Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 494: Got liver cancer

  Chapter 494 Got Liver Cancer

   "I am not..." Zhang Hui was anxious. "He also helped me and admitted that I was his target. I knew he was forced to do so at the time, but he didn't refuse..."

   "Later that time, his ex-wife’s sister, I said it was him, but he did not deny it. How could he be boring to me?"

"You also said that he was compelled." Guo Xiang said, "He helped you that time to prevent you from being taken advantage of by perverts. Later you helped him to prevent him from being entangled by his ex-wife's sister. , Do you owe the two?"

   "That can't be said..." Zhang Hui pursed her lips.

   "Can't say anything? Do you think your kindness is greater than his kindness?" Guo Xiang sneered.

"As Zhang Wan said, if he is interested in you, he will definitely come to you through these two things. Whether it’s thanks or whatever, there is always a reason, but he doesn’t. It means that he has no intention of you. If you are on your own If you want to go your own way, we can't help you either." Guo Xiang said.

   "In the past, we encouraged you to chase him because we thought that the other person was good, but if he is not interesting to you, then you can't force it. The twisted melon is not sweet, do you understand the truth?"

   "But, he didn't reject me either!" Zhang Hui muttered.

   "That's because you didn't express your attitude. He can never tell you for no reason that he doesn't like you. He always has to take care of your self-esteem?" Guo Xiang rolled his eyes.

  Don’t feel so good about yourself.

   "Then you mean he really doesn't like me?" Zhang Hui was about to cry.

  Guo Xiang glanced at her helplessly, “Only instructor Mu knows this kind of thing. If you want a definite answer, you can only ask him himself.”

  Zhang Hui puffed her cheeks, "Okay, I have to ask!"

  After talking, Zhang Hui ran out, and returned after a while, still with a smile on her face.

   "I asked Mu Qing, she said his brother went to rescue and rescue, and now he can't contact him without a phone..." Zhang Hui smiled shyly, "It means he didn't ignore me on purpose."

  Guo Xiang rolled his eyes. How do you think she is like that Hu Ping, who likes to deceive herself so much?

  Forget it, I can’t manage it myself, and I’ll know when she touches a nail next time.

  It is useless to persuade her now, she will only think that she deliberately opposed her.

  In the afternoon, Guo Xiang went home after school and saw Zhang Ling at the school gate. Her face was haggard and her eyes were swollen like walnuts.

  Guo Xiang was taken aback, what happened? Isn't it the child's problem?

   "Lingling!" Guo Xiang yelled, and Zhang Ling ran over, tears falling before speaking.

   "What happened?" Guo Xiang quickly grabbed Zhang Ling's hand and touched his pulse. It's okay!

  "Sister-in-law..." Zhang Ling's tears fell down, "Lin Jingan is sick..."

   "What's the disease?" Guo Xiang was surprised, what was the serious illness that made him cry so sad?

   "Liver cancer, advanced stage, he has only three months of life."

   "What?" Guo Xiang was taken aback, "When did I find it?"

   "Just two days ago. I heard his classmates say that he has been suffering from abdominal pain, low-grade fever, and dry cough recently. Later, he went to the hospital for an examination. He has advanced liver cancer and is now hospitalized." Zhang Ling said with tears.

  "Which hospital is he in? Do his parents know?" Guo Xiang asked hurriedly.

   "At the People's Hospital, his parents should have been notified. They may be coming over now, and they will not arrive until tomorrow morning at the earliest." Zhang Ling said.

   "I'll take a look with you!" Guo Xiang said.

   went home, talked to Gu Xide, drove in the car and went to the People’s Hospital with Zhang Ling.

  "Sister-in-law, did you say that Lin Jingan became like this because of me, because the last time gave him too much pressure?" Zhang Ling said with tears.

   "No, it's none of your business. This disease didn't come out all at once. It was caused by long-term smoking and drinking or irregular life. How long did your business last? It has nothing to do with you." Guo Xiang said.

"That... is that he is too aggressive." Zhang Ling lowered his eyelids, "He was a very proud person, but he didn't know that he was a big deal when he arrived in the capital. The school is full of gods, we just came from a small place. Ordinary people."

   "So he has been working very hard. He has to get the highest scholarship for his studies. The student union is also vying to do the job, and there is an internship... He is pushing himself too hard."

  Guo Xiang sighed. It should be that he put too much pressure on himself. It was fine for a short time, but the string that broke over time broke.

   When they arrived at the hospital, they inquired about Lin Jingan's ward, and the two rushed over.

Guo Xiang went into the ward and was shocked. It took only two months to see Lin Jing'an lost a lot of weight. His face was dark yellow and black, and he was obviously sick. This is the face of liver disease caused by the erosion of cancer cells in the liver of patients with liver cancer and abnormal metabolism. .

  He was sitting on the hospital bed with a look of lovelessness. Maybe the shock was too great, and he actually got liver cancer at a young age.

  Everyone knows that cancer is incurable, and it is at an advanced stage.

  Generally speaking, the liver function in the early stage of liver cancer is still there, and there are no particular symptoms of discomfort, so people generally do not pay too much attention to it. Wait until the liver area pain is checked again, and it is basically in the advanced stage.

  So the basic life expectancy of having liver cancer is three months.

  It's just that Lin Jingan never thought that this kind of thing would happen to him.

   "Jing'an!" Zhang Ling called out, tears streaming down.

  Lin Jingan turned his head and saw Zhang Ling and Guo Xiang grinning bitterly. He really didn't want them to see what they were like now.

   "Where is the inspection report? Let me see!" Guo Xiang said.

   "In the drawer." Lin Jingan pointed to the side, and Guo Xiang took out the medical record from the drawer of the bedside table, which contained various inspection reports.

  Guo Xiang looked carefully, it is basically certain that Lin Jingan’s liver cancer is in the advanced stage.

   "Sister-in-law, can this tumor not be operated on?" Zhang Ling asked.

  Guo Xiang is silent. Since it is an advanced stage, it means that the operation is of little significance. The entire liver should be cancerous. Even if the tumor is removed, the liver will not last long.

  But the hospital will always prescribe some medicine to relieve the patient. It can't be said that it is incurable. Go home and wait for death!

  Of course, some older people cannot withstand treatment anymore. The doctor will truthfully tell the patients’ family members that the treatment is of little significance.

   But Lin Jingan is still so young, the doctor can't bear it either.

   "It's not impossible, but it won't make the liver better." Guo Xiang said, "Maybe it can extend lifespan a little, but it doesn't make much sense."

  Lin Jingan sounded like death, and the whole person was even more lifeless.

   "Lin Jing'an, why don't you transfer? Transfer to the affiliated tumor hospital of my school. My tutor Song is an expert in this area..."

  "Didn't you say that it doesn't make much sense? Isn't it the same where you die?" Lin Jingan smiled bitterly.

  Guo Xiang pondered for a moment, and said, “In fact, the advanced stage of liver cancer is not incurable. There is another way.”

   "What way?" Lin Jingan and Zhang Ling looked at Guo Xiang at the same time.

  "It is a liver transplant, specifically a liver transplant, a liver resection for liver cancer, and a healthy liver." Guo Xiang said.

  (End of this chapter)

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