Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 432: Start of school

   Chapter 432

  The next day, both of them went to school. Guo Xiang walked as close as possible. Gu Zhennan took the bus. He just entered the new school and didn't want to be too high-profile.

  Guo Xiang entered the Beijing Medical University and found the graduate school.

  She took the exam for postgraduate clinical medicine.

  There are also two types of postgraduates in clinical medicine. One is the academic type, and the academic type is mostly academic research. There are more teachers engaged in scientific research.

  One is the clinical type, and the clinical type is to go to the hospital for clinical visits and surgery.

  Because the current postgraduate program is a two-year system, clinical postgraduates attend classes for half a year and spend the rest of the time in rotation in various departments of the hospital.

  The academic type only rotates for half a year, and the other time is in class and doing experiments.

  Guo Xiang reported that he majored in oncology, because he still wanted to be a student of Song Tingshen.

  At this time, there is no regulation training or anything, like later generations after graduation, they will have to train for three years to become a full-fledged doctor, and the requirements are getting stricter and stricter.

  Of course, the profession of doctor is a very rigorous profession. The longer you learn, the more knowledge and skills you will master, which is a good thing for patients.

  At this time, there are not many people taking the postgraduate entrance examination, and there are only a dozen first-year clinical graduate students in the entire graduate school.

   "Ze Han!" Guo Xiang saw An Zehan go over and greet him.

  "Are you here?" An Zehan whispered: "I don't know if I should call you Guo Xiang or Wang Chuxiang."

   "It's up to you!" Guo Xiang smiled, it was himself anyway.

   "But my name is Guo Xiang, I'm used to it. I'm afraid I'm wrong, and others will ask you again." An Zehan said.

   "If someone asks, just say that I changed my name, it's no big deal." Guo Xiang said nonchalantly.

  After a while, the counselor came, and I probably talked about the postgraduate course schedule, so that everyone should cherish the postgraduate study. At this time, they usually talk to the professor, and they can learn more than undergraduates.

  The first semester is to learn theoretical knowledge, and the first-year students basically have large classes together.

  Guo Xiang and An Zehan took textbooks and white coats and went back to their dormitories.

  Although they don’t live on campus, they still have assigned dormitories. If you don’t go back at noon, you can rest. You can’t carry textbooks and white coats all day.

  When I walked to the door of the girls’ dormitory, I suddenly heard someone called "Guo Xiang".

  How can anyone here know that he is Guo Xiang, except for An Zehan and Teacher Song, everyone else only knows that he is Wang Chuxiang, right?

  Guo Xiang turned his head, but saw Mu Feng standing there in a military uniform.

   "Brother Mu, why are you here?" Guo Xiang was surprised.

   "I am an instructor in the military training of your freshmen in your school. I didn't expect to meet you. What a coincidence!" Mu Feng chuckled lightly.

  Actually, unfortunately, he never participated in military training, but he knew that he was in Beijing Medical University this year, so he suddenly thought of Guo Xiang.

  Although she knew she was a graduate student without military training, she still wondered if she would meet her, so I came.

   "Then I should call you instructor Mu." Guo Xiang smiled. He didn't make a special trip to wait for himself here, right? Didn’t it make it clear last time that it’s impossible for two people? Is it just a coincidence?

  But it’s not easy to ask, what if he is waiting for someone else? Make yourself amorous.

  Looking at Guo Xiang’s smiling face, Mu Feng had a heartbeat for some reason.

   "Instructor Mu is here to wait for someone?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "Oh, wait for a freshman teacher to arrange military training." Mu Feng said hurriedly.

   "Then...I'll go in first." Guo Xiang pointed to the dormitory, "I will have classes later."

   "Good!" Mu Feng nodded.

  Guo Xiang walked in. Fortunately, he didn't wait for himself, otherwise it would be embarrassing to ask.

  Although he intentionally said that he and Gu Zhennan have reconciled, but he didn't ask anything, he said so bumblingly, as if he was deliberately showing off.

  If you ask Mu Qing to pretend to reveal it to her next time, she should tell Mu Feng.

   By the way, I don’t know how she and her elder brother are doing. Should we let the eldest brother tell her about her?

  Guo Xiang arrived at the dormitory. The dormitory is a quadruple room.

   "Hello everyone, my name is Wang Chuxiang." Guo Xiang greeted the other three girls.

  All three of them looked over.

   "My name is Zhang Wan."

   "My name is Lin Fang."

   "My name is Zhang Hui."

  Everyone introduces themselves.

  "What is your major?" asked Zhang Hui, the girl in Guo Xiang's lower berth.

  "I am a graduate student in clinical medicine, majoring in oncology, what about you?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "I am also a graduate student, obstetrics and gynecology." Zhang Hui said.

   "I am a second graduate, internal medicine." Zhang Wan said.

   "I am also a second-year graduate, imaging medicine." Lin Fang said.

   "Then you two are senior sisters." Guo Xiang smiled.

  "Are you all taking turns in the hospital?" Zhang Hui asked with interest, "Is the hospital fun?"

   "It's fun? I'm tired, alright." Zhang Wan said, "But I'm an academic type, and I won't rotate until next semester."

   "Internal medicine is more tiring, so the video should be easier." Guo Xiang said.

   "But we also have to rotate in other departments. It is not our major. It is very hard to learn." Lin Fang said.

  "You said that we had internships when we were in our senior year of undergraduate. Why do we still have to take turns when we are all graduate students? Wouldn't it be better to learn your own major directly?" Zhang Hui asked.

  She looks like she should be the youngest, maybe she was directly promoted to undergraduate.

"How can I say that human beings are very complex creatures. People who get sick are not simply getting sick in a certain part. They are all related. If you understand everything, the pathological analysis of your professional part can also bring a lot. Help, better diagnosis."

   "This is the truth." Zhang Wan nodded, "But in the end you will still spend the most time professionally, so don't worry."

"Fortunately, I have only studied for half a year. I can't wait." Zhang Hui looked eager to try. "I didn't learn anything during the undergraduate internship. I just asked to write medical records, bandage, run errands, various chores, and surgery. I haven't been there a few times."

  Zhang Wan looked at her, her face was indescribable, the postgraduate level is not so many operations for you, it depends on the teacher.

  Guo Xiang naturally knew this, and didn't say anything.

  It’s pretty good now. After all, there are still relatively few graduate students, and the status is good. There are so many masters in later generations. The status of interns is the lowest, and even a nurse is inferior.

   is also the kind of direct blog that may make people look a little higher.

  It's getting harder and harder for doctors. We still have to cherish the opportunity now.

  After ten years, I may be the superior teacher.

  "The first class is English. Guo Xiang will go together later, shall we?" Zhang Hui said.

   "Okay!" Guo Xiang nodded.

  "English class?" Zhang Wan stopped talking.

   "What's wrong?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "Forget it, you'll know later." Zhang Wan said.

  (End of this chapter)

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