Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 838: Interventional therapy

  Chapter 838 Interventional Therapy

  The next day Xu Wei took his father to the hospital for a detailed examination. Guo Xiang took a good look at the checklists and nodded, “It should be possible for interventional treatment.”

   "That's great!" Xu Wei was overjoyed and couldn't think of it.

   "Then prepare for interventional therapy." Guo Xiang said.

  Called Dr. Xing Ming to come over. Although he can’t, he is still a cardiothoracic surgeon after all. He can be a cardio-thoracic surgeon. He can be an assistant. He can also learn by the way. Maybe he can do the treatment alone in the future.

  Xu Wei also applied to enter the operating room to watch, he was very curious.

  Everything is ready, it is still necessary to strictly abide by the various disinfection procedures like ordinary surgery.

  Father Xu was lying on the operating table, and Guo Xiang asked the anesthesiologist to perform local anesthesia.

  Interventional treatment requires only local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia, which reduces the risk of general anesthesia for the elderly.

  In front of you is an X-ray machine with a monitoring screen on the side. From the screen you can see how the catheter enters the blood vessels of the human body.

   Make a small incision of a few millimeters in the femoral artery of the leg, and then thread the catheter through the incision.

  People who see it for the first time may be shocked. It turns out that you can stuff things into your blood vessels? Doesn't it hurt?

  The catheter is a bit like a wire, which looks a little scary.

  From the screen, you can see the catheter go into the blood vessel bit by bit, slowly to the heart.

Guo Xiang sent the catheter in while staring at the screen. In fact, she has a fluoroscopy to see the body directly, but she is currently undergoing treatment. Naturally, we have to follow the formal method, and sometimes she will see inside by herself. After all, It's more intuitive to look at it directly.

  The catheter arrives at the coronary artery of the heart. I have already checked which one is the narrowed artery, and the contrast medium is injected into the blood vessel. You can see all aspects of blood flow under the X-ray machine, and you can know the specific location.

  The catheter reached the target, and Guo Xiang moved his hand, and saw another thinner thread appeared in the catheter, walking into the blood vessel, and then she pressed something, the thread unexpectedly stretched like an umbrella.

  It turned out that it was not a thread, it was a very thin stent, but it was bundled at the beginning, and this opened up the narrow blood vessel, and it was obvious that the blood flow increased.

  In fact, interventional therapy will be used in many aspects in later generations, such as liver cancer tumors, such as uterine fibroids, such as thrombus.

In the case of thrombus, the equipment in the catheter is different. It stretches out a thread and opens like a pliers to crush the thrombus, and then stretches out a straw on the side to **** the crushed thrombus away and make the blood vessel The blockage is cleared.

  It’s hard to look like there are so many things inside a catheter that is only a few millimeters away, so you need to use microscopy and imaging equipment, otherwise there is no way to see or do it.

  The stent in the coronary artery is supported, and the thin wire inside is retracted. Then Guo Xiang slowly pulled out the catheter and did another place.

  A total of two brackets were placed this time.

   After finishing the work, Guo Xiang was relieved. Actually, he hasn't done it for a long time, and fortunately, his hands are not unfamiliar.

  After the operation, the incision is only a small wound. It is completely different from the opening of the chest like cardiac surgery, so most people can't bear it.

  Xing Ming and Xu Wei both looked at Guo Xiang in admiration. Dean Guo did not brag, she really knew how to do it.

  They all sweated for her just now.

   Although it looks simple, they all know that it is not easy. The thin blood vessels and the long catheters have to be inserted into the blood vessels of the heart. The heart is still beating. If the operation is not good, I can't imagine the consequences.

"It can be sent to the ward." Guo Xiang breathed a sigh of relief. "You have to stay in bed for 24 hours without moving. This vascular sheath should be kept for six to twelve hours. Don't pull it out casually. After twelve hours have passed, you must pressurize and bandage it. Twenty-four hours, the sandbag was pressurized to stop the bleeding, and this leg could not move..."

  Because it is the femoral artery, if it is not pressurized to stop the bleeding, it is likely that the blood will not stop flowing out, and the consequences will be very serious.

  Then Guo Xiang also talked about some postoperative matters, such as adding 1,000 to 1,500 ml of rehydration fluid. Because of the contrast agent added to the blood, only rehydration can speed up the metabolism.

  There are also anticoagulant hemostasis, pay attention to light diet and so on.

  "When can I get up and move around?" Xu Wei asked.

   “You can move around 24 to 48 hours after surgery, but it’s best to just stay in bed and walk slowly when you fully recover. You must be hospitalized for at least half a month.” Guo Xiang said.

   "Then ask for leave." Xu's father said.

  Because of local anesthesia, he is sober.

"Let your mom help you. You will definitely be able to get a leave after you have surgery. The unit will not be so unreasonable. Besides, you are about to retire, and they will not deliberately make trouble with you." Xu Wei said, "Your health is important now. , You don’t care about the others."

  Father Xu nodded. I didn’t expect that the illness that had been in the business for so long would be cured like this?

"But in the future, you must still pay attention to rest. Don't do heavy physical work, eat lightly, eat less oil and less salt, and live a regular life. People who do stents have a 1% chance of developing blood clots in the future and need to take aspirin. Years, prevent..." Guo Xiang said.

   "Yes, I will pay attention to all of these." Xu Wei nodded, letting his family pay more attention to the postoperative matters, and it all depends on himself.

  Xu’s mother was already waiting in the operating room with anxiety, for fear that something might happen.

  It's weird to see my wife coming out and still sober, is it in such a good state?

  "The treatment was very successful, don't worry, mom, I will tell you about the next thing slowly." Xu Wei said.

  Mother Xu was overjoyed, "Thank you, thank Dean Guo!" Now they know that Dean Guo is really capable.

   "You're welcome." Guo Xiang smiled.

   Back to the ward, Xu's father was also very emotional. This hospital is really good. He has been cured for so long, and the conditions in this ward are really good, like a hotel.

  Because there are few patients now, he is alone in the two-person room, like a private room.

  Everywhere is clean and tidy, and the nurses have a very good attitude, which is incomparable to the public.

  There are too few patients now.

  He was a little worried about Guo Xiang.

   "Dad, do you now know that I didn't lie to you?" Xu Wei said.

   "It's good here, but can you really get reused here? I don't see many patients." Xu's father said.

"Dad, that’s because there are still many people who don’t know about this hospital. There are also many people who know this hospital but don’t believe it is good like you. So now we have to promote and advertise. There will be more people who will be cured in the future. The number of patients will definitely increase, and I am not afraid that the hospital will not develop at that time..." Xu Wei said.

   "Yes, I see that the doctors and nurses here are so good, and the patients are in a better mood when they come to see the doctor, which is like those public hospitals, as if they owe them 800 yuan..." Xu's mother also said.

   "Is it not cheap to treat this disease today?" Xu's father asked.

  "It's probably a few thousand yuan." Xu Wei said, "The equipment is imported, and the brackets are imported, there are medicines, and I have to stay in the hospital for so long..."

   "Well, aren't we taking a big advantage?" Xu's father was a little bit sorry for a moment, thousands of dollars, not hundreds of dollars.

   "Dean Guo can run such a large hospital without the money, so we have to cooperate with her to make publicity, let more people know this treatment method, and benefit more people early!" Xu Wei said.

  (End of this chapter)

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