Chapter 622 Huang Sao

  Guo Xiang took a look at each room. They were all cleaned up and everything was new. Guo Xiang was very satisfied.

   "Right, Zhennan..." Guo Xiang was called Gu Zhennan.

   "What's wrong?" Gu Zhennan walked over.

   "It's so hot now, no fan can't do it, let's buy some electric fans." Guo Xiang said.

  In this regard, Aunt Zhang may not have expected that she herself is not so afraid of heat when she is older.

  "Okay, you are at home, I will buy it!" Gu Zhennan nodded.

  Now Guo Xiang is most afraid of heat. Fortunately, there is air-conditioning in the room. When they come, except for Wang Guiying who is a little older, the others are young boys and girls. They should be afraid of heat. They need fans.

  Although it is in the north, the summer in Beijing is still very hot.

  Gu Zhennan took the car key, "How many?"

  Guo Xiang thought for a while, Guoer and Wang Guiying can live in the same room. Gu Zhendong and Shen Meng must not live together before they are married, but Gu Zhendong and Tang Le can share a room, and Shen Meng can have a separate room, and there will be three machines here.

  I don’t know if the master will come. If he comes, he will need one more room. Shen Meng’s parents also don’t know if they will take this opportunity to play together. This would require five rooms and five fans.

  "Buy five sets." Guo Xiang said, even if the master and the others do not come, there will be two more sets.

   "Good!" Gu Zhennan nodded.

  After lunch in the afternoon, Aunt Huang introduced by Aunt Zhang came, and Aunt Zhang brought her to Guo Xiang, "This is the Aunt Huang I told you, called Huang Mei. She is 35 years old this year and has two children."

  Guo Xiang looked at Huang Mei. He was a normal person and dressed plainly, but he was very clean. The face should be of the kind with a good temper.

  "Don't you need to bring the two children by yourself?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "No, one child is already in junior high school, and another is in the fifth grade. The child is taken care of by his father at home." Huang Mei said, "I can make a little money or subsidize the family. There is nothing to stay at home."

  Guo Xiang nodded, "Listen to the accent from his hometown in Henan?"

   "Yes, my family is poor, and I only plan to eat from the ground. When my child grows up, I have to spend money to go to school. I went out to find a job with my fellow villager. I have been working in Beijing for two years," Huang Mei said.

   "Why didn't that house do it before?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "The family has moved to the Shanghai stock market. I am used to here and don't want to follow." Huang Mei whispered.

   "She was also introduced by a sister I know. I heard that she is very diligent and honest, so she introduced her." Aunt Zhang said.

   "Well, let's stay." Guo Xiang nodded, "You are from another city, so do you want to live at home?"

   "Well, I usually only give me a few days off during the Chinese New Year in the previous house, and I usually live in the owner's house." Huang Mei said.

   "Okay, then you can live in the wing next to Aunt Zhang. You can also communicate sometimes. You can listen to Aunt Zhang if you have anything at home." Guo Xiang smiled.

  "Thank you, boss!" Huang Mei spoke very softly.

   "Don't call me boss, just call me Xiao Guo like Aunt Zhang. You are ten years older than me, and I will call you Huang Sao like them." Guo Xiang laughed.

   "Medium!" Huang Mei nodded, thinking that the owner was very talkative.

"Come with me!" Aunt Zhang took Huang Mei to the West Wing. "I tell you that our host's family are all knowledgeable and educated people. Don't worry, they won't do your own thing. Treat you badly!"

   "I see, thank you Aunt Zhang!" Huang Mei was very grateful.

She hadn’t found a job for almost a month after the last owner left. The family was still waiting for money. She was almost dying. Now introducing this family, I heard that it was pretty good, and she paid a few yuan more than the previous one. I will cherish it.

   When he arrived at the West Wing, Aunt Zhang opened the door, "You live in this room, I live next door to you, come and ask me if you don’t understand."

   "Okay!" Huang Mei nodded and walked into the room.

  The things in the house are all new, very well-equipped, and it’s good to live alone in a room.

  The last person she worked in was a building. She lived in a room with an old man, and the two people lived in a house. It was a bit crowded.

  The old man has mobility problems. She mainly takes care of the old man. She takes care of it so carefully that it took them so long.

  Now it seems that the conditions of this new owner are much better than those of the previous one. With such a big yard, I can live in a room alone and have everything, which is really good.

  At night, Aunt Zhang took Huang's wife to cook together, and asked her to help fight.

"In two days, there will be many people from Xiao Guo’s in-law’s family. I’m afraid I’m too busy, so I’ll recruit you first. You also saw that her belly is so big that she will give birth in two months. , So I recruited in advance. Do it well and you can stay in the future." Aunt Zhang said.

   "Hmm!" Huang's wife nodded, "Then, should I help with the baby in the future?"

   "I don't know yet, do it well first, and talk about the future things later." Aunt Zhang said.

   "Hey, I got it." Aunt Huang nodded and added, "If you want to bring a baby, I can also give birth to two babies."

  Aunt Zhang smiled, "Okay, if you do well, I will help you speak nice things."

   On the third day, Gu Zhennan got up early in the morning. The train from Xiangnan to Beijing arrived at 6 o’clock in the morning, and he had to pick him up.

  Guo Xiang slept a little dazedly, "Are you up?"

   "Well, I'll pick them up, you can sleep for a while." Gu Zhennan kissed Guo Xiang on the face.

   "May I go too?" Guo Xiang sat up.

   "No, your stomach is so big and inconvenient. Besides, there are so many people in your mother, you can't sit down anymore," Gu Zhennan said.

   "Oh!" Guo Xiang nodded, "I don't know how many people are there. If there are more people, please call a taxi."

   "I know." Gu Zhennan nodded, then kissed Guo Xiang's forehead and went out.

  Guo Xiang thought for a while or got up to wash, let Aunt Zhang prepare breakfast.

  They must have had nothing to eat on the train so early, and they must have not eaten well on the train for the past two days.

   "Aunt Zhang!" Guo Xiang called out.

   "Come on!" Aunt Zhang came out of the kitchen.

   "What did you do this morning?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "I'm cooking porridge, when will your mother-in-law and the others arrive today, do you want to buy something else?" Aunt Zhang asked.

   "I'm just about to tell you, buy more fried dough sticks and steamed buns. You can also buy some if you have coke rings." Guo Xiang said, "By the way, don't forget the side dishes."

   "Hey, I know!" Aunt Zhang wiped her hand on the apron, took off the apron, and said to Sister Huang: "You are here looking at the porridge, I will go shopping."

  "Don't worry!" Huang Sao nodded.

  Aunt Zhang took the money to go out, and Guo Xiang usually has money to buy her vegetables, and she buys it herself.

  Although Huang's wife is here, she is still unfamiliar with her. The money doesn't want her to take over. She has heard that some nanny will be greedy for the owner's money. She has not distrusted Huang's wife. After all, the time to get along is too short.

  (End of this chapter)

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