Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 575: Open your own factory

  Chapter 575 Open your own factory

   "Director Zheng, how much money is in the factory now?" Guo Xiang asked.

  I'm a little ashamed. She hasn't checked and posted the accounts in recent years. Fortunately, Director Zheng has always been upright, so she dared to be so relieved.

   "There are hundreds of thousands of them, and they have been stored in the bank." Factory Manager Zheng said, except for the contract fees and normal workers' wages, the money has been kept for Guo Xiang.

  Guo Xiang has never been there because he is rich.

  "Not a lot." Guo Xiang nodded.

"Yes, this was unimaginable before." Director Zheng nodded. "In the past, the factory couldn't even pay wages. Now our factory is envied by everyone. Many people want to enter our factory, but now... "

  "The domestic sanitary napkin market in recent years has been completely done by you, Mr. Guo, and it is amazing. It means crossing the river and breaking the bridge." The director Zheng was a little bit upset for Guo Xiang.

   "It's okay. Now that the reform and opening up have been so long, the state also encourages private companies to set up factories. I set up one by myself, so I can use the money." Guo Xiang said.

  "Do one yourself?" Director Zheng opened his eyes wide, thinking about it, it's not impossible, "It's just a pity to start from scratch again."

   "How do you start from scratch?" Guo Xiang smiled: "There are still many months before December, and there are still many things that can be done."

"We will set up the factory now and slowly move over the things from the previous paper mill." Guo Xiang said: "In the past, there was nothing but the old equipment in the factory. Later, we bought them by ourselves. If we don't After contracting, they will naturally withdraw."

"All the raw materials and finished products are our own. Although the brand is the original..." At this point, Guo Xiang regretted not establishing his own brand. The advertisement was also the brand that was hit, and it was naturally the same brand that continued to produce.

"But it's okay, it's still too late." Guo Xiang quickly said: "Our advertisement has not expired. We can now remove the old brand and replace it with a new brand. It is said that the product is upgraded. As long as things are easy to use, everyone It will be accepted soon."

  Director Zheng nodded, but Guo is still boss, thinking about the longer term than himself.

  Just do it. Guo Xiang asked Zheng Factory to bring paper and pen. After thinking about it, in order to make it easier for users to accept it, he chose a brand similar to the original "good", "let's call it ‘Meiyi’!"

Guo Xiang said while painting. The original pink packaging was changed to light purple, with a piece of white feather painted on it, and the words "美怡" were written in cute artistic characters, which looked more than the previous pink packaging. Much more high-end.

Then I drew a scene of a dark blue night sky, full of stars, a pink and yellow Q version of the moon, also in the same font, "This is the package of the wing that is replaced, and it is advertised for night use. The one just now is still a candy bar. Yes, it’s marked as daily use, so it’s refreshing, and it’s easy to accept even if the brand changes."

  Director Zheng nodded. Boss Guo is really amazing. Now the sanitary napkins do not have the concept of night and daily use. This is really an upgrade.

  And this was all made by Boss Guo during the contract period. When the contract expires, it will be taken away. There is nothing to say about it. After all, this is not something in the original factory.

  Of course, if they want to follow the trend, they can't stop it. Now there are many sanitary napkin factories across the country, and there is no way to follow the trend.

  But it has been imitated and never surpassed. No one has as many ideas as Boss Guo.

   "I will send someone to re-order the package and replace it with the new one," said the factory director Zheng.

   "After finishing the TV station's advertisement, it will be done again and replaced with a new one." Guo Xiang said.

  "Okay!" Director Zheng nodded, so that in the past few months, the transition will be acceptable, even if customers change factories in the future.

  As long as the product is easy to use, no one will pay attention to it after changing the factory, and most people will not pay attention to the name of the factory.

   "Director Zheng, I would like to ask you to be the factory manager. Would you like to?" Guo Xiang said.

In the past, I wanted my eldest brother to help manage the sanitary napkin factory, but he was too busy on his own side, and this year he was very busy with the project in the specialty store, so let’s leave it to the director of Zheng. In the past few years, he He does well and has experience. The key person is very upright and won't be tricky.

   "Okay, thank Boss Guo for his trust!" Director Zheng was very happy, but he didn't expect Boss Guo to use himself.

  I was about to retire three years ago. Boss Guo still hired himself as the director of the factory. Now he is actually rehiring. It would be better if he could do it in the future.

  There are still two children in school. The eldest son has not yet worked in college. If he has this job, the burden on the family will be much smaller.

  "Then you can help me find out where there is a suitable factory. A bigger one, it doesn't matter at all, it's better to buy it." Guo Xiang said.

  The land price is so cheap now. As soon as the capital is expanded and the land price rises, it will be possible to make a lot of money just by selling the land.

   "Okay, don't worry, leave it to me. I have been working here for so many years, and I still have some acquaintances." Director Zheng nodded.

   "At that time, the factory will be built. I will buy two production lines and slowly move the production tasks over. Even if the contract expires, there will be no impact." Guo Xiang said.

   "Okay!" Director Zheng admired him very much. Boss Guo thought of a countermeasure in such a short period of time.

  "Will the existing packaging still be used?" Factory Manager Zheng asked, there must be some stocks, and it is impossible to buy them now.

"Void it all, change it from now on, and of course the ones that have been sold will remain the same. All the ones that are not packaged will be replaced with new ones!" Guo Xiang said decisively, not short of the money, "then the new brand and All packaging designs go to apply for patents."

   "Good!" Director Zheng nodded.

   "Wait, wait for our new factory to register before applying." Guo Xiang said again, otherwise it will become the patent of the old factory.

   "I understand." Director Zheng replied.

  Anyway, people now don’t have any patented concepts, and no one will squat.

   “So the most important thing is to find a new factory, register and register. With the company name and the factory address, many things can be transferred slowly.” Guo Xiang said.

  "I will contact the manager of Huanda Company again and ask him to help import the two production lines." Guo Xiang said, Si Shicheng has experience in this area, it should be easier.

   "The manager of the company heard that they are doing a good job. It should be better than ours. Boss Guo still has a lot of dividends," said the director of Zheng.

  Guo Xiang nodded and shook his head again, “It’s not necessarily. The manager is brave and should have entered a new production line. Expansion of the factory will cost money, and it may be invested in expansion.”

  Unlike the paper mill, which is contracted after all, Guo Xiang didn’t speak up, and Factory Manager Zheng didn’t dare to make claims. The previous production line has always been used, and the scale has never been large.

  (End of this chapter)

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