Chapter 426 Trial

  "Quiet!" The judge knocked the gavel.

"The prosecutor believed that the defendant had kicked again after kicking, otherwise it would have been impossible to cause such a serious injury. The injured person has been kicked down and it is no longer a threat to the victim. The defendant continued to kick and beat the victim. , Has caused excessive defense!" the prosecutor said.

   "Does the defender have an opinion?"


Zheng Wenbo said: "I have a report from the Public Security Hospital here. Apart from the rib and head injuries, the victim Lin Wen has only one scar, which is the footprint of my client. Lin Wen did not find any other injuries. My client did not kick and beat again."

  Zheng Wenbo took out the photos taken by the public security organs. Lin Wen had a bruise mark on his chest, which was kicked by Gu Zhennan, and there were no more bruises on his chest and back.

  He took out the corroded umbrellas, shirts on the ground, and Gu Zhennan's back injuries taken by the public security organs.

  "The perpetrator poured strong sulfuric acid on my client’s wife. If he hadn't blocked it with an umbrella, it would cause more serious injuries. It is normal for him to kick him in a hurry."

   "Since he has blocked with an umbrella, why should he kick again?" the prosecutor said.

  “Because of the emergency, the umbrella was not opened, and even if it was opened with the corrosion degree of concentrated sulfuric acid, the umbrella cloth would melt and fall down. At that time, the umbrella was still not opened and could only block part of the liquid.”

"My client kicked the perpetrator away, and the route of the liquid was changed to reduce the injury. Even so, my client's back was still burned by sulfuric acid. If I didn't kick this kick, the consequences would be conceivable. Therefore, my client's behavior is different. Does not constitute an overdefense."

   "The presiding judge, the defender applies for a witness to appear in court!"

   "The name of the witness?"

   "Lin Guizhen."

  "Witness Lin Guizhen, please come to court!"

  Lin Guizhen was invited to the court.

  Guo Xiang was taken aback for a moment. I don’t know him. This should be the witness Zheng Wenbo asked for?

   "Lin Guizhen, where are you at 12 noon on the 15th of this month?"

   "I'm in my own shop."

"Where is your shop?"

  "Just a few steps in front of the place where sulfuric acid was poured, I saw it all."

   "What did you see?"

"I saw a man pouring sulfuric acid on a woman. I kept watching. At first they quarreled, because the quarrel was so loud, I looked at it with curiosity. Later, after the quarrel, the man took a bottle from behind. Throwing at that woman shocked me."

   "Later another man suddenly jumped out from the side and kicked the man away and pounced on the woman."

   "Who was that man later?"

   "It's the person standing in the dock."

   "Did you see him kicking and killing someone?"

   "Yes, I can see it clearly, but later his wife came to me to borrow water."

   "How many kicks did he kick?"

   "Just one kick, he rushed over and blocked his wife with a kick, and the sulfuric acid was poured on him. How could he stand up?"

   "Later her daughter-in-law called the police, and then the ambulance and police came."

   "The bad man was lying on the ground, and the defendant was leaning against the wall. He has not moved again."

   "Prosecutor, do you have any comments?"



   "She lied, they must be in collusion, their family must have money to buy the witnesses, you are the official protector!" Zheng Mei yelled.

  The judge's face turned dark. Is this a bite after failing to make a false accusation?

  "Plaintiff, pay attention to your words!" The judge hammered the gavel.

   "Temporary adjournment!"

The people under    talked a lot.

  The court will be held after a while.

"All rise!"

  The judge stood up.

  The others also stood up.

  "The collegial panel unanimously ruled that the defendant Gu Zhennan’s actions to prevent his wife from being harmed by the perpetrator in the process of harming his wife belonged to legitimate defense and did not constitute the crime of negligent defensive negligence and serious injury..."

   "Great!" Guo Xiang looked at Gu Zhennan happily, and he happened to look over and smiled at Guo Xiang.

  Zheng Wenbo also laughed, he was very confident in this case.

  After leaving the court, everyone walked out of the court. Friends all came to congratulate Gu Zhennan. Wang Chongming and Gu Xide went back when they saw that he was okay.

  Zheng Wenbo shook hands with the prosecutor.

   "Brother, I won this time." Zheng Wenbo said.

   "I know you will win." The prosecutor smiled, "The evidence is there."

  "Do you know?" Guo Xiang was curious.

   "Of course we know, we are all Gu Lao students, this is my senior brother Fang Yan." Zheng Wenbo said.

   "Then you still sue us for them?" Guo Xiang's eyes widened.

  Fang Yan smiled bitterly, "This is the duty of our prosecutor. We are not trying to exonerate criminals or falsely accuse good people, but to present the truth to everyone more clearly."

  "With all kinds of evidence, if the defendant is not guilty, it shows that the plaintiff has ulterior motives, so that everyone can see clearly that we have not shielded anyone in order to show the fairness and justice of the law."

  Guo Xiang is thoughtful and reasonable. If the prosecutor is not guilty, the proof of the defendant’s innocence will be even stronger.

   "Thank you!" Guo Xiang nodded.

   "I heard that you are Lao Gu's grandson-in-law and a doctor. Maybe we will trouble you in the future!" Fang Yan smiled.

   "Each one another, each other!" Guo Xiang smiled, multiple friends and multiple paths, maybe it will be useful in the future.

  Instead, Gu Zhennan didn't say a word from the side. People who didn't know thought that Guo Xiang was the grandson of Prosecutor Gu.

  But he will not fight Guo Xiang for the limelight. He knows that his social skills are not as strong as his wife, so he will not be jealous of her.

   "Lawyer Zheng, thanks to you this time." Guo Xiang and Zheng Wenbo shook hands.

   "It should be!" Zheng Wenbo smiled: "I have one more trial experience, and I have attorney fees, why not do it?"

  A few people greeted each other for a while, and Gu Zhennan and Guo Xiang said goodbye.

   "My husband, that's great, we're all right." Guo Xiang looked at Gu Zhennan with a bright smile on his face.

   "Hmm!" Gu Zhennan shook Guo Xiang's hand, "We didn't do anything wrong."

   "It's Lin Wen, it's cheaper for him." Gu Zhennan narrowed his eyes dangerously.

  I want to rob my daughter-in-law, and want to disfigure her. I really can’t let him go so easily.

   "Husband, after this time we have to be more cautious in doing things. We can't understand anything." Guo Xiang reminded him when he saw Gu Zhennan's face.

   "I know!" Gu Zhennan nodded.

  It was like that time when those punks in the Northeast stabbed Guo Xiang, and then he had them interrupted in the leg.

  Also make arrangements this time so that Lin Wen can't live so well, and of course he won't let his wife know.

  (Domestic court trials are not like those in Hong Kong dramas. They are all clear-cut. There are rules for whoever speaks first and who speaks later.)

  (End of this chapter)

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