Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 691: I saw the original version

  Chapter 691 I saw the original version

  Zhang Jianliang smiled and nodded at everyone. Minister Zhang raised his hand and pressed it down, "Sit down, Professor Zhang, please sit here!"

  Zhang Shengnan sat down next to Minister Zhang with his father. He glanced back and saw Gu Zhennan and Guo Xiang. He raised his eyebrows provocatively at Guo Xiang. Guo Xiang rolled his eyes. Is it great to have a father as a professor?

  The meeting started, and everyone expressed their opinions.

"I still don't think there will be oil in this shallow sea area. Even if there is, it is a very small oil field. When it is time to thank you, you can only see a little oil flower when you go down tens of millions. Then the money will be lost." He from the local oil field Said the factory director.

"Yes, if the country wants to engage in shallow sea exploration, first draw a team to do research and find out the bottom of the shallow sea area. After three to five years, our technical level will keep up, and it will not be too late to mine." Someone agreed. .

   "If we do it again in a few years, what is the point of discussing now? The fact is that there are not many onshore oil fields. If we don't exploit offshore oil fields soon, we oilmen will have no oil to recover in a few years." There are also some objections.

  Gu Zhennan didn’t say a word. Isn’t this still the same as last time?

   "Professor Zhang, what do you think?" Minister Zhang asked Zhang Jianliang politely.

  Zhang Jianliang took out a pile of materials from his briefcase in a hurry, so thick, at least dozens of pages.

   "Knowing that I'm coming to the meeting, I did a good job of preparation." Zhang Jianliang said with a smile, and passed his research materials to Minister Zhang.

   "I have conducted in-depth research from various aspects of petroleum geology, and think that the possibility of shallow sea oil extraction is unlikely." Zhang Jianliang said.

   Minister Zhang's face changed when he heard that, co-author I invited you to oppose me?

  Zhang Jianliang didn't pay attention to Minister Zhang's face at all. He analyzed it completely from the perspective of scientific research. It was reasonable to say that there was nothing wrong, but he did not understand Minister Zhang's intention to invite him.

  Of course, from the perspective of his own research, he believes that he is not wrong.

  Zhang Jianliang picked up the information and talked with it, speaking spittingly, with high spirits. Some people nodded frequently to see if the professors were justified and well-founded. They were powerful.

  Guo Xiang sounded a little sleepy. Did you use this as a classroom?

  What's the use of saying a lot? It's just a matter of fact. She knew that this shallow sea must be oily, so she was wrong to say a lot.

  Furthermore, I have never heard of these professors in later generations. They are certainly not particularly famous professors. At least they have no major achievements. Otherwise, I wouldn't be ignorant.

  Zhang Shengnan is proud. She still wanted to support Gu Zhennan. He actually has a daughter-in-law and he looks down on himself so much. Who would support him stupidly?

  It’s not easy to finish the chapter. I sat down and drank a large glass of water. My saliva was dry. Can I not be thirsty?

  "Zhennan, do you also express your opinion?" Minister Zhang looked at Gu Zhennan.

  Gu Zhennan nodded and stood up, “I still think that shallow sea oil field mining can be carried out, especially when there is oil in very shallow waters in this area.”

   "Do you think? Why do you think?" Zhang Jianliang jumped up from his seat, since someone dared to challenge his authority?

"I'm also speaking from the perspective of geology." Gu Zhennan said, "I heard what Professor Zhang said just now, but Professor Zhang has no practical experience. Those are your theories, and they are still based on the theory of land oil extraction. , But this is an ocean oil field, not the same!"

  Gu Zhennan also took out the results of the discussion with Guo Xiang yesterday, "I think we can start exploration from Chengdao, and the geological conditions here are in line with the conditions for oil production..."

   "What? Cheng Island? Cheng Island is not good. Look at the geological structure here..." Zhang Jianliang took out a map, "Even if there is oil here, the output is extremely low. There is no need to waste time here."

  "If you really want to choose shallow waters, you can also consider the southeastern part of Bohai Bay. Chengdao is most suitable for scientific research, thinking of large oil fields, whimsical!" Zhang Jianliang shook his head.

  Guo Xiang rolled his eyes. What you said is meaningless. How much time does it take to go to other places? How much is it for nothing?

  "Furthermore, if you say there is oil here, how do you determine the oil reserves here? If it is a small oil field, then..."

Guo Xiang stood up and interrupted him, "You can use'high-resolution sequence stratigraphy' to perform reservoir description and oil and gas identification with logging constrained inversion, seismic multi-parameter identification and fractal fractal technology, and with depth migration. Tectonic stress field simulation, synthetic acoustic logging, and reservoir prediction..."

  Everyone was stunned when they heard such a long list of technical terms. Who is this?

  Minister Zhang knows Guo Xiang. She used to be a bilingual translator in English and German when she was in Northeast China. She did not expect her knowledge of petroleum to be so solid.

  "Who are you? How do you know this?" Zhang Jianliang was surprised.

   Before Guo Xiang could answer, he asked, "Which school did you graduate from? Who is the teacher?"

  Guo Xiang chuckled, “I am a graduate of Beijing Medical University and my teacher is Professor Song Tingshen. His main achievement is the successful completion of the world’s first living donor liver transplant.”

  The audience was in an uproar, what's the matter with this?

  Zhang Jianliang frowned, "Then how do you know this?"

   "My mother is a teacher at Beijing Petroleum University. I have been fascinated by it since I was a child... Although I didn't study petroleum later, I was always interested in this..." Guo Xiang smiled.

"Then, do you know that what you call'high-resolution sequence stratigraphy' was translated by my father? You are just picking up people's teeth. What you are talking about is only translated by my father. Overtake him?" Zhang Shengnan looked proud.

   "Really?" Guo Xiang sneered, "Then dare to ask Professor Zhang's "Synthetic Sonic Logging" technology. Foreign companies have just begun to use it. You translated it?"

   "This..." Zhang Jianliang didn't dare to say, he hadn't seen it yet.

"Furthermore..." Guo Xiang took out two original foreign books from his briefcase. "Whoever understands'high resolution sequence stratigraphy' must read the translated version of Professor Zhang, the original foreign book I read! "

  "Would you like me to read to the university?" Guo Xiang opened the book catalog and looked at it. He found the corresponding content and read it aloud in English. The words were round and the pronunciation was standard.

  But most people didn't understand it, but she was still shocked. She definitely didn't read it randomly when she dared to read it.

  "How is it? Professor Zhang, I am reading this paragraph right? Or Professor Zhang thinks that his translation is better than the original version?" Guo Xiang smiled.

  Old Zhang Jianliang blushed. Of course he didn't dare to say that. He had spent a lot of time translating this, but he couldn't say that it was translated 100% according to the original meaning.

  (End of this chapter)

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