a while and get a stomachache!"

   "Hey, he didn't listen to what I said, it's okay, I'm used to it." The child's grandmother said with a smile.

Guo Xiang looked at the bowl she was holding. The food in it was chopped to rotten. After thinking that the peanuts entered the lungs last time, he nodded, "It is better to be careful. Then you are busy, I'm going back."

  Back home Gu Zhennan has returned and is cooking.

   "Are you back? Are you out?" Gu Zhennan asked.

   "Well, give the translation to Dean Jiang, and I went to see Teacher Huang by the way, and I went to the electrical factory again and came back late." Guo Xiangbian said, taking off his coat and hanging it up.

  It is almost April, and the weather is getting warmer, but there is still heating in the northeast house, and the heating will almost stop in mid-April.

   "It's ready soon, wash your hands and eat!" Gu Zhennan said.

  Guo Xiang walked behind him and hugged him, "My husband has worked hard!"

  Gu Zhennan turned her head and kissed her on the forehead, “It’s not hard work. Now my job is much easier than before in the oil team.”

  The two washed their hands and ate, and Guo Xiang asked, "By the way, did you say anything about the patent fee?"

  Gu Zhennan shook his head, "No!"

Guo Xiang sighed, that 80% of the patent fee is not available, so much money, more than one million U.S. dollars, if it is only a few thousand or even tens of thousands, it may be given to Gu Zhennan, but so much money, thinking about it, I think it’s impossible. .

   "We don't rely on that to eat, we don't want to." Gu Zhennan said.

  Guo Xiang nodded, she naturally knew that she could make money on her own side, but she felt it was a pity that it would be a personal property if she lived in later lives.

"But today Minister Zhang asked me if I did the design and creation alone." Gu Zhennan said again, "I said yes. At that time, where did I have research funding for the oil team? No one helped me, not even the drawings. I bought it myself."

   "Huh? What does he mean? Is there hope?" Guo Xiang was surprised.

  Gu Zhennan was noncommittal, “Don’t report too much hope. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.”

   "Oh!" Guo Xiang replied, and she also thought about it, so much money, in this era, tusk, millionaire.

  In the afternoon, Gu Zhennan went to work, and Guo Xiang read at home. It was about five o'clock before he was preparing to cook, and there was a knock on the door outside.

  Guo Xiang went to open the door, and the door was the grandma who met at noon to feed the child.

   "Little Doctor Guo, I have something to trouble you." The child's grandmother said embarrassedly.

   "Say!" Guo Xiang nodded.

   "My grandson Yuan Bao has been crying about stomach pain this afternoon. It hurts all afternoon. I just fell asleep now. I am a little worried. Can you help me to see it?" Grandma Yuan Bao said.

   "Okay!" Guo Xiang nodded, took his jacket and put it on.

   "Did the child have a stomachache and didn't go to the hospital? How can it hurt?" Guo Xiang asked while putting on his clothes.

"I didn't know clearly. It hurt to watch for a while in the afternoon, but my grandson was naughty, and he didn't know if it was true or teasing me. It stopped making trouble now, so I didn't go to the hospital." Grandma Yuanbao Said.

  Guo Xiang nodded, the child may not know how to express it when he is too young, even if he asks, he can’t understand it.

  When I came to Yuan Bao’s house, the adults had gone to work, and Grandpa Yuan Bao was at home to look after the children.

   "Little Doctor Guo, trouble you!" Seeing Guo Xianglai, Grandpa Yuanbao stood up.

   "How is the child?" Guo Xiang asked, and walked over to Yuan Bao's crib.

   "I'm asleep now, I don't know if I can watch it this way?" Grandpa Yuan Bao said.

   "It's okay, I can watch!" Guo Xiang smiled.

  Walking up to Yuan Bao’s bed and looking at it, the child's complexion is not very good and he doesn't move.

  Guo Xiang picked up the child's hand and looked at his palm prints. The corresponding abdominal area has a large cyan color, which looks abnormal.

  She opened the child’s clothes and looked at it. There was nothing on the surface. She pressed it gently with her hand. The child did not wake up, and she didn’t know if he was still in pain.

  However, seeing the child motionless, Guo Xiang felt a little abnormal and touched the child’s face lightly, "Yuan Bao, wake up, wake up!"

  The child is still motionless.

  Guo Xiang frowned, did he sleep so soundly? If my stomach hurts badly before, I shouldn’t be able to sleep so peacefully, right?

   "Does the child usually sleep so quietly? He has been sleeping well?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "Usually, it's okay, but it's usually a bit surprised if you go crazy and sleep. Today it's a bit different." Grandma Yuan Bao shook her head.

  Guo Xiang felt that something was wrong, and called out again, "Ingot, Ingot..."

  The child still did not move.

  The child's grandma was a little scared, and she shouted, "Yuanbao, Yuanbao, you wake up soon, don't scare grandma..."

  Guo Xiang opened the child’s eyelids, glanced at his pupils, they were a little dilated, and he felt like a little, "No, the child is in shock!"

   "What? How could it?" The child's grandfather was shocked.

   "Quickly, take the child's coat and send the child to the hospital, don't delay!" Guo Xiang immediately picked up the child.

   "That, that..." The child's grandmother was completely at a loss, and she was so scared that she almost cried.

  "Get the clothes quickly, and there is money!" It's still the grandfather of the child who is more rational.

   "Oh, oh, I'll take it right away..." The child's grandmother hurriedly took the clothes over, and ran to another room to get the money.

  Guo Xiang put the clothes on the child, picked up the child and walked out.

   "Me, shall I?" The child's grandfather hurriedly stretched out his hand.

   "Master, it's okay. I'm coming. I have great strength and run fast." Guo Xiang shook his head. Fortunately, this is the factory area, the hospital is nearby, and I ran very close.

   Taking advantage of the time to go downstairs, Guo Xiang opened the perspective and looked at the child's abdomen.

  I was shocked at this sight. The child’s stomach was black, and part of the small intestine was twisted and it was black and necrotic. No wonder the child went into shock.

  (End of this chapter)

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