Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 279: Not pregnant

  Chapter 279 It's Not Pregnant

   "I..." The woman's face flushed, "At first I thought I had gained weight, but I didn't care about being fat on my stomach..."

   "Later, my belly got bigger and bigger. I don't know what was going on. I was afraid that others would not dare to go out. I really don't know what was going on!" The woman said, crying again.

   "Then do you often feel dizzy, nausea and vomiting?" Guo Xiang asked again.

  The woman hesitated and nodded.

   "Isn't that a sign of pregnancy?" someone said.

  "It's only in the last three months, right?" Guo Xiang said.

   "Yes!" the woman replied.

   "There are some people who only respond in the latter part of pregnancy. This doesn't explain much."

  Taking advantage of his speech, Guo Xiang has already seen what is in the woman's stomach, it is a huge tumor.

   is really too big, maybe a dozen catties, so I hold the woman’s belly as if she is pregnant.

   "I know what's going on!" Guo Xiang said to the woman, reaching out his hand, "Come on down, I can prove that what you said is correct, you didn't steal anyone!"

  "How do you prove?" The man looked at Guo Xiang.

   "Your daughter-in-law is sick. You don't care about her and you doubt her. Is this what a husband should do?" Guo Xiang said.

"What are you talking about? For whom is my son working hard outside? What did he do? It's obviously that woman who is not ashamed. Don't think that you are a doctor. We are afraid of you. If you talk nonsense, I will lead you to sue you!" Woman mother-in-law Said viciously.

"Who won't tell who is a puppy!" A trace of disgust flashed in Guo Xiang's eyes. "I said that you can prove that your daughter-in-law is innocent. Why are you still upset? You want her to give your son a green hat. are you happy?"

   "You..." The face of the woman's mother-in-law changed drastically, "Do you dare to frame me and see if I won't kill you!"

   "Do you dare to hit me and try!" Guo Xiang looked at it sharply, and I was really not afraid.

   "Come on, come down, I can prove your innocence!" Guo Xiang extended his hand to the woman again.

   "Really?" The woman looked at her suspiciously.

   "Really, I promise!" Guo Xiang nodded firmly, reached out and took the woman's hand, and helped her down.

  "Come with me!" Guo Xiang took the woman's hand and pulled her to the hepatobiliary department.

  A lot of people follow behind to see what is going on, who believes that such a big belly is not pregnant.

   "What's the matter?" Song Tingshen frowned, why are there so many people?

  Guo Xiang pulled the woman onto the chair and sat down, and said to Song Tingshen, "Teacher Song, please help me take a look..."

   whispered in his ear, "I suspect it is a tumor."

  Song Tingshen asked her what was uncomfortable and when her belly started to grow big. He took a stethoscope and listened.

  "Be a B-ultrasound, you can tell if it's a child." Song Tingshen said, opening a B-ultrasound order.

  After the order was opened, Guo Xiang took it over, "I will take you there, I will hurry!"

  The woman nodded, now she has no idea, everything listens to Guo Xiang, as long as she can prove her innocence.

  When I went to the B-ultrasound room and talked to the doctor there, the doctor agreed to show her first.

  The woman sleeps on the medical bed, the B-ultrasound doctor applies couplant on her belly, and the B-ultrasound probe slides on her belly.

  The more he looked at the B-ultrasound, the frowning of the doctor's brows became tighter, and Guo Xiang also saw it on the side. Like his own perspective, hepatic cavernous hemangioma, huge!

  "Doctor, how is it?" The woman's voice trembled a little. She was sure that she had no man, but she couldn't guarantee that there was a monster in her stomach.

  B-ultrasound doctor said while writing the test form: "Wait later your attending doctor will tell you in detail, don't worry!"

   took toilet paper and wiped the woman's belly. The woman put on her pants and looked at Guo Xiang.

   "Let's go!" Guo Xiang took a B-ultrasound order.

  Walking out of the B-ultrasound room, the woman's husband looked at Guo Xiang nervously, "Doctor, how is it?"

   "It's not pregnant, your wife has a tumor in her belly!" Guo Xiang said grimly.

   "Huh?" The man was dumbfounded, such a big tumor?

  Back to the hepatobiliary department, there are still many people outside the department, waiting for the results.

  Song Tingshen took a single look at the B-ultrasound, and it really is.

  "You have a tumor in your stomach, which grows on your liver, it is called hepatic cavernous hemangioma. It's not pregnant!"

   "What? A tumor? Such a big tumor?" The people outside exclaimed.

  "Not a child?" The woman mother-in-law also exclaimed.

   "Why, it's not a child that you are disappointed?" Guo Xiang rolled his eyes.

   "Then why does she still have dizziness, nausea and vomiting?" the woman's mother-in-law asked.

   "Because the tumor is too big, the patient's nutrition has been absorbed, her dizziness and nausea should be caused by anemia. Irregular menstruation is also due to anemia." Song Tingshen said.

  "Chunlan..." The man didn't know what to say, did he really blame her?

   "I have roots, I really didn't steal people, do you believe it?" The woman had tears in her eyes and aggrieved.

  "Doctor, is my daughter-in-law in danger with such a big tumor?" the man asked.

   "There is still a pathological examination to be done, but generally this kind of tumor is benign, and it is enough to be removed, there is no life-threatening. But..."

   "But what?" the man asked hurriedly.

   "But her tumor is too big, there may be accidents during the operation, such as heavy bleeding..." Song Tingshen said.

  "Doctor, you must save my daughter-in-law!" The man hurriedly took Song Tingshen's hand, "Please doctor!"

  The woman looked at him excitedly, and he kept calling his daughter-in-law, did he believe in himself?

   "We will try our best!" Song Tingshen said, "Go through the hospitalization procedures first!"

  "Good, good!" The man nodded hurriedly.

  Guo Xiang handed over the B-ultrasound sheet in his hand, “hand over this first, this one hasn’t paid yet.”

   "Yes, I'll go right away!" The man nodded.

   looked at his daughter-in-law, with a look of shame, "Chunlan, I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you, I..."

  The woman shook her head, tears streaming down, "I don’t blame you, I... blame myself for not seeing the doctor soon..."

  The two walked out of the department to go through the hospitalization procedures.

  Guo Xiang shook her head. She didn’t understand why some people could not go to the hospital because they knew they had a physical problem. What was this picture?

  Don’t say it’s now, she has seen many such examples in later generations. Some people’s stomachs are full of violent blood vessels, and those with big stomachs look like they were conceived in October before going to the hospital. Do they still want to expect it to be better on their own?

  Not to mention that there are too many people in this period who are taboos and doctors.

   "Teacher Song, look at this..." Guo Xiang looked at Song Tingshen.

  "We have to study it carefully. This liver cavernous hemangioma is really too big. I have never done it before." Song Tingshen's face was a little serious.

   "Teacher Song, you must do it!" Guo Xiang said.

  In his previous life, Song Tingshen had performed an operation on a patient with a tumor weighing 18 kilograms. It was the largest tumor operation found at home and abroad until that time. Teacher Song was a god.

  This tumor is nearly half smaller than that, so it’s definitely not a problem.

    In a blink of an eye, 2020, the new year has begun. I wish you all progress in your studies and success in your career! I also wish my books can sell well! Thanks to friends who have always supported me, happy new year!



  (End of this chapter)

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