Chapter 555 Rash disease

  After checking the room for half an hour and returning to the outpatient clinic, there are already several parents waiting outside holding their children.

   "Let them enter one by one." Dr. Cui said to the nurse at the door.

   "Yes!" The nurse nodded and showed the collected medical records to Dr. Cui.

  Dr. Cui put the medical records on the table and asked Guo Xiang to call the patients one by one from top to bottom.

   "Wang Chunni!" Guo Xiang called out.

   "Hey, it's us!" The parents outside responded and walked in with a three or four-year-old child.

  Dr. Cui took the medical record and asked while writing, "Where is the child uncomfortable?"

"I have a fever. I have had a fever for several days. I saw it at the small outpatient clinic in our street. The doctor prescribed antipyretics, but it was of no use. Later, I took a bottle of sling for a few days. It was fine when I was finished, but it won’t be long. It's burning again, I'm really worried that the baby will burn out." said the mother of the child.

  "Did the street clinic doctor say what caused the fever?" Dr. Cui asked, taking out the thermometer inserted in the alcohol, shaking it and handing it over.

  Guo Xiang hurriedly helped the mother of the child to open the child’s clothes and insert the thermometer into the child’s armpit. The child could easily bite the thermometer into his mouth, which would be dangerous.

  "The doctor said that the fever was caused by a cold, but how could it keep getting bad?" said the mother of the child.

  "If your child has a fever, do not blindly reduce the fever. There must be a reason for the repeated fever. If it is just a common fever, it will be better to take an antipyretic or an injection of an antipyretic." Dr. Cui said.

   "It should be inflammation!" Guo Xiang added, "Does the child cough? Does it have a nasal mucus? Is it yellow or white?"

   "The child doesn't cough, and he doesn't have a runny nose. I also find it strange that it is a dry fever." said the parent of the child.

  Doctor Cui nodded, took a small flashlight, "Baby, come on, be good, open your mouth, say--"

  Three or four-year-old babies can speak and understand, and they opened their mouths obediently. Dr. Cui pressed his tongue depressor and flashed it in.

   "Is my throat inflamed?" An Zehan said, seeing a redness in his pharynx.

   "Look more closely!" Dr. Cui squinted.

   "There is also gray-white herpes, which is herpetic angina!" Guo Xiang said.

  Doctor Cui nodded, but Guo Xiang was better.

   "Herpes angina is caused by enterovirus. Generally, the needle is antibiotics, which is useless to the virus, so it won't have any effect after the injection." Guo Xiang said.

  "What should I do?" asked the mother of the child.

  At this time, Dr. Cui asked Guo Xiang to take out his body temperature, which was 38.9 degrees Celsius, and the fever was quite severe.

  "I will prescribe some medicine for you. This is caused by a virus. I will prescribe some anti-viral oral liquid and go back to eat." Dr. Cui said while writing his medical records, "You two said what medicine is there for you?"

"Enterovirus does not actually have a specific medicine. It is mainly symptomatic. In addition to antiviral oral liquid, ribavirin can also be used." Guo Xiang said: "The child may have a high fever after returning. If it exceeds 38.5 degrees, it will take anti-fever medicine. So as not to cause febrile convulsions."

  "Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, and more fluids can also prevent febrile convulsions. In the event of a convulsion, press the child's central acupoint or send it to the hospital immediately." Guo Xiang said.

   "Huh?" The mother of the child was terrified.

"It doesn't necessarily happen, just pay attention." Guo Xiang said, "Moreover, this disease is contagious. Other children in the family must pay attention to it. Separate food and drink, separate bowls, and use boiling water for sterilization. ."

   "Oh oh!" The mother of the child nodded and responded.

  Dr. Cui also issued the order, “After paying the fee, go directly to the pharmacy to get the medicine. I wrote on it how to take it. Follow the doctor’s advice!”

  "Okay, thank you doctor!" The mother of the patient thanked again and again.

  She went out, and Guo Xiang went to the door to call the next patient.

  Suddenly found that several children outside were all about the same age, and all had fever when asked, so I asked the nurse to take a thermometer and take the temperature one by one and then record the temperature.

  The second child came in very noisy, crying out of breath, struggling in his mother's arms, his face flushed.

   "The kids outside seem to have a fever." Guo Xiang said.

  Dr. Cui frowned slightly, “This spring came early this year and the weather was warmer. Is the rash earlier?”

  Generally, the turn of spring and summer is a period of high incidence of infant eruption, and it is contagious, and it is easy to catch it all in a swarm.

  Before the second child came in to take his temperature, Dr. Cui handed over the thermometer for the child to take it, but the child was struggling so hard that the mother of the child could not help it alone.

  Guo Xiang had to go over and help. Just as he unbuttoned the child's first button, the child struggled desperately. She leaned back, kicking her feet on Guo Xiang's stomach, and she took a step back with a pale face.

   "Are you okay?" An Zehan hurriedly supported her.

   "It's okay!" Guo Xiang shook his head and rubbed his stomach, a little painful.

  The five-year-old child is not weak, and he is struggling again, using all his strength.

   "Let's come!" An Zehan stepped forward and grabbed the child's hand, but the child was still struggling, crying and howling, and Guo Xiang had a headache from crying.

   "Forget it, don't measure it!" Dr. Cui said, and touched the child's forehead with his hand. It is so hot that it may be over 39 degrees from experience.

   "The child also has a fever?" Dr. Cui asked.

"Yes, it was very burning. The amount was 39 degrees this morning. It frightened us. The injections were not good. What can I do if this continues? The child won't burn out, right?" The child's mother said worriedly. .

  "Open the child's mouth!" Dr. Cui said.

  The child refused to open his mouth when he hid. Guo Xiang was kicked just now and his stomach hurts a little bit, and he didn’t want to coax the child.

   "Call the police uncle to catch you without opening your mouth!" An Zehan shouted.

  The child was frightened at once, and started crying loudly.

  The crying mouth opened, An Zehan took the opportunity to pinch the child's chin, and Dr. Cui took a photo with a small flashlight. It was also full of herpes, which was more serious than the one just now.

  "Is herpetic gonococcus again?" An Zehan said.

  Guo Xiang looked at the child. When the child cried, some red dots appeared on his face. She stepped forward and grabbed the child's hand. There were also red dots on the hand. It should be a rash, but it hasn't come out yet.

   "Look at the feet!" Guo Xiang said again.

  The child’s mother was busy taking off the child’s shoes and socks, and when she saw that there was a rash on her feet, she took off her pants, and there were also on her buttocks.

  "It's hands, feet, and mouth!" Guo Xiang frowned.

  Hands, feet and mouths usually have a high incidence in April and May. Children between 0 and 5 years old have more incidences. This year's warm spring seems to be ahead of schedule.

Acute onset of hand, foot and mouth, usually fever, sore mouth, anorexia, oral mucosal ulcers or herpes, similar to herpetic angina, but children with hand, foot and mouth have maculopapular rashes on the hands, feet, buttocks, legs, etc. , Later turned into herpes, a few diseases develop rapidly and can turn into meningitis, encephalitis, pulmonary edema and other diseases.

  It may be fatal, and it may also have sequelae after recovery. Of course, this is a serious illness, and there are many mild illnesses that can be cured by taking medicine.

  Guo Xiang remembers that there was a large-scale epidemic of hand, foot and mouth in the later life. Children in many parts of the country suffered from hand, foot and mouth. The kindergarten is also spreading from person to person, and the situation is very serious.

  It seems that many children are infected this time.

    I remember it was the first two years. The hand-foot-mouth outbreak was particularly serious, and it happened all over the country. There are also herpetic angina babies are also very easy to get, repeated fever, mothers with babies should pay attention.



  (End of this chapter)

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