Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 801: I won't force you

   Chapter 801 I will not force you

   "Then can you see my body?" Gu Zhennan pointed to himself, his face suddenly red, "Look without clothes?"

   "Of course!" Guo Xiang laughed, why is her husband so funny?

   "Then you can see others at any time?" Gu Zhennan was a little dumbfounded.

   "If I want to..." Guo Xiang pursed his mouth and smiled.

   "That won't work, you can't look at other men!" Gu Zhennan said suddenly.

  Guo Xiang laughed loudly, “No, I’m free, my husband is so good, what do I see other people doing? Besides, my perspective is not always available, and my eyes hurt when I use too much.”

  Gu Zhennan breathed a sigh of relief, that’s good, "Absolutely not to watch!"

   "Got it!" Guo Xiangle is overwhelmed, and rarely sees her husband being so nervous.

  Guo Xiang sorted out Yu Yan's things and put them aside, "I don't know how Yu Yan and her husband are now."

   "I saw An Rui just now, how do I feel that he has feelings for Yu Yan?"

   "Maybe after we get along for a long time, he didn't feel it, right?" Gu Zhennan said.

   "It's really possible!" Guo Xiang nodded, worrying for Yu Yan. People say that the prodigal son will not change his head, but can he really turn his head back?

  People say that there are only zero and countless derailments. Can An Rui really fix it?

  If a man can really change, should a woman give him a chance?

   Later generations saw a lot, some stars also cheated, in order to reduce the impact, the other party forgave him, but this kind of marriage is still very rare, and the two will still be divorced in a few years.

  After all, I have been heartbroken once, even if I reconcile, I will inevitably have a pimple in my heart.

  It's like a broken mirror and reunited. On the surface, it looks good, but everyone knows that there are cracks inside, but others can't see it. But I knew it well.

  But people are very strange. Some people obviously can’t stand the divorce, and they are married separately, and then they can’t remarry and get divorced. The original two people can remarry again, so that there will be no separation?

  It's a bit confusing.

  Some people even got divorced by the mistress, and the husband married the mistress, and then due to various reasons such as life, the original wife became the husband's underground lover, and became the kind of person that I despised the most.

  Humans are really strange creatures.

  The previous Guo Xiang couldn't tolerate sand, but after experiencing so much, he relaxed a little.

  She thought if her husband was framed once, maybe she could still be forgiven. After all, he was also a victim.

   But if he is active, he cannot forgive, even if he is only once.

  This is a matter of principle.


  Yu Yan locked herself in the room for a long time and did not come out. An Rui had no choice but to go out and buy food by herself.

  After buying, put the rice on the table and knock on Yu Yan’s door, "I bought rice, shall I come out for dinner?"

There was no movement in the room, An Rui knocked on the door again, "Yu Yan..."

   Still no one speaks, An Rui is a little panicked, Yu Yan won't do anything stupid, right?

  An Rui lifted her foot and kicked hard and kicked the door open. She saw Yu Yan sitting on the ground, hugging her knees, looking at him in horror.

An Rui tried to curse and swallowed, "I bought the food and come back, you can eat it. When I come back to live, I will not force you to divorce you, but I will not divorce you. I still have things on my side, first I'm back, take my son."

  As long as she mentions her son, Yu Yan shouldn’t do stupid things, right? She is not the kind of person who can desperate everything.

  An Rui knew that Yu Yan didn't want to see herself now, and left without eating.

  Went to the train station and bought a ticket, and got on the train back to Tailian.

  Sitting on the train, he thought a lot, thinking of Meng Yun and also thinking of Yu Yan, but Meng Yun's image has become increasingly blurred, and all he can remember is her sociable appearance.

  Yu Yan's image is getting clearer and clearer.

  I remembered the little things I had with her, only to find that it was easy and pleasant to be with her. I never had to worry about anything on my own, and always kept the house in order.

  Thinking of her harmony and soft talk, she smiled softly, which she had neglected before.

  Man is sometimes terrible. When his wife does everything, he thinks that it is right for him. When he is separated, he thinks of cherishing it.

  But the woman is no longer that woman, you think she will always wait for you in place, impossible.

  So only you can make changes.

  But An Rui was a bit at a loss. He didn't know what to do, and he couldn't do much now.

  All he can do is not to disturb her now, let her lead a stable life, and let her pain slowly heal.

  Maybe after a long time, she doesn’t want to leave.

  As for Meng Yun, he is no longer the white moonlight in his heart, but a remnant white rice, or white rice that a man can chew, which is disgusting.

  And she dared to let Yu Yan sign a divorce agreement without telling herself, who gave her the courage?

Does    rely on previous love? Long gone.

   actually disappeared the moment she left, but she couldn’t see through it.

  Now I finally figured out that people can't live in memories forever, we must look forward, cherish the current life, and cherish the people in front of us.

  Meng Yun’s plan will not let her succeed.

  An Rui's face was cold.

  When it came to Tailian, the bidding for the renovation of the old city began the next day, and the bidding was used.

The so-called hidden bidding means that the starting price will not be clearly indicated during the bidding. Everyone puts the target price for the project in the bidding document. The bidding document is packed in a unified document bag and cannot have obvious signs. Wait for the relevant department to withdraw the bidding document before doing it. Research.

  Look at the old city renovation plan given by each company, as well as the price.

For example, the government spends 100 million yuan to renovate the old city, and some companies bid 50 million yuan. The extra 50 million yuan is equivalent to a pure profit. The projects made by the 50 million yuan may cut corners or curd projects. , The government will definitely not choose such a company.

  If a company offers one hundred and fifty million, then he will have to lose money, and it is certainly impossible to do so. This auction may pass.

  So generally speaking, the closer to the target price, the easier it is to shoot.

  For example, 90 million, which is similar to the government’s psychological price. All aspects of the project can be guaranteed, and the company can earn 10 million, which is a win-win situation.

  A company like this is the first choice.

  But because the companies don’t know the bottom price, they will show their talents in the early stage to get the bottom price through An Rui’s mouth.

  If you can’t get it, it’s not easy to make a successful bid. This requires testing the actual business level of each company and accurately calculating the prices of materials used in all aspects. The one that is closest to the base price is the easiest to succeed.

  But it’s not easy, only from An Rui’s mouth is the fastest, so some people will give money, and some will give beautiful women, each goes their own way.

  However, An Rui was unmoved. He just wanted to choose the most suitable company, which was responsible for the city and his own profession.

  (End of this chapter)

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