Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 376: Got liver cancer

  Chapter 376 Got Liver Cancer

   "Really?" Song Tingshen thought of what Lin Wen had said before in the northeast. "Lin Wen helped you find it?"

   "Hmm!" Guo Xiang nodded.

  Song Ting frowned, so Lin Wen is really Guo Xiang’s fiance? He doesn't like this person very much.

   "Then what are your plans?" Song Tingshen asked.

   "I don't know..." Guo Xiang shook his head, "I haven't thought about it yet."

  Song Tingshen doesn’t know her current situation, so it’s hard to give advice, “Then come home to eat if you have time, let’s talk, Yanyan misses you too. She would be very happy if she knew that you were here in Beijing.”

   "Well, thank you, Teacher Song." Guo Xiang nodded, feeling a little better, but fortunately, some people still care about him.

   "Then Gu Zhennan's side..." Song Tingshen hesitated for a while and asked.

   "Continue to pay attention to the instrument. If there is hope, I still want to help him heal." Guo Xiang said.

   "Okay, I will ask again." Song Tingshen nodded.

  Guo Xiang made another call to Meihua Village to find Ji Changlin, “Master, I found my biological parents and have settled down.”

   "Really?" Ji Changlin nodded, "How are they...?"

   "It's all very good. They care about me very much. When I see them, I also think of something." Guo Xiang said, parents are their parents in the previous life, so there is no barrier. Of course, this can't be told to Master.

   "That's good!" Ji Changlin nodded, so that I don't have to worry about her.

   "How is Zhennan... how is he?" Guo Xiang still asked.

   "It doesn't seem to be very good, the whole person is very depressed, staying at home all day, and losing a lot." Ji Changlin said.

  Guo Xiang's eye circles turned red, so why didn't he let himself be by his side? She still couldn't understand.

  "Master, you help me take care of him..." Guo Xiang's voice suddenly choked up.

   "Okay, I usually check it out every two days, there is nothing major for the time being." Ji Changlin said.

  In fact, once when he went there, he saw Gu Zhennan fainted, but he told himself not to tell Guo Xiang.

   These two people obviously love each other deeply and think about each other, but they conceal each other. He really feels distressed.

  Hung up the phone, Guo Yaqin saw that Guo Xiang was feeling down and patted her on the shoulder, “Don’t think about it so much, take a rest at home for a while.”

  Guo Xiang was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Mom, I heard that you are feeling sick recently. I will accompany you to the hospital for an examination."

   "No, it's not a big deal, just take a break." Guo Yaqin shook his head.

   "No, mom, you must go to the hospital for an examination!" Guo Xiang was tough.

  In the past life, everyone has not paid attention to it. When Guo Yaqin was very uncomfortable, he was already in the advanced stage of liver cancer.

  At that time, the liver transplantation technology was very mature, so the operation was performed. Even so, he died later. In this era, liver transplantation has not been successful. The advanced stage of liver cancer is basically death, and it must not be delayed.

   "No, Mom doesn't like going to the hospital." Guo Yaqin is also a bit stubborn, and always feels that going to the hospital is not a good thing.

   "Mom!" Guo Xiang was a little angry, "Why don't you take your body seriously? What if there is a serious illness?"

   After speaking, the eyes turned red. Thinking of the previous life, my mother walked in front of her own eyes. When she left, she said that she couldn't worry about herself.

  "Well, I'll go, I'll go, don't be angry!" Guo Yaqin panicked when Guo Xiang was angry. Her daughter just came back and experienced so many things, she didn't want her to be unhappy anymore.

  The two went out and took a taxi directly to the hospital.

  Originally, Guo Xiang wanted to go to Song Tingshen's place, but his place was a tumor hospital. It was not telling her mother that she had cancer, it would definitely scare her. So go to the general hospital first, and then go to Song Tingshen if the situation is not good.

  In the car, Guo Xiang first asked Guo Yaqin where he was uncomfortable?

  She said nothing, except that she gets tired easily and has a bad appetite. It's really nothing.

  Guo Xiang touched the position of the liver area under Guo Yaqin’s right rib, "Does it hurt here?"

  Guo Yaqin shook his head, "It doesn’t hurt."

  Guo Xiang nodded, which shows that even if there is a problem, it should not be serious.

   Then opened the fluoroscopy and looked over. It doesn’t matter this time, the tumor is really seen.

   Guo Xiang's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly stabilized his emotions, unable to let his mother see it.

  She took a closer look. Fortunately, the tumor is still relatively small, less than two centimeters in length, and it should be early and still be saved.

  At the hospital, Guo Xiang directly took Guo Yaqin to the hepatobiliary department.

  "Why are you here?" Guo Yaqin was puzzled, "I think I should go to the gastroenterology department, but I just don't have a good appetite."

   "Mom, I am also a doctor, you listen to me." Guo Xiang said forcefully.

   "Okay!" Guo Yaqin didn't want to annoy her daughter.

  When I arrived at the hepatobiliary department, I directly told the doctor about the condition, and the doctor nodded, "Then do a liver function check..."

  "Doctor..." Guo Xiang wondered how to tell the doctor without letting Guo Yaqin know about it. After thinking about it, he said to Guo Yaqin, "Mom, I kind of want to go to the toilet. I didn't bring paper. Can you help me buy some paper?"

   "Okay!" Guo Yaqin nodded. He wanted to say why he was not at home, but I didn't bother to say it.

  Guo Yaqin went down to buy paper, and Guo Xiang hurriedly said to the doctor: “Doctor, I suspect that my mother had liver cancer. You will order another B-ultrasound, or other items for liver cancer examination...”

  "Why do you suspect liver cancer?" The doctor was a little curious, "Does your family have a history of liver cancer?"

  Guo Xiang replied yes, and said, "I am also a doctor."

  The doctor nodded, "Okay, then check it out!"

  When Guo Yaqin came back, the doctor ordered various orders and Guo Xiang had already paid the fee.

   "Mom, let's check now!" Guo Xiang said.

  Guo Yaqin was surprised to see the pile of lists in Guo Xiang's hand, "Doing so much?"

  "Since it's here, check it carefully and rest assured." Guo Xiang said.

  Guo Yaqin had no choice but to follow her daughter.

  It has been a long time since various inspections have been done, and some inspections will take two days to come out. Guo Xiang said that she will come to get them at that time.

  But the B-ultrasound results have been released, Guo Xiang has already seen it, but Guo Yaqin doesn't know it, and thinks it's okay.

  After waiting for two days, all the examination results came out. Guo Xiang has determined that the mother had indeed liver cancer, but it was still early and has not yet metastasized, so surgical treatment is still useful.

  She immediately went to the tumor hospital to find Song Tingshen, he was the most professional in this aspect.

  Song Tingshen looked at the checklists and nodded, “It should be certain that he has liver cancer, but it is an early stage. The five-year survival rate of surgical treatment is more than 70%.”

  Song Tingshen said, "Who are you?"

   "My mother!" Guo Xiang said.

  Song Ting was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t expect that such a thing would happen to Guo Xiang as soon as he recognized his relatives. He immediately comforted her, “It’s okay, let her be hospitalized immediately, and I will perform the operation on her myself!”

   "Thank you Teacher Song!" Guo Xiang said calmly.

  (End of this chapter)

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