Chapter 697

  I saw jet black oil jetting out, rushing to the sky.

  Oil out!

  The workers all cheered.

  Some people took off their helmets and threw them into the sky, while others hugged each other.

  Guo Xiang burst into tears, did you see her husband?

  Several leaders were stunned, there is really oil, and it seems that there should be a lot of reserves.

  Zhang Jianliang was stunned, his face hurts!

  The intercom beeps.

  Gu Zhennan pressed the button, "Did you see Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu? It's oil!" A team leader's voice came from the intercom.

   "I saw it!" Gu Zhennan replied, "You have worked hard!"

   "What's the situation now?"

   "The situation is very good, under control, the output can be measured immediately!"

  Everyone held their breath and listened to the voice on the walkie-talkie.

   "Can you hear it? Can you hear it?" The voice on the intercom was very excited.

   "Hear, you speak!"

  "Preliminary determination, 40,000 barrels per day!"

  40,000 barrels? That is……

  "The daily output is nearly 5,000 tons!" Gu Zhennan said.

  "Isn't the annual output more than two million tons?" the person next to him said.

  Everyone is in an uproar, then the reserves are at least hundreds of millions of tons!

  The look in Gu Zhennan’s eyes is different.

  Minister Zhang is very pleased that he didn’t see the wrong person!

  Zhang Jianliang's face hurts even more.

   "President Gu is really not easy!" The person who had the opinion just changed his tone immediately.

   "Yeah, I didn't expect it!"

   "Is this shallow sea really oily, or is it a super large oil field?!"

   "I'm rich!"

  When I thought that all the mining volume this year would belong to Gu Zhennan, some people became jealous again, alas, but there is no way, who is capable of it? That's what he deserves.

   "Professor Zhang, you just said that there can be no oil here..." Someone sneered.

   "Your prediction is wrong!"

   "That's right, why don't you talk now?"

  Zhang Jianliang felt ashamed, if there was a crack in the ground, he would definitely get in.

   "I heard that you still enforce the regulations on dripping oil from the sea?" Minister Zhang looked at Gu Zhennan, "Very good!"

  Unlike some places, where they are all savagely exploited, they leave a mess when they leave, and they have to be handled by the state. Gu Zhennan is really a talent.

  "My wife suggested this. I just implemented it." Gu Zhennan smiled, not daring to be greedy by himself.

   "Your husband and wife are both good!" Minister Zhang gave a thumbs up. Who would have thought that a woman studying medicine would know so much? It's a pity not to work in the oil field.

   "President Gu, we have packaged the oil for your oil fields!" Director He took the opportunity to say that this year's mission is not afraid to be completed.

  Gu Zhennan nodded, "Director He, thank you for your support this time!"

  Without him, their own car of barite would definitely not be enough, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

   "It's all oil brothers, what are you polite?" Director He patted Gu Zhennan on the shoulder, "I objected to your oil extraction here before, so don't take it to your heart!"

   "No!" Gu Zhennan pursed his lips. It is normal to have different opinions, but he can help when it is critical, which shows that this person is still quite good.

  "If you have anything to do in the future, please speak up. If you can help, I will definitely help!" Director He smiled, and he really admired Gu Zhennan.

  So many people opposed, so many people were not optimistic, he still withstood the pressure.

  He didn't panic even after such a serious accident happened. He even went personally. This person has the courage and courage.

   "I can rest assured now!" Minister Zhang smiled. It is a great achievement to have such a big oil field.

  Even if we give Ruida two million tons a year, and there are hundreds of millions of tons of reserves, the country has earned it.

  This also shows that his decision is correct, he did not use the wrong person, and his position may also rise.

   "The families of injured workers should also do a good job of comforting them, and compensation should be provided." Minister Zhang added.

"Don't worry, I won't save these, I will give them two or three times more compensation!" Gu Zhennan nodded, but fortunately, no one died, otherwise the nature would be different, and the lost lives would not be repaired. Fortunately, it is good.

  Gu Zhennan looked at Guo Xiang in the distance, as long as there is a wife, there is good luck.

  Daughter-in-law has always been her lucky star.

  After the matter was dealt with, several leaders left.

  Gu Zhennan immediately held a meeting. The damaged equipment should be repaired or replaced, and it must be ensured that it will operate normally in the future.

  No. 5 oil well arranges workers in shifts. They cannot leave the staff 24 hours a day and work overtime.

   "Are other oil wells still drilled?" someone asked.

   "Stop drilling." Guo Xiang looked at Gu Zhennan, and Gu Zhennan nodded.

   "Our mission has been completed, and it proves that there is oil in this shallow sea area. This is enough. We will concentrate on digging this well." Gu Zhennan said.

  If we continue to drill elsewhere, it will cost tens of millions of dollars a month, which is too much consumption.

  Guo Xiang knows that there is still oil in other places, the total amount is almost 400 million tons, so the country must rely on the country to extract it, and their contribution is already large enough.

  I can only say that I have good luck, otherwise I will have to ruin my family for a year.

  Oil fields are well arranged, and oil production is also becoming more stable.

  Guo Xiang has been here for almost a month, and it’s time to go back.

   "I really don't want you to leave!" Gu Zhennan hugged Guo Xiang. This month, his wife suffered along with her, but she finally stabilized and wanted to leave.

   "I will stay with you for two more days. I really want to go back. Teacher Song has called to urge." Guo Xiang buried his face in Gu Zhennan's arms, and she was reluctant to leave, but she had her own career.

   Standing on tiptoes, he pulled Gu Zhennan's neck down and kissed his lips.

   "Let's go swimming tonight? I haven't been with you for so long." Gu Zhennan held Guo Xiang tightly in his arms.

   "Okay!" Guo Xiang smiled.

  At night, after dinner, Guo Xiang took her swimsuit, and Gu Zhennan drove her to the deserted beach in the distance.

  The sun went down, and the temperature of the sea gradually dropped.

  The breeze is breezy, and the sea water is very comfortable on the feet.

  The two changed their swimsuits after hiding on a rock and ran into the sea together.

   "So comfortable!" Guo Xiang floated on the sea, backstroke, waves hitting the shore one after another, his whole body swayed, as if sleeping on a water bed and being massaged, too comfortable.

  Gu Zhen traveled south, took Guo Xiang into his arms, looked at her affectionately, kissed her on the lips, and gave a deep kiss.

  The two are entangled together.

  A bright moon slowly rises on the sea, reflecting the two people embracing each other.


  The next day, Gu Zhennan accompanied Guo Xiang into the urban area and bought a bunch of specialty products for her to take home.

  On the third day, I entrusted the oil company to buy a plane ticket to send Guo Xiang on the plane. It will not be so hard to fly by plane. It takes two hours to get to the capital without having to wait on the train.

  Watching Guo Xiang board the plane, Gu Zhennan returned to the oil team.

  (End of this chapter)

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