Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 476: Pit you didn't discuss it

   Chapter 476

   "Little, miss..." A man with glasses ran over with two tall bodyguards.

   "Didn't you say that you are here to protect me? When you want to use you, you will not be seen. What use is this kind of rice bucket?" The woman pointed to the glasses man and cursed.

   "I'm sorry, Miss!" The man with glasses flushed, and it was shameless to be pointed at his nose in the public.

   "I was bullied just now, you want to avenge me!" The woman looked back at Guo Xiang and Gu Zhennan.

   "Boring!" Guo Xiang rolled his eyes, why did he bully her, didn't he just bump into it? She ran into it herself, and she didn't say anything and didn't do anything.

   "Go!" Guo Xiang pulled up Gu Zhennan and walked to the stall beside him.

   "You stop me!" The woman yelled and followed.

  Guo Xiang didn't want to care about her at all, and picked up a piece of stone on the table with a small window open.

  The stone is the size of a melon. From the small window, you can see the white texture with a faint purple.

  This is violet?

  The most color of jade is green, various shades of green, and less purple, and purple is noble and elegant, which is very popular among women.

  Guo Xiang took a photo with a bright flashlight, and there was still green on the side. Is this spring color? Guo Xiang was surprised.

  Violet is also called spring in jade, and green is color, so jade with purple and green is called spring with color.

  However, spring ribbons are generally not only two colors, but also white. They are usually used to make bracelets. The white and purple are mixed with a little green, which is very beautiful.


  Guo Xiang opened the perspective and looked at it. Unfortunately, this spring ribbon color is only thin and less than a centimeter thick. It is impossible to make a bracelet at all, but it is still possible to carve two pendants.

  Guo Xiang couldn’t help asking: “Boss, how much is this material?”

   "Two thousand!" the boss said.

   "Two thousand?" Guo Xiang hesitated, feeling that two thousand was a bit worthless, but this spring is very rare. Although it can't make a profit, it's not a loss.

  "Why? Can't afford it? Don't look at it if you can't afford it, poor ghost!" The woman gave Guo Xiang a contemptuous look, and said triumphantly to the boss: "Boss, I want this stone!"

   "Who said I don't want it?" Guo Xiang looked at the woman, and she didn't understand that she was deliberately going against herself, okay, it just happened that you didn't discuss it.

   smiled and said to the boss: "Boss, I want this piece of jade. Give you three thousand!"

   "Okay, okay!" The boss was overjoyed. He only saw the bargaining and did not see the price increase, so he was naturally anxious.

  The woman's face changed, "Sell it to me, five thousand!"

The man with glasses next to    pulled the corner of the woman's clothes and whispered, "Miss, this piece of material is not worth so much money!"

   "Isn't it five thousand? What? It turns out that you are the one who has no money, and you are still playing with a swollen face to fill a fat man, ha ha!" Guo Xiang said deliberately, with disdain on his face.

  "Who did you say has no money? I'll buy it for you!" The woman was really agitated, "Huang Lin, take the money, I want to buy it."

  "Miss..." Huang Lin was anxious.

"Can you manage it? It's my business to lose, and it's not your money. My dad asked you to follow you so that you can pay for it. You didn't let you take care of me. If I am a lady or you are a lady?" The woman cursed with her eyebrows upside down.

  Guo Xiang sneered, not in a hurry, "Boss, I like this material, and sell it to me for seven thousand!"

  The boss was stunned. The two thousand dollars have already made a lot of money. They called seven thousand by themselves. Isn’t this stupid?

  But it’s so stupid if you have money and don’t make money. He nodded hurriedly, "Okay, okay!"

"You..." Seeing Guo Xiang's price increase again, the woman was so angry that she almost broke her teeth. When she came this time, her father promised to give up to 10,000 yuan. This woman is so shameless.

  In fact, Guo Xiang is to catch her mentality. Of course, if this woman is smart enough, she may pit herself.

  But it doesn’t look like smart, and I have money, so I really don’t care about ten thousand or twenty thousand.

   "Eight thousand, I want it!" The woman finally called out, and she couldn't swallow the breath.

  She thought that if that woman called ten thousand, she would give her to her death!

   "Wow, you are really rich. I admire it and let it go to you!" Guo Xiang smiled and stuffed the stone into the woman's hands, not forgetting to remind the boss, "Boss, remember to collect the money!"

  The woman stayed, why didn't she stop shouting up, she really bought this stone for 8,000 yuan?

  Why don’t you feel a little happy after winning?

  Forget it, if the whole stone is spring-colored, it won’t be a loss. Maybe you can make a fortune.

  "Miss..." The man with glasses was bitter, and the 8,000 yuan was gone. What else can I buy with the remaining 2,000 yuan?

   "Pay!" The boss yelled, don't tell me and don't buy it, this place is not so easy to get past.

  "Pay it!" The woman waved her hand and put the stone in the hands of the man in the glasses, "Go and solve the stone."

   When passing by Guo Xiang, the woman leaned over, "Don’t go see my calcite?"

   "Not interested!" Guo Xiang sneered.

   "You!" The woman was angrily, "Wait for me to get rid of it!"

   "I'm waiting!" Guo Xiang chuckled.

  Women wore glasses and men went over to lay the stone. Everyone heard that there were spring bands around them.

  Spring ribbon color book is rare, and it is so big, if it is opened, it can be worth tens of thousands.

  The stone originally opened a small window, and the master calcite grinds along the window, and the more colorful it becomes.

   "It's up, it's up!" The person next to him shouted.

  The woman looked towards Guo Xiang triumphantly. She didn't even look at her, she was engrossed in the stone in her hand.

  Pretending to be, the woman cursed secretly in her heart, surely she didn’t dare to come and see it, she didn’t buy this piece of material and her heart was dripping blood, right? Ha ha.

  After the window is wiped, the stone master continues to wipe it in. This stone is so big, if it is all spring colored like this side, it can’t be cut. It would be a pity if it is cut.

   But after wiping it over, it was all white and flowery, and after wiping it around, I couldn’t tell if there was any color inside.

   "Cut a knife from here!" The woman is a little anxious, it's impossible to have only this side, right?

   Cut it down with one cut, no, it's all white waste.

   "Cut it again!" the woman said, she still didn't believe it.

   So I cut it with one knife, one knife after another, and cut it straight to the outermost layer of the spring ribbon. It was gone, and there were still cracks on the last side. After everything was broken, the spring ribbon fell into several pieces.


   "It's over, it's over, it's all gone!" Someone sighed.

  The woman was dumbfounded, "No, it's impossible!"

  How can there be only such a little bit, and there are still cracks?

  The woman suddenly became angry and rushed to Guo Xiang, "Did you just do it on purpose?"

   "What is it on purpose?" Guo Xiang chuckled, "I wanted to buy it just now, but you wanted to grab it from me. Did I ask you to buy it?"

   "I..." The woman was speechless, yes, she couldn't see it and insisted on grabbing her. If she didn't raise the price first, she would have bought the stone.

  But what is wrong?

   "It's you, you deliberately, it was you who led me to fool!" The woman joked, "You lose my money!"

"what happened?"

  Hearing the movement, Yi Zichen and Huang Zhengli came over.

  "Yi Zichen!" The woman yelled when she saw Yi Zichen.

  (End of this chapter)

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