Chapter 640 Expelled

  The two walked twice downstairs. When the sun rose, Guo Xiang bought some popsicles and went home, ate two of them, and put the rest in the refrigerator.

  There is no air-conditioning here, the room is relatively hot, I still want to eat some ice to cool down.

Guo Xiang called Song Tingshen and told him that Mr. Ren had asked her to give a lecture. Song Tingshen agreed very quickly. Guo Xiang had participated in this project, but it was not a credit for him, and he was out of Taiqing Medical University. , It's right to come back for exchanges and guidance.

  It's just that his schedule has been arranged long ago and it is difficult to change, so here is very behind. He is a bit embarrassed. Since Guo Xiang can give a lecture first, it can alleviate his guilt.

After receiving Song Tingshen’s reply, Guo Xiang began to prepare lessons. Of course, living donor liver transplantation should start with the importance of liver transplantation to patients with liver cancer. Then, the difference and advantages and disadvantages of living donor liver transplantation and cadaveric liver transplantation are specific to the internal structure of the liver. Guo Xiang listed a detailed outline of what should be paid attention to.

  Chen Yu was watching from the side, and seeing Guo Xiang's writing in such detail was very admired. Her medical skills were more brilliant than she had imagined.

  Unknowingly, two hours passed. Chen Yu reminded him, “It’s time to get up and move!”

   "Hmm!" Guo Xiang rubbed his waist and stood up, his waist began to sore again.

  At this time, Gu Zhennan opened the door and came in, "Why are you back?" Guo Xiang was surprised.

   "Come back and cook for you." Gu Zhennan said.

  "Isn't there me?" Chen Yu blushed, and the meal has not yet started.

   "I still think that the two of us can heat up the leftover dishes from yesterday." Guo Xiang said that there were still some leftovers of the dishes yesterday.

   "It's okay, anyway, I drove very fast, not very far." Gu Zhennan said, went to the kitchen to cook.

   Yesterday’s dishes are still available, just fry two more green vegetables.

   "Big Brother is really kind to you." Chen Yu quietly said to Guo Xiang.

  Guo Xiang smiled, very good, "By the way, can you cook?"

  Chen Yu nodded, “I know how to cook some home-cooked dishes. My mother is not that busy as an associate teacher, or my mother does more.”

   "Do you do the Namu Summit?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "I... don't know yet." Chen Yu blushed. The two had never lived together, and they all ate in the cafeteria in the army.

  However, looking at him, he doesn't look like someone who can cook. Lin Shuhua takes care of them very well at home, and he probably won't let them do it.

   “If you don’t know how to do it, it’s okay. The two can learn together, and those who can do it can do more. Don’t worry about so much for a family.” Guo Xiang said.

   "Yeah!" Chen Yu nodded. It is the one he loves who is willing to do more.

  Gu Zhennan prepared food to greet the two of them for dinner, "By the way, Yu Xiuxiu's affairs have been dealt with." Gu Zhennan said.

   "How to deal with it?" Guo Xiang was surprised, is it so fast?

  "The chemical factory fired her, and Manager Yang also issued a notice saying that she had wronged me, so that rumors would not be spread in the factory, and the factory would not recruit such people into the factory." Gu Zhennan said.

  And in this way, other factories are unlikely to want her.

   "Will she come to make trouble again?" Chen Yu said worriedly. Yesterday, she saw the woman's cheeky.

  "The machinery factory has already confessed that she cannot be allowed into the factory area. If no one cares about her, she will naturally leave if she is boring." Gu Zhennan said.

  Guo Xiang shook his head. If she stayed in the oil team, this kind of thing might not happen. After all, her father had done a good job in the oil team and he would take care of her a little bit.

  Who knew her when she arrived at the chemical plant, and caused such a scandal again, the impact was too great, and no one wanted to keep her.

  In this way, she really has nowhere to go.

   "I made the decision today? Did she leave?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "I don't know, I don't care!" Gu Zhennan shook his head. He had no good feelings for that woman, so he didn't want to ask her so much.

   "That's what she deserves!" Chen Yu said, "She was so irritating yesterday, if it wasn't for her eldest brother and sister-in-law, she would be mad at her."

  Yes, if it wasn't for Guo Xiang's trust in Gu Zhennan, or the two of them had a strong heart, she might really have succeeded.

  So she does not deserve sympathy.

  After eating and resting for a while, Gu Zhennan went to work, and Guo Xiang remembered that he had not called his home yet.

  Called Guo Yaqin and said that it was all right here, and asked Wang Chuyu to take Wang Guiying and the others out to play.

  After all, he is relatively free to work in his own factory, and he is all relatives, so he should accompany him.

  Two people sleep until more than three o'clock at noon. It is rare to have time to relax.

  Wake up, Chen Yu and Guo Xiang discussed living-donor liver transplantation, and found that she really knows a lot, and many of them don’t understand it. She really wonders if the quality of domestic medicine is so high now? It seems that Guo Xiang is not too old.

  The two of them went downstairs after eating breakfast the next morning. Yesterday, they had an appointment with Teacher Ren and naturally they should talk to her.

  Teacher Ren is already below the time to go downstairs.

   "Teacher, early!" Guo Xiang said hello.

   "Morning, how is it?" Teacher Ren asked impatiently.

Guo Xiang smiled, "I have already spoken to Teacher Song, and he also agreed. My time here may not be long, it is best to arrange as soon as possible, about two hours, you see that my body weight can't last long. I will explain in one hour, and ask questions and discuss in one hour. Is this okay?"

   "Yes, yes!" Teacher Ren nodded hurriedly, "Then I will discuss with the leader immediately, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? I will call you with the result. Do you have a phone number here?"

   "Yes." Guo Xiang nodded and told Teacher Ren his home phone number.

  In the afternoon, the teacher called and said that the lecture was scheduled at nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow. After all, some preparatory work had to be done, and some teachers and students had to be notified. It was difficult for many students to notify during the holiday.

  In the evening, Guo Xiang and Gu Zhennan talked about the lecture. He nodded, "I will accompany you!"

   "No, I have Chen Yu with me." Guo Xiang said.

   "No!" Gu Zhennan shook his head. I don't know what happened during this lecture. If there are too many people and a crowded stampede, then Chen Yu can't protect Guo Xiang.

  Of course, the possibility of this kind of thing happening is small, but we must guard against it before it happens.

   "I will take leave for these two days, and I will take you out to play tomorrow." Gu Zhennan said: "Chen Yu finally came here and couldn't stay at home every day."

   "I'm fine." Chen Yu waved his hand quickly.

   "Where to go to play?" Guo Xiang became interested, and she had never been to play here.

   "There is nothing particularly interesting here. I will take you to see the Petroleum Museum, as well as the Dragon and Phoenix Wetlands, there are lakes, and the scenery is beautiful." Gu Zhennan said.

   "Wow." Guo Xiang nodded. Taiqing is a city of hundreds of lakes. There are many wetlands. When I was in the oil team, the lake there was very beautiful.

  (End of this chapter)

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