Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 604: Caesarean section

  Chapter 604 Caesarean section

  After a while, the woman called back, but said that her family did not agree with her to perform the operation, and that the doctor was alarmist. How could the child be stopped?

  Guo Xiang was a bit speechless, "Well, how did you come to the hospital? Didn't they all bleed?"

   "I..." The woman hesitated and couldn't say anything.

  Dr. Jiang said: “If you don’t believe you can go to another hospital for another check-up, we will not lie to you. However, if you have a check-up, you must have an operation as soon as possible. We also consider it for you and treat yourself well.”

   "Then...I'll go back first..." The woman left after speaking.

  Guo Xiang shook his head. Those who don’t believe the doctor don’t know what to think. Will the doctor let you abort the baby for no reason? Now the family planning has to get a certificate for such a severe fetus, she has stopped breeding for uterine curettage.

  I hope she will go to another hospital for a checkup instead of just taking medicine to prevent the baby. If something goes wrong, it will be serious.

  At this moment a pregnant woman and her husband walked in.

   "Are you going to have a birth check?" Dr. Jiang asked.

   "Doctor, I will give birth right away. Just now when I went to the toilet at home, I found that it was red and there was a little water. I don't know if the water broke." The mother said.

   "Check it!" Dr. Jiang immediately issued an order and asked the mother to pay the fee, and the mother went directly in for an examination.

  Take off the trousers for internal inspection, and test the water with a test paper. The water is alkaline. It really broke the water, but the mouth of the palace did not open.

   "The mouth of the palace is not opened, it should not be so fast." Doctor Jiang said.

Then another order is issued to do blood test, urine test and B-ultrasound. The blood test and urine test are based on the mother's condition. It is necessary to wait a while to know what blood type blood transfusion is in case of major bleeding. B-ultrasound mainly depends on the fetus's condition, whether it is in order In the breech position, is there any umbilical cord around the neck, and there is no need for a cesarean section.

  Guo Xiang took a wheelchair and asked the maternal man to push her.

   "No, I have hands and feet to sit in a wheelchair, so I can walk by myself." The mother said with a grin.

  Guo Xiang smiled, this woman is very refreshing at first glance, but she still said: "You have broken the water, and you are worried about the premature fetal membranes. You can't make big moves to avoid further breaking the water!"

   "Okay!" The mother nodded.

  When the parturient mother returned from a B-ultrasound, Guo Xiang saw that the amniotic fluid volume was still normal, and the head position and the size of the child also met the normal delivery criteria, so she went through the hospitalization procedures and entered the delivery room to wait for delivery.

  Doctor Jiang was in the outpatient clinic. Guo Xiang and An Zehan went to the delivery room to take a look. There were two or three pregnant women.

  The parturient was sleeping just now, and she didn't look worried at all.

  A nurse came over for a checkup, took her temperature, and asked her if her stomach hurts. She opened her eyes, said it did not hurt, and went back to sleep.

  Guo Xiang couldn't help but laugh, this person's heart is really big.

  Until the end of get off work, the parturient has nothing to do. It seems that she will not be able to give birth. Let's live in the ward first.

  The next day at work, Dr. Jiang and Guo Xiang went to the ward round together to give the mother an internal examination, but her leg could not be opened, the internal examination was not possible, and the palace mouth was not opened.

   "It looks like a cesarean section is needed." Doctor Jiang frowned.

   "Would you like to wait any longer?" the mother said, and she came to accompany her daughter today.

  "Then take oxytocin first." Dr. Jiang said.

  Then took oxytocin for a few hours, and the mother started to have labor pains in the afternoon.

  The parturient woman was sweating profusely in pain, and clutched her husband's hand tightly. Her husband was so distressed, "Daughter-in-law, should we have an autopsy?"

  Guo Xiang gave the mother a check, but the uterine mouth was still not opened.

  I was afraid of having a child. I wanted to give birth easily, but if the knot was painful for a long time or had to be dissected, I had already known it directly.

  But most people still want to have a smooth delivery. After all, a smooth delivery is good for the baby, and it's also good for yourself, so you can recover faster.

  I’m most afraid of this kind of circumstance, and I will suffer a double sin.

   decided to have a caesarean section and asked the mother's husband to sign, his hands were shaking.

   "It's okay, the accidents written in this generally don't happen, don't worry!" Guo Xiang smiled.

   Watching the parturient move into the operating room, her husband was sent to the door, looking like a parting life, Guo Xiang couldn't help laughing, but it showed that the couple had a good relationship.

  First, I changed my clothes in the intensive care unit, and then prepared the skin, that is, shaving and inserting the catheter. The parturient screamed, the catheter insertion is indeed uncomfortable.

  The parturient said: "Doctor, do I have to cut it?"

  Doctor Jiang smiled, "Do you quite understand?"

  The cutting edge of the crosscut is not obvious, it is easy to be covered by the wrinkles on the belly, and it is easier to recover, and it can be discharged from the hospital a day earlier.

  Into the operating room, the anesthesiologist gave the parturient anesthetic, and the parturient asked: "Can I still talk after the anesthetic?"

   "Yes." The anesthesiologist smiled, "You are spinal anesthesia, not general anesthesia, don't worry!"

  The anesthesiologist asked the mother to lie on her side. The spinal anesthesia was hit on the back and spine. After a while, she would not feel anymore.

  Dr. Jiang opened the abdomen for the parturient woman. Guo Xiang helped to press her abdomen. Dr. Jiang took the child out quickly, and the child started to cry.

  Doctor Jiang then cleaned up and sutured the parturient woman. Guo Xiang went to see the baby. Two nurses cut and scrubbed the baby's umbilical cord, and then measured some data, such as height and weight.

  Guo Xiang held the baby in front of the lying-in woman, "Come on, take a look, is it a boy or a girl?"

  Generally, check it with the parturient to avoid making mistakes in the future.

  The parturient woman was taken aback after seeing it, "Boy? Isn't it a girl? They all said that my stomach looks like a girl."

  Guo Xiang smiled, "It's a boy, in good health, 6 kg and 5 taels, 51 cm high."

  The parturient woman seemed to be a little bit lost, "I thought it was a girl, and I bought all the small skirts, so I can't dress her up now."

  Guo Xiangxiao, at this time, there are really a few who do not favor boys.

"When I was pregnant, the child was always very squeamish. I even vomited and vomited in the early stage. But during the whole pregnancy, I didn’t have spots, not even a acne, and the skin became white and slippery. They all said that it was because of it. Girls have the same hormones, so I look better. How come I am a boy?" the mother said.

  Doctor Jiang smiled and said, “This is not necessarily true. Every human body is different.”

  The stitching is still going on, maybe the anesthetic slowly disappeared, and the parturient shuddered.

  "Do you feel cold?" Guo Xiang asked, taking a piece of sterile cloth on the side and covering her.

  The parturient became a little sleepy gradually, closed her eyes.

   "Alright!" Doctor Jiang said, and the mother opened her eyes again.

When    pushed her out, the mother's husband burst into tears with excitement, "Look at you!" The mother groaned, still happy.

  Guo Xiang really wants to laugh, this mother is so calm. I don't know if I will have children in the future.

  The parturient woman advances to the ward, and she has to continue infusion, glucose, oxytocin, etc., oxytocin can accelerate the contraction of the uterus and discharge lochia.

  "You had a C-section. You can't eat for eight hours. It's best not to get out of bed. You can turn over a little bit to help exhaust. Don't eat until you have no exhaust."

  "The catheter can only be pulled out on the third day. It is best to urinate once within two hours after pulling out. If the urine does not come out, apply a hot towel to promote urination..." Guo Xiang has been telling women about precautions.

  Doctor Jiang was very satisfied looking at him.

  (End of this chapter)

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