Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 597: Have a crush on someone

   Chapter 597

   "Auntie, can you wait outside first? I'll talk to your daughter." Guo Xiang said to the middle-aged woman.

"What to talk about, go home if you are not sick, what is there to talk about?" Middle-aged women are a little unhappy. At this time, most people do not have the concept of mental illness. If you really say that mental illness may be associated with Jingshen Illness, let alone.

Guo Xiang thought for a while and said, "Auntie, all of us are doctors who come from medical school. It is difficult to take medical school exams. You should know that? We were all very good at school back then. I was still a graduate student and talked to your daughter. Maybe talk will help her in the college entrance examination?"

  When the middle-aged woman heard that it made sense, it could be there, she said: "Then I will go to the toilet, and I will come back later."

  Guo Xiang nodded, and said to An Zehan: "You can help me move another chair."

   "Okay!" An Zehan responded and moved a chair from outside.

  Guo Xiang asked him to move both chairs to the side, so as not to hinder Doctor Qian over there from seeing a doctor.

   "Wen Xin, can you tell me?" Guo Xiang looked at the little girl, her name was in the medical record just now.

   Wenxin lowered her head and pursed her mouth, clasping her hands tightly, still very nervous.

"The college entrance examination is coming soon, are you scared?" Guo Xiang smiled, "I have also experienced the college entrance examination. Very tired and very hard, isn't it?"

   "At that time, I still had a crush on a male classmate. His grades were very good, and he always took the first place in the exam. I was afraid that I could not go to the same university as him if I failed the exam." Guo Xiang said.

  In fact, this is false. She is just guessing about the little girl's situation, deliberately saying this to make her feel that she understands her feelings.

  Wen Xin raised her head and looked at Guo Xiang in surprise. She actually had the same experience as herself?

  An Zehan couldn’t help but look at Guo Xiang when he heard this, wouldn’t he?

  Guo Xiang ignored him, and now he is about to tell the truth.

   "What happened later?" Wen Xin couldn't help asking.

   "Later, I was admitted to a medical university. I did better than him, and I met a better boy. Do you think I am married now and have children?" Guo Xiang smiled and stroked his stomach.

   Wenxin lowered his head again, "I'm not as good as you."

Guo Xiang smiled, "Didn't your mother just say that your grades are good? Don't be ignorant. Everything is possible without taking the exam. Many people who perform well in the college entrance examination can get very good results. The main reason is that they have a good attitude and don't worry about gains ."

   "If you think too much but the exam is not good, you may be farther away from that boy." Guo Xiang said.

  "How do you know..." Wen Xin blushed.

  Guo Xiang was completely guessing. When Qian Xueting asked her if she had a partner, she blushed. Maybe she thought of someone.

   "It's normal for a girl at this age to have a crush, and I am also a person here." Guo Xiang smiled, "It's not a scandal, if you don't want your family to know that I won't say it."

Wenxin nodded and looked at Guo Xiang gratefully.

  "A person is like a string. It cannot be stretched too tightly. It can only be used for a long time with a degree of slack. If you are tight for a long time, the string will break. Do you think there is a problem with your body?"

   "If you have pressure, you can say it. Everyone is the same. Don't be afraid. The tighter the pressure, the more uncomfortable it will be. Send it out." Guo Xiang said.

  "How to send it out?" Wen Xin asked.

   "You can exercise, run, go outdoors, exercise will make people secrete a substance called dopamine, it will make people feel happy, and sweat will make the body a lot easier."

"You can even find a place where there is no one and shout out loudly. I just told you that I have a crush on a boy..." Guo Xiang lowered his voice, "hush" pretending not to be known, "Later He likes others."

   "Huh? What happened later..." Wen Xin became nervous.

   "Later I found an unoccupied house, painted his portrait on the wall, and smashed it on the portrait with mud, and cursed ‘XX, you bastard," and I felt better afterwards. "Guo Xiang said.

  Wenxin laughed out loudly, is this okay?

"We have a long journey in life. Maybe the person we meet now is just a passer-by in our life. Don't worry about it. You will definitely meet the right person at the right time in the future. If you have fate, the person you like may return Will meet again."

   "So now you just need to relax and meet the next exam, and you can perform normally, and you don't need to think about anything else." Guo Xiang said.

   Wenxin nodded, feeling better after talking with Guo Xiang.

  "A beautiful and outstanding girl like you, there must be a lot of boys like you in college, don't worry." Guo Xiang said again.

  Wen Xin blushed and pursed his lips and smiled.

  "Then I am menstruating now..."

   "It's okay, you will come slowly when you relax. I will prescribe some motherwort granules for you, and you will drink it when you go back. This is good for your body." Guo Xiang said.

   "Thank you!" Wen Xin smiled at Guo Xiang, thinking that she was more like a big sister than a doctor.

  Guo Xiang asked Dr. Qian to write a prescription and sent Wen Xin out. Her mother was sitting outside. The doctor didn’t have a daughter and she didn’t even bother to go in after talking. There was no chair inside.

"I prescribed a medicine to take it back to the child." Guo Xiang said to Wenxin's mother, "The child has worked hard for the college entrance examination to do more nutritious things to supplement her, and don't talk about her all day long. The child knows it well. It’s too tight for the body."

  "Do you think the college entrance examination is important or the child's body is important?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "Of course... the body is important." Wenxin's mother is embarrassed to say that the college entrance examination is important.

   "So she has to combine work and rest. She is a sensible child, don't push too hard." Guo Xiang said.

   "Hmm!" Wenxin's mother replied, "Is your body okay?"

   "There is no big problem, just take the medicine on time." Guo Xiang said.

   "Thank you doctor." The middle-aged woman nodded and took the child away.

  "Goodbye, sister!" Wen Xin turned back and waved to Guo Xiang.

  "Relax, it's okay!" Guo Xiang smiled.

  Back to the consulting room, Dr. Qian had seen a patient for a patient and was issuing an order. Guo Xiang walked in.

   "How is it?" An Zehan asked quietly from the side.

   "It should be okay, the little girl is very smart." Guo Xiang said, and she can only look at herself in the future.

   Even if it doesn’t get better for a while, you should be able to return to normal when you relax after the college entrance examination.

   "You just said that you had a crush on a boy in high school, isn't it true?" An Zehan asked quietly.

   "Fake." Guo Xiang glared at him, "You don't understand empathy, how can the little girl be happy if you don't say that?"

  An Zehan smiled, "You are amazing!"

  (End of this chapter)

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