Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 813: Food supply contract

  Chapter 813 Food Supply Contract

  The two men approached the people in suits and leather shoes and ordered a drink to chat with them.

  Sure enough, I found out that without an oil concession, I’m not eligible to participate in the bidding.

  The Ministry of Petroleum in China did not say this, and maybe even they don’t know it.

  To obtain an oil concession, one must have an economic relationship with Saudi Arabia, or military, diplomatic, technology transfer and other aspects they like, otherwise they will not be able to obtain it.

  This is something Guo Xiang didn’t expect. Doesn’t that mean they must be disqualified?

  The oil company may not be able to do it.

What they didn’t know was that someone from the oil company went to find someone from the Saudi Ministry of Petroleum. At that time, the person looked at Zhang Ling and Li Hui and said with a smile: "You only need to give me two of your beauties, and I will tell you The news you want."

  Frightened Zhang Ling and Li Hui to Huarong.

  This condition is naturally impossible. The leader immediately rejected it righteously. People's ideological awareness is still quite high at this time, and they will definitely not betray their female compatriots for profit, not to mention that they are all public servants.

  If you can’t see it, that person even said on the spot that he can give money directly, at least one hundred thousand U.S. dollars.

  The money leader can't be the leader, so he has to report it.

  But whether it can be approved is a problem, and that person is from the Ministry of Petroleum, and the information given is unreliable if I don’t know. Maybe he doesn't know anything at all, so he is so cryptic?

  It’s hard to tell if someone like this will cheat.

  They are also helpless.

  Guo Xiang and Gu Zhennan returned to the room, and Abxin immediately walked out of the room, "How about?"

   "Sure enough, as you said." Guo Xiang said, "If this is the case, then we have no hope at all. Why are we staying here?"

   "Are you going to leave soon?" Abxin was a little anxious, and then he had no place to live.

   “If this is the case, it’s useless for us to stay here, it’s just an increase in expenses.” Guo Xiang said.

   "You can establish economic cooperation with our country." Abxin said.

   "You are so rich, what do you want us to do? Besides, is it too late to talk about cooperation now?" Guo Xiang said.

  Just now, she has inquired that some countries have helped Saudi Arabia lay out telephone lines, and some countries have helped them build airports. Although they are paid, they are also happy with this kind of cooperation.

  Guo Xiang, they are too late.

  "Find something that our country lacks!" Abu Xin reminded.

  "What can you lack? You are so rich? What can't you buy?" Guo Xiang disagreed, and didn't think he could do anything else.

  "Our country has very little land..." Abu Xin continued to imply.

  Guo Xiang suddenly remembered, “Most of the land in your country is desert, and part of it is ocean. There is no agricultural land at all. Almost all food is imported, mainly wheat..."

  Abu Xin nodded, this woman is very smart.

   "If I can solve your wheat import problem, is it possible to get an oil concession?" Guo Xiang said.

   "It's very likely!" Abu Xin nodded.

   "Then why don't you buy it yourself, and don't you have no money?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "Of course it is possible, but now there are not many countries with sufficient food. It is too troublesome to find a lot of food. If you can buy it in one family, it will not solve the big problem?" Abxin said.

   "That's true." Guo Xiang nodded, "But where can I get so much wheat?"

   Although China is a big agricultural country, its grain output in the 1990s is far lower than that of later generations, and it even imports grain.

  However, the imported grain is actually not much rice and wheat, mainly soybeans.

  Moreover, soybeans are mostly used as feed. On the other hand, domestic grains are also exported, but very few.

  So it’s almost impossible to export wheat here.

  Otherwise, buy it from another country and sell it to them?

  "Do you know how much wheat you import in a year?" Guo Xiang asked, suddenly wondering if he was asking too much. How could he know this as a child?

"I heard my father say that because we export oil, we use oil for food..." Abu Xin explained, "It seems that 3 million tons of wheat are needed a year. If you can solve one million tons, this oil concession Right may be fine."

   "One million tons is not a small amount." Gu Zhennan said, not one hundred tons, but one million tons.

   "It's really hard to handle..." Guo Xiang shook his head.

  Guo Xiang thinks that the country that exports the most grain in future generations is the United States, but it is impossible to buy from the United States.

   Then there is Russia. Russia has a vast territory and sparsely populated land. She remembers that many people from later generations went there to become farmers, and there were tens of thousands of hectares of wasteland for them to cultivate. Is it possible now?

  It's only 1991.

  1991? Guo Xiang suddenly remembered that there is no Russia yet, and it is still the Soviet Union. Just next month, the Soviet Union will disintegrate!

  At that time, the political situation was chaotic, and a large number of state-owned enterprises' equipment was sold at a low price. She remembered a little boldly taking the opportunity to make a fortune.

  Because of their advanced industry, many machinery and equipment were very advanced at the time, and some were not even available in China. They were bought at low prices and sold at high prices.

  Can I go there too?

  But I don’t have time, I haven’t got it done yet!

  As soon as the State of Su was disintegrated, many places were left unattended, and the local officials could be used to engage in ties, and maybe a large area of ​​land could be obtained.

   But I'm not sure.

  This is all gambling.

   But when I think of future Russia as a major grain exporter, 30 million tons of wheat are not a problem, let alone 3 million tons? And as long as it solves one million tons, it's worth a try!

   "I can sign a food supply contract with you." Guo Xiang said.

   "Xiangxiang!" Gu Zhennan shook his head towards her, it was too difficult.

   "I think I can give it a try." Guo Xiang said, but she couldn't explain to Gu Zhennan. Could it be that she knew the Soviet Union was disintegrated?

  Yes, it will disintegrate next month, and now there must be news, but they have not paid much attention to international trends, so they have not paid attention.

   "Is it possible for your father to help me get in touch with the royal family?" Guo Xiang asked Abxin.

  "My father has someone who knows the royal family. You can try it. The king is definitely not good. Other royal family members may be able to do it, but you don't have to see the king, just ask someone to set up a line." Abxin said.

  Guo Xiang now fully believes that Absin may be the heir of a big family, and he knows so much at a young age.

   "Then please contact me, saying that I am willing to sign a contract with them for the supply of one million tons of wheat per year. If it can't be done, I will give up the ownership of the oil field." Guo Xiang said.

  Of course, on the basis of being able to bid, oilfield exploitation rights start at at least US$40 million. If you give up, it would be a waste of 40 million.

  This woman is very courageous, Abxin thought.

  (End of this chapter)

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