Chapter 273 Fiancee

  After a while, An Zehan also came. He was very curious to see so many students walking out of the laboratory, "What happened?"

  Guo Xiang smiled, “Your liver hanging in the refrigerator scared a little girl.”

  An Zehan touched his nose, not intentionally.

  Song Tingshen took out the liver, and Guo Xiang and An Zehan surrounded him.

  I felt it with my hand, the liver is a bit hard, and the celluloid should be solidified.

  "How to take it out?" An Zehan asked.

  "Use hydrochloric acid to erode the surface of the liver first, and then slowly peel it out." Song Tingshen said.

   "I'm coming!" An Zehan started, he likes to do this.

   "But this liver is also ruined." Guo Xiang said regretfully.

   "There is no way. If you cut the blood vessel sample directly, it will be incomplete." Song Tingshen said.

  Guo Xiang and An Zehan worked together. When the liver on the surface was cleaned up, they used a scalpel to scrape away the remaining tissue, and a complete liver blood vessel specimen appeared in front of them.

   "We made it!" An Zehan was very excited.

   "Not bad!" An Tingshen also nodded.

  Guo Xiang looked at the translucent blood vessel specimens, thick large arteries, thin veins, extending outward like branches, "Like coral!"

   "When you say it, it's really like a coral." An Zehan smiled.

   "Let me color the blood vessels!" Guo Xiang said.

   I went to the teaching and research office to find a few bottles of acrylic paint, painted the portal vein blue, the hepatic artery red, and the bile duct yellow. A very clear blood vessel specimen appeared.

   "Very good!" An Ting nodded to Guo Xiang with deep appreciation.

  "But this one is not enough, right? If you have to make a lot of copies, don't you still waste a lot of liver?" An Zehan said.

"You can use plaster!" Guo Xiang laughed: "Take this as a sample, use plaster to make a mold, cut the plaster in half when you take it, glue the plaster mold together when you want to pour, and pour the celluloid solution. Go in, that's good."

   "It's a good way!" An Zehan nodded, and suddenly a bright light flashed, "Then can we also use plaster to pour a whole liver model out? Then there are internal blood vessels and external liver lobes!"

  "You can try!" Song Tingshen nodded. Both are smart children. The two students did not choose the wrong one.

  An Zehan got excited, and Guo Xiang started to make several liver models in one day.

   "Is it enough now?" An Zehan looked at what he had made and was very satisfied.

   "Let's do this first, I won't talk about it later." Song Tingshen also nodded in satisfaction.

  The three of them returned to the hospital for work the next day.

  It didn’t take long for a patient in his fifties to come.

  Song Tingshen wore a mask and asked the patient, "Where is it uncomfortable?"

  Guo Xiang and An Zehan watched.

"Bitter mouth, frequent bleeding of teeth, old nausea, don't want to eat, and want to vomit when I see oily things!" the patient said, "Look, my face is also yellow, they said it might be liver disease, so I came to see it quickly Look."

  Song Ting nodded deeply. This symptom is obvious. Looking at the patient's eyes, the iris is a little yellow, and the skin is also sallow.

  "Put out your palm and take a look!" Guo Xiang said from the side.

  The patient stretched out his palm. Except for the palm, both sides of the palm were flushed, with obvious liver palms.

  The palms of normal people are pink, and some people with anemia may be white. Those who are flushed like this are obviously symptoms of hepatitis.

   "I'm afraid it's liver cancer. If liver cancer is not cured, isn't it?" the patient said worriedly.

   "I can't draw conclusions yet!" Song Tingshen said, and asked Guo Xiang and An Zehan next to him, "You can tell me what inspection should be done?"

   "Do liver work, hepatitis B two and a half, B ultrasound..." An Zehan said.

  "If you want to check for liver cancer, you must also check liver fibrosis indicators, alpha-fetoprotein, carcinoembryonic antigen, and liver biopsy if necessary..." Guo Xiang added.

  Song Ting nodded in satisfaction and opened the order.

"Had breakfast?"

   "No, I heard that I might have to draw blood but I didn't dare to eat it."

   "That's good, go to draw the blood first." Song Tingshen issued the bill, "We won't know the specifics until the results of the blood draw."

   "Hey, thank you doctor!" The patient nodded.

  "Go and pay first, and then go to the blood test office!" Song Tingshen gave the patient the list.

  "Where is the payment? Where is the blood test?" the patient asked.

  "The billing office is on the first floor, and the blood test is on the third floor. It is marked in large characters." Guo Xiang replied.

   "But I can't read!" the patient said embarrassedly.

   "I'll take you there!" Guo Xiang took the patient's order.

   "Hey, thank you doctor!" The patient nodded in gratitude.

  Guo Xiang took the patient down the stairs.

  At this time, a few people walked out of the office on the other side. They were doctors from Jingcheng Hospital who came to provide communication and guidance.

  One of the young doctors happened to see Guo Xiang and the patient coming downstairs, but he only looked at the side, but he didn’t see it clearly. He was taken aback for a while, and he wanted to chase him down, but the man was gone.

   "Dr. Lin, what's the matter with you?" the person behind asked.

   "It seems to see a...acquaintance..." Doctor Lin frowned.

   Is it her? Isn't it possible?

  "Who was it that went down just now?" The deputy dean who accompanied him asked the dean of the dean next to him.

   "It seems to be Guo Xiang, a student of Teacher Song, who is doing an internship in the department of hepatobiliary." Director Zhang said.

  It turned out not to be, Dr. Lin smiled faintly, "It should be a mistake."

  A few people went downstairs, and the deputy dean drove them to the entrance of the hospital. Doctor Lin and the deputy dean shook hands.

   "Dean Wang, thank you for your cooperation in the past two days, and hope to have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future." Dr. Lin said.

   "It's our honor." The vice president smiled, "I will ask Dr. Lin to guide the work again in the future."


  The few people were polite again, and the three of Dr. Lin got into the prepared car.

   "Dr. Lin is so popular, the vice president can't wait to leave people behind." The fellow said.

   "That's natural. Dr. Lin came back from studying abroad. He has superb medical skills. Where is he unpopular?"

  "Dr. Lin is young and promising, and so handsome. Look at the female doctors and nurses in Corey. Seeing Dr. Lin is like a cat and a fish, I can’t wait to come forward, haha..."

   "Where can Dr. Lin see them, he has a fiancée, don't talk nonsense!"

   "Huh? Doctor Lin, do you have a fiancé? Why have you never heard of it?"

  Dr. Lin smiled faintly, and a little girl flashed in his mind. I have not seen her for several years.

  Who knew that she had disappeared when she returned to China this time.

   didn't know if it was really missing or deliberately avoiding herself.

  But seeing her parents is really missing, otherwise they won’t be so sad.

  Never mind, I didn't have the mind at first, so I disappeared if I didn't see it, so I don't have to regret the marriage specially.

  (End of this chapter)

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