Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 582: Male breast cancer

  Chapter 582 Male Breast Cancer

  "You can sit down for a while!" An Zehan pulled the chair for the patient over, "See Dr. Qian's attitude, today we have to stand for one day, I'm fine, you will be tired."

  An Zehan looked at Guo Xiang’s belly, “The belly is big enough, it’s six or seven months after others.”

   "I'm twins!" Guo Xiang touched his stomach, a little proud. At this time, there are still relatively few twins, and there is no need to pretend to be polite in front of An Zehan.

   "You are great, are you?" An Zehan smiled. He had always been like a sister before, but now he is like a child.

  At this moment, a man poked his head outside, and Guo Xiang frowned, "Comrade, this is a gynecology department. Gay men cannot come in."

  Fortunately, there are no patients in it, otherwise it would be called a hooligan.

  "Are you accompanying your lover to see the doctor? Just let her in, you can wait outside." An Zehan said.

  The man shrank his head and walked out, his face flushed, "It's not my love, it's me!"

   "Huh?" Guo Xiang stood up and walked to the door to see that he was really alone.

  A man sees gynecological diseases? Is he transgender?

  "Are you a woman?" An Zehan also looked incredible.

   "No, no, I am a man..." The man waved his hand quickly.

  "This is gynecology..." Guo Xiang pointed to the word "Gynecology" on the sign outside and said repeatedly.

   "I, I..." The man's face flushed, "I don't know where to look, I want to look here..."

  The man pointed to his chest, "But they said there is no breast department yet, only gynecology can see..."

  "Breast?" An Zehan's mouth opened wide, and he subconsciously looked at the man's chest.

  A man in his forties is white and fat, his whole body is shaking when he walks, and his chest is a bit bigger than an average woman.

   "Come in and sit down!" Guo Xiang pointed to the chair in front, and sat in the doctor's seat.

   "Tell me what's uncomfortable." Guo Xiang said.

   "That's it." The man touched his ribs, "I have been a little swollen during this time, and I didn't care about it, but now it is very uncomfortable, red and itchy, and a little bit of inflammation."

   "Come in and check it!" Guo Xiang got up and let the man in and draw the curtain, An Zehan followed in.

   "Untie the clothes!" Guo Xiang said.

  The man untied his clothes to reveal the flesh inside, "It's here..." The man pointed to the vicinity of his right armpit.

  "Put up your hand!" Guo Xiang said, reaching out and touching the piece lightly. It was obvious that there was a lump.

  The texture is hard, the boundary is not clear, the surface is not smooth, the mobility is poor, the front skin is sunken, showing orange peel, and there is a little leakage.

   "You come and touch it too." Guo Xiang said to An Zehan.

  An Zehan touched, "Is there a nodule?"

   "Look at the front again!" Guo Xiang said.

  Maybe it is not obvious because the man’s chest is coated with medicine for fear of inflammation and seepage.

  An Zehan was taken aback when he saw it, "Already festered?"

  This is probably breast cancer, and it is so serious, it is already advanced.

  But he is a man, men also get breast cancer?

  Guo Xiang's face is also very serious, she also thought of it.

  Men do not get breast cancer, but very rarely.

  Men actually have mammary glands, but they don’t develop like women.

  But fat men will be bigger than average men.

  Most people think that men do not have breasts, so it is impossible to get breast cancer, but in fact, there is still a probability, but it is very small.

  A few people came out, and Guo Xiang sat down.

  I took a fluoroscopy and took a look. It was a tumor, which was obvious.

  But to reach a conclusion, it is necessary to check, so I opened an order, "Do some checks, and you can confirm it after the check."

  "Doctor, what kind of disease am I having?" the man asked anxiously.

  Guo Xiang hesitated and looked at the patient.

  "Doctor, just tell me the truth, I can afford it, I have to do with the old, I have to prepare myself first..." the man anxiously.

  Guo Xiang thought about it and said: “It is very likely to be breast cancer, of course, further examinations are needed to be diagnosed.”

   "What? Breast cancer? How is it possible?" The man was shocked, "I am a man!"

  Guo Xiang glanced at him helplessly. You know that when you came to the gynecology department to see it, it means it’s extraordinary.

   "It is also possible for men, but the probability is very low. You are already a bit serious." Guo Xiang said.

   "Then am I going to die?" The man's expression wilted suddenly.

   "Not necessarily, it depends on the results of the examination. If the condition is good, surgery can be performed, as long as the breast is cut off." Guo Xiang said.

   "Yes, anyway, you are a man, don't you care about this?" An Zehan said comfortingly.

   "Then cut it off and it's okay?" The man looked at Guo Xiang with hope again.

  Guo Xiang really didn’t want to hit him, but he didn’t want him to be too uncomfortable. “If the result of the examination is better, then the resection will be fine.”

  However, judging from the current situation, it is very likely that it is at an advanced stage, and cancer has metastasized, but now Guo Xiang does not want to scare him, otherwise it will not help his condition.

   "Okay, thank you doctor!" The man nodded. After Guo Xiang finished writing the medical records, he opened the checklist.

  At this time, Dr. Qian and Xueting Qian came back from the operation. The operation of Bartholin's gland cyst is only a minor operation and can be done in a few minutes.

   Seeing a man in the consulting room, Qian Xueting exclaimed, "Why is there a man here? How can you two put a man in?"

  Doctor Qian’s face turned black, "Get out!"

  The man stood up a little at a loss, looked at Dr. Cui and then at Guo Xiang. Isn’t she a doctor? Will she misdiagnose?

   "Why are you sitting in the position of Teacher Qian? Is that a place you can do?" Qian Xueting called out again when she saw Guo Xiang sitting.

Guo Xiang stood up calmly, “I’m also a doctor. It’s okay for the interns to see when the attending doctor is away? Although I’m an intern and don’t have the right to prescribe, I can make a diagnosis as long as the teacher signs it. Teacher Qian, you say yes, can you see if there is a problem with my diagnosis?"

  Qian Xueting grabbed the medical record and glanced at it, "Breast cancer? It's a laugh, men will get breast cancer? What about graduate students, I don't think I am as good as an undergraduate!"

   "What do you mean? Is it a misdiagnosis?" the man asked.

  Guo Xiang has no expression on his face, "Is there any misdiagnosis? Teacher Qian, you will know by your own diagnosis."

  Doctor Qian took a look at the medical record, then looked at the fat man, "Come in and I will check it."

   "Okay!" The man hurriedly followed up. It turned out that this was just an intern, so he must have made a mistake.

  The man walked inside, Qian Xueting drew the curtain closed, Guo Xiang and An Zehan looked at each other, and both rolled their eyes.

  After a while, Doctor Qian came out with an ugly face.

  The two interns did not make a wrong diagnosis. Although there is no laboratory test yet, it seems that the possibility is very high from the surface.

  "Doctor, how is it?" The man asked quickly, hoping it was a misdiagnosis.

  Doctor Qian looked at him. Although he was very upset, he still wrote his name under Guo Xiang's signature.

  (End of this chapter)

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