Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 858: I'm late

   Chapter 858

  Passing in front of the mural, there is a long corridor with a two-story building on the opposite side.

  Guo Xiang and Gu Zhennan looked around, but no one was watching them.

  Maybe everyone went to the front hall to help.

  And ordinary people can't come in here. The believers are very conscious and no one thinks that others will come in randomly.

  Guo Xiang and Gu Zhennan walked into the small building. The building looked a bit like an office. It might be a place for handling affairs in the temple, but there was no one. .

   "Go upstairs and take a look." Guo Xiang said softly.

  Gu Zhennan nodded, took Guo Xiang’s hand, and quietly took out the pistol with the other hand and hid it in his sleeve.

  Up to the second floor, there is an open office directly opposite. There is a large desk and a chair behind it. There seems to be a person sitting on the chair.

  But that person is facing Guo Xiang and the others.

  Guo Xiang and Gu Zhennan looked at each other, stood at the door, and said in English: "Sorry, excuse me..."

  The person in the chair was motionless and did not turn around.

  Guo Xiang suddenly had a bad feeling. Gu Zhennan pulled out the gun and held it in his hand. Guo Xiang took his arm tightly.

  Walking to the desk, Gu Zhennan pushed the back of the chair.

  The chair is a swivel chair. With this push, he turned around. There was a person sitting on it with his head drooping. There was a black hole full of blood on his forehead, which shocked Guo Xiang.

   "We are late!" Gu Zhennan sighed lightly, "He should be one of the candidates..."

   "What should I do now?" Guo Xiang pulled Gu Zhennan's hand a little nervously. To be honest, although he has undergone many operations, such scenes are still rare.

   "Let's go, look for the next one, I hope we can find the next one before the killers." Gu Zhennan said.

   "Then he..." Guo Xiang looked at the man.

   "I looked dead for a while." Gu Zhennan glanced again, "Didn't you bring your camera, take a picture, take it back and show it to Abxin."

   "Okay!" Guo Xiang took a deep breath, took the camera out of his bag, and took a picture of the person in the chair.

  It was the first time that she took a dead photo. She was a little panicked, took one casually and left in a hurry.

  Walking to the outside of the temple, Bashar was waiting for them, "How is it?" he asked.

   "Go!" Guo Xiang said, and quickly got into the car with Gu Zhennan.

  Bashar drove hurriedly, and after a long time when the car drove out, he asked, "What's the matter?"

   "People are dead, we are late." Guo Xiang said.

   "Then...Where are we going now?" Bashar swallowed and was a little nervous. To be honest, although he traveled north and south and took many guests across the country, he really hadn't seen a dead person.

   "Let's find the next one." Guo Xiang took out the pattern that looked like earth and gold, looked upside down, and didn't see anything.

  I regret not checking with Abu Xin just now what he is holding, so that I can rule it out.

   "Husband, what do you think this looks like?" Guo Xiang handed the drawing in his hand to Gu Zhennan.

  Gu Zhennan took it over and took a look, "Is this gold?"

  "Why are you so sure?" Guo Xiang was surprised. She thought it looked like dirt, piece by piece.

   "I think if it is soil, whether it is in the West or the East, the first thing that comes to mind is the land. The land will not be painted like this. Does this look like a tool? A metal tool?" Gu Zhennan said.

  Guo Xiang really makes sense. He thinks a lot because he can paint. Maybe Gu Zhennan is from the perspective of an ordinary person.

  Besides, he used to work in the countryside and then in the oil field, all working with the land. Perhaps his ideas are more in line with this traditional culture.

   "Okay, we will treat it as gold." Guo Xiang nodded, "Gold is in the West, autumn is gold, and autumn is the harvest season."

   "Bashar, let's go to Xicheng now, and then you can see if there are any temples with the meaning of gold, autumn, or harvest." Guo Xiang pointed to the map in his hand and said.

   "Okay!" Bashar nodded, turned the steering wheel, and drove to Xicheng.

  West City is much deserted than South City. Bashar stopped and looked at the map. Many temples were in the suburbs, far away.

   "These temples all have the meaning of autumn and harvest." Bashar pointed to three of them.

   "Then let's go over and watch one by one." Guo Xiang said.

  I first searched for two temples that were relatively close to each other, but found no clues, nor did he find the person he was looking for.

  So the three of them arrived at the third temple.

  The location of this temple is very partial, with the desert on the edge. The temple is relatively simple and small. The whole is white, and the roof is actually golden.

  "Will the messenger candidate be in such a place? It seems a bit impossible." Bashar was a little disappointed after seeing the temple.

"It's hard to say, haven't you heard that the most dangerous place is the safest place?" Guo Xiang said, "In China, there are some'sweeper monks' hiding in some temples to do some handyman work, but they are so good. Taoist monk."

  Bashar raised his eyebrows, "That's different..."

  They are a monarchy with a very strict class. Generally, the phenomenon of high status but low class is not likely to occur.

  However, the crown prince also said that they want to hide, which is hard to say.

  So in such a small temple should be the person in charge, right? It would not be a "sweeper monk" as the guests said.

  The three of them entered the monastery, and they took a look at it first, but their arrival here attracted some people's attention.

  "Excuse me, what's the matter with you?" Someone stepped forward.

  Bashar bowed, "We have something to ask for the headmaster."

  "The master has guests now, please wait a moment." The person said.

  Guo Xiang and Gu Zhennan looked at each other, indicating that the master here is still alive, and maybe the killer has not been able to find it.

  The three of them sat outside and waited, listening to the people in the temple singing.

  After waiting for about ten minutes, no one came to inform them whether the patriarch had time to meet them. Guo Xiang was a bit impatient. If the patriarch is not, we can’t waste time here.

  Guo Xiang signaled to Bashar, he would know how to ask, "How long will I have to wait? Can we see the master immediately?"

  "Please wait a moment, I'll go and ask." The man in the temple said.

  Not long after the person entered, he suddenly screamed loudly.

   "Not good!" Guo Xiang and Gu Zhennan jumped up. Could it be that the master's guest just now was a killer?

  The three hurried to the office.

  As soon as I entered the office, I saw that it was messy. It should have been a fight. The head of a person wearing the patriarch’s costume was stuffed in a fish tank beside him.

  The window was wide open, and the murderer had already run away.

   "Hurry up, get people out!" Guo Xiang shouted, to see if there is any help.

  Gu Zhennan walked over to hold the head of the master’s collar, lifted the person out, and laid it on the ground.

  There was a plain purple streak on the man’s neck, and there was no gunshot wound. He might be afraid of disturbing others. This place is not easy to hide, so it is better to escape silently by killing people.

  It may be that the killer is different and the methods are different. Maybe this killer doesn't like to use guns.

  (End of this chapter)

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