Chapter 90 Bronchoscope

  Guo Xiang ignored Huang Ling, jumped into the cab, turned the key, and the car shook suddenly.

   "Great, the car is not broken, get in the car!" Guo Xiang waved.

  The two people below were stunned, "You really know how to drive?"

  Who can even drive a car? Isn't she a country doctor? No, the doctor is not even considered as an apprentice!

   "What are you still doing? Come on!" Guo Xiang said.

"Oh oh!" Lexi woke up like a dream, and quickly lifted the driver into the back seat with Huang Ling. Guo Xiang asked Zhang Lifang to sit in the front with the child, help her fasten her seat belt, and settle in the back, loosen the clutch, and put in reverse gear. Retreat to the loop first, then step on the gas pedal, and the car quickly drove out.

   "Xiao, Xiao Guo, drive slowly!" Lexi said with lingering fear.

   "Well, I know." Guo Xiang nodded, "Doctor Le, I don't know the way, you have to point me to the place where there is an intersection, otherwise it will be troublesome."

   "Okay!" Lexi nodded and looked at Guo Xiang's back. Seeing her driving the car proficiently, she was really curious. Who is she? A rural doctor’s apprentice, who knows everything and can drive a car, where did the monster pop up?

  The car went to the county hospital safely. Lexi rushed down and called a doctor from the emergency department to pull the driver away, and then asked Huang Ling to contact the relevant doctor to go to the hospital for surgery immediately.

  I took Guo Xiang and Zhang Lifang to the thoracic surgery department. Because I had already taken the film, I didn’t need to go to the Department of Respiratory Medicine. I used a bronchoscope to check it directly. If there is a foreign body, I would clip it out.

  Lessy brought the bronchoscope, but her hands kept shaking.

   "Doctor Le, what's wrong with you?" Guo Xiang asked hurriedly.

  Lexi grabbed his right hand, "My hand seemed to be injured just now, so I can’t do it..."

   "Then shall I?" Guo Xiang said.

   "You come? Will you? Do you...have medical qualifications?" Lexi asked.

  Guo Xiang was taken aback, "No, but the child is now..."

  Lexi pondered for a moment, “I’m here, you do it. If someone asks tomorrow, it’s me.”

  Guo Xiang glanced at him and nodded, now it can only be so.

  The child was given a general anesthesia, and the bronchoscope was slowly inserted from the mouth.

  Sure enough, I saw a peanut jam stuck on the bronchus of the right lung, and the whole right lung was shrunk like a deflated balloon.

  Guo Xiang carefully picked the peanuts out with foreign body tongs. It turned out that this was the one who was making trouble. No wonder the child repeatedly had a fever and cough. Can something in the trachea be all right?

  The peanuts were taken out, and Guo Xiang gave the child another drip, which was mixed with anti-inflammatory drugs.

  Because of the anesthetic, the child hasn't woken up yet.

  When Guo Xiang went out, Zhang Lifang was waiting outside and was almost crying.

   "Xiao Guo, how is it?" Zhang Lifang asked Guo Xiang when he saw Guo Xiang.

"It should be okay!" Guo Xiang nodded and picked up the peanuts taken out of the child's lungs. "Sister-in-law, you see, this is the one stuck in the child's lungs. In the future, the child should be careful when eating. Don't let the child run. verb: move."

   "Is there really something in my lungs?" Zhang Lifang was shocked, "I am not good, I am too accustomed to children, I will pay attention to it in the future, Xiao Guo, thank you so much!"

   "Don't thank me, you have to thank Dr. Le, he performed the operation on the child." Guo Xiang said: "But the child has not been anaesthetized yet, and has not yet woken up yet."

   "Doctor Le, thank you so much." Zhang Lifang looked grateful.

  Lexi took a deep look at Guo Xiang, “Let’s rest here tonight and leave tomorrow.”

   said to Zhang Lifang again: "I will change the ward for the child later. You are here to watch the child. If you have anything to do, notify me immediately. I will be on duty tonight."

   "Hey, thank you so much, Dr. Le!" Zhang Lifang thanked repeatedly.

   "Sister-in-law, your wound will also be treated, I will help you bandage it." Guo Xiang pulled Zhang Lifang over.

   "But the child..." Zhang Lifang was worried.

   "The child won't wake up for a while, don't worry, nothing will happen!" Guo Xiang said.

   Pulled Zhang Lifang to the nurse's station. The nurse there helped to deal with it, so she didn't bother to intervene.

  When the bandage is finished, Guo Xiangla Zhang Lifang sits down, "Sister-in-law, you sit down and feel dizzy, do you feel like vomiting?"

  She was hit in a car accident just now, and she was afraid that she would have a concussion.

   "I'm fine, I have to go to see the kids..." Zhang Lifang couldn't take care of herself at all.

   "Let's go together!" Guo Xiang nodded, "If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me, don't hold back, if you fall, what will the child do?"

   "Hmm, I got it!" Zhang Lifang nodded.

  The two came to the child's ward. The child was still asleep, and the fever had subsided. Zhang Lifang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Guo Xiang took the opportunity to take a fluoroscopy and took a look at the child’s lungs. It seemed that the lungs had been filled a little bit, and it seemed that the lungs were still functioning.

  Fortunately, if the lungs have shrunk completely over time, there may really be only one lung for a lifetime, which will have a great impact on the growth and development of the child. Fortunately, it is not too late to find out.

  After a while, Lexi came over with two lunch boxes, "Are you hungry? Let’s have some food!"

   "How embarrassed then?" Zhang Lifang did not dare to reach out.

  Guo Xiang generously took it and gave Zhang Lifang a box, “I’ve been hungry for so long, so sister-in-law eat it, it’s okay!”

   "Thank you!" Guo Xiang looked at Lexi, "Have you eaten? Are your hands okay?"

   "I just ate, and the hand problem is not big." Lexi nodded, looking at Guo Xiang's eyes full of curiosity, this woman is so different.

  The two had a meal. Lexi sat next to Guo Xiang and looked at her curiously. She was very good-looking, with white skin, delicate features, and fashionable clothes. How could she be a country doctor?

   "Comrade Xiao Guo, can you take the liberty to ask you where you have studied medicine before?" Lexi asked.

  Guo Xiang's hand paused, and he shook his head, "I don't know!"

   "I don't know what it means?" Lexi was surprised.

   "Doctor Le, you don't know that Xiao Guo was a fool before. It has only been a few months, and she can't remember anything before." Zhang Lifang called.

   "How is it possible?" Lexi was shocked, she was a fool, then all of them were fools.

   "It's true!" Guo Xiang nodded, "So don't ask anything. I don't know if you ask."

   "Well, then why do you have those?" Lexi stammered a bit, surgery, driving, how did these things happen?

   "It's just by instinct, I know I will, so I will do it." Guo Xiang raised his eyebrows, not wanting to explain.

   "Then you... did you check it?" Lexi asked.

   "What to check? See if I am a fool?" Guo Xiang looked at him.

   "Uh..." Lexi suddenly didn't know what to say, yeah, she is all normal now, what else can she find out?

   "Someone in our village said that Xiao Guo must have been seen by the gods and passed on her medical skills, otherwise how could he suddenly wake up and suddenly be so powerful!" Zhang Lifang said.

  Guo Xiang glanced sideways, what else is there to say? I don't even know.

  Lexi didn't answer the conversation. This must be a nonsense that the country folk didn't understand science, and he didn't believe it.

This is a real case. As I have seen on TV before, in popular medical science programs, the child’s lungs are half collapsed, so mothers with babies must be careful not to let the child run around while the child is eating. You must pay attention to things like beans and peanuts. The heroine of this book is a surgeon, not a "general medical literature", so try to use real medical records.



  (End of this chapter)

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