Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 408: Brother and sister visit

  Chapter 408 Brother and sister return visit

  "Shall we find a place to sit down and talk?" Guo Xiang said.

   "Then... go to our school?" Zhang Ling asked.

  "Good too!" Guo Xiang nodded. He himself had been to the Foreign Languages ​​Institute in his previous life, but it was expanded a long time ago, which is very different from now.

  The two walked to the side of the playground and found a place with the shade of a tree to sit down.

   "Sister-in-law, what is your job?" Zhang Ling asked impatiently.

   "It's a translation." Guo Xiang said.

   "That's great." Zhang Ling was pleasantly surprised. It would be great to find a suitable job, "Which unit is it?"

   "I am in my own home, and I am planning to open a foreign trade company. There are many foreign documents to be translated, and I may have to face foreign customers directly." Guo Xiang said.

   "Huh? Then... can I do it?" Zhang Ling hesitated, he didn't have experience in this area.

   "Come slowly, learn while doing, and you will have experience later." Guo Xiang said.

   "Sister-in-law, why did you start a company in Beijing again, what about your school? And my cousin..." Zhang Ling was a little curious.

"Actually, I lost my memory and didn't know where my home was. I just found my family recently. This is my parents' company, not mine." Guo Xiang said, not wanting to talk about the divorce between himself and Gu Zhennan. I seem to promote my divorce everywhere.

   "Oh, that's how it is!" Zhang Ling nodded, "Is the company opened? When do I go to work?"

   "Not yet, I am preparing to open it, so you may be required to go through some procedures, but don't worry that my brother will be with him. If you don't understand, you can ask him." Guo Xiang said.

  "If it is convenient for you, you can go to work tomorrow."

   "Well, then I will quit my job as a tutor, otherwise the time will not be easy to arrange." Zhang Ling said.

   "Okay, I will give you some compensation here." Guo Xiang said.

   "No, my sister-in-law, I don't have much money. Besides, the job you introduced to me is better than that of the tutor. I can learn things and use my major, even if I don't give money, I am willing." Zhang Ling said.

   "Then it's settled." Guo Xiang smiled, "In this way, I will take you to my factory first. The specific work will be arranged by my dad and my brother."

   "Okay!" Zhang Ling nodded quickly.

  Guo Xiang borrowed a phone call from the guard room of the school to call Wang Chuyu, telling him to bring people over now, and he asked Guo Xiang to go directly to the factory, and he would pick them up at the door of the factory.

  Guo Xiang brought Zhang Ling to Mingya Garment Factory. Wang Chuyu was already waiting for them at the door.

The three of them entered the office together, and Guo Xiang introduced Zhang Ling to his father and eldest brother.

  "This is Zhang Ling, now studying at the Foreign Languages ​​Institute, a sophomore student."

  "This is my father Wang, the director, and my elder brother Wang Chuyu, is the deputy director."

  "Director Wang, Deputy Director Wang." Zhang Ling called out politely.

  "Foreign Language Institute? High-achieving student!" Wang Chongming looked at Zhang Ling appreciatively.

Zhang Ling smiled, "Thanks to my sister-in-law. At that time, it was my sister-in-law who helped me practice oral English. I had the opportunity to be admitted to the Foreign Languages ​​Institute. My cousin went to the northeast..."

  Wang Chongming and Wang Chuyu had strange expressions on their faces when they heard this.

  Zhang Ling was a little at a loss, not knowing what he said wrong.

  Guo Xiang smiled faintly, “This is Gu Zhennan’s cousin, she doesn’t know about our affairs yet.”

   "What's the matter?" Zhang Ling was a little frightened.

  “I’ll tell you later, let’s talk about work first. Should our factory directly apply for the right to export sales, or open another foreign trade company?” Guo Xiang said.

  Everyone started discussing it. Zhang Ling didn’t understand this at all, so it’s hard to interject. He just listened quietly while thinking in his heart, what happened to the sister-in-law and cousin? Why haven't you heard the family mention it?

Several people discussed it. In the end, Guo Xiang felt that it would be better to open another foreign trade company, so that not only clothing but also other products could be made. Need to apply again.

   "That's okay, then Chu Yu will do this, and the foreign trade company will be in charge of you in the future!" Wang Chongming decided.

  The company's procedures, business licenses and other things are handled by Zhang Ling while understanding, of course, Wang Chuyu may be involved in some matters.

  Wang Chongming mainly focused on the existing production and the order of 1,000 sets of clothing.

  Guo Xiang doesn't care about their affairs, and there will be no time in the future. If she wants to use it then, she should ask for leave.

  They didn't go home for dinner at noon, so they were Guo Xiang, Guo Yaqin and Wang Chuyun.

  After dinner, I received a call from Mu Qing, saying that he wanted to come to visit at night. Guo Xiang was naturally embarrassed to refuse.

   However, Mu Qing said that he would come after dinner, and Guo Xiang didn't insist on inviting her to dinner, which saved the trouble.

  At dinner in the evening, Guo Xiang asked Zhang Ling how to arrange it. Wang Chuyu said that she was arranged to live in the factory dormitory so that she would not have to run back and forth between the school and the factory, which was too inconvenient.

  Guo Xiang nodded, this is the best, otherwise it is not safe for her to go back alone if she is late at work sometimes.

  By the way, I talked about Mu Qing’s coming in a while, Wang Chuyu tickled the corner of his mouth. That lovely girl is coming home?

  Everyone cleaned up after eating, Guo Xiang went to make a pot of tea, and only waited for Mu Qing to come over.

  Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside, "I'm going to open the door!" Wang Chuyu said rushingly.

  Guo Xiang didn't move. Anyway, Mu Qing also knew his eldest brother, so he wouldn't be abrupt.

  Wang Chongming and Guo Yaqin knew that their daughter had a friend who was coming and was sitting in the living room. They always wanted to see each other, otherwise it would be too rude.

  After a while, Wang Chuyu walked in with Mu Qing and Mu Feng.

  Guo Xiang was shocked when he saw Mu Feng, why did he also come?

   "Guo Xiang!" Mu Qing greeted Guo Xiang enthusiastically when he saw Guo Xiang.

   "Come on?" Guo Xiang smiled and called Mu Feng "Big Brother Mu".

  Mu Feng nodded and handed over the gift he had brought. Guo Xiang did not refuse to accept it.

  Guo Xiang introduced them to his parents. Wang Chuyun had seen them before and did not introduce them in particular.

  Wang Chongming and Guo Yaqin were a little surprised to see a young man who also came, but they were relieved when they heard Mu Feng said that they came to thank Guo Xiang for saving Mu Qing's life.

  Mu Feng didn't wear a military uniform today, but he was still tall, and he looked like a soldier.

  After a few words of greeting, the old couple went back to the room and let the young people talk for themselves.

  Mu Feng stood up and sat down when the two old men walked into the room.

   Then Wang Chuyun also hid in the room. She was a little afraid of Mu Feng and always felt that he was too cold.

  Mu Feng secretly looked at Guo Xiang's home. The environment was good. Her parents were also intellectuals. Her brothers and sisters were also polite, and Guo Xiang was a good person.

  I don’t know why she divorced.

  (End of this chapter)

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