Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 922: President Gu is not free

   Chapter 922

  Fu Peiwen stepped out of the TV station and was about to go to Gu Zhennan’s company again. She still didn’t believe it. Can’t wait for that person to stay there?

  When I arrived at Rui Da Company, I said my identity, and someone went in to report.

   "Assistant Wang, there is a woman named Fu Peiwen from the TV station who is looking for Mr. Gu."

  Wang Bin frowned, that woman came to the door?

  He knocked on the door of Gu Zhennan's office, and the sound of "coming in" came from inside.

   "President Gu, that Fu Peiwen is here." Wang Bin said.

   "Just say I'm not free, and ask her what's the matter. If it's an interview, let her leave the question." Gu Zhennan didn't raise his head either.

   "Understood." Wang Bin nodded, Zhennan just didn't want to see that woman.

  Wang Bin walked to the reception desk and saw Fu Peiwen. This woman is quite pretty, but Zhennan doesn’t wait to see her.

  "Hello, Mr. Gu is busy and we have no time to see you now." Wang Bin said.

   "Then when he is finished, I can wait here." Fu Peiwen said.

   "Mr Gu said that if you have any questions or information, you can just pass it to me, and he will read it." Wang Bin said.

  Fu Peiwen was a little unhappy, "But if I have some problems, I have to communicate with him face to face. Otherwise, when there is a mistake in recording the show, who will be responsible?"

  Wang Bin frowned and looked at Fu Peiwen. This woman is really difficult, and it's no wonder that Zhennan resented her yesterday.

  "Then if you are willing to wait, just wait here, but I can't guarantee when President Gu will be able to finish." Wang Bin said.

  Fu Peiwen nodded, it would be easy as long as he was there, she still didn't believe that he could keep coming out.

   But all afternoon, no one came to see her except for someone pouring a glass of water at first. Even when someone came over, they were curious about her host, watching like an animal, making Fu Peiwen angry.

  Gu Zhennan didn't walk out until after get off work.

   "President Gu!" Fu Peiwen stood up hurriedly.

  Gu Zhennan glanced at her, why hasn’t this person left yet?

   "President Gu, are you free now? I want to check the content of the interview with you." Fu Peiwen said.

   "I'm not free." Gu Zhennan kept walking.

   "I can invite you to dinner, and we will talk while eating." Fu Peiwen followed.

   "I want to go home to eat with my family." Gu Zhennan said, the subtext is why I want to eat with you? who are you?

   "Then what will Mr. Gu say about our program?" Fu Peiwen was a little unhappy.

   "Isn’t it all right to tell my assistant? Comrade Fu doesn’t need to wait here." Gu Zhennan said coldly, telling you the method. You don’t listen, but you have to wait here. Who is to blame?

  "Comrade Fu, give me the information, I'll show it to President Gu." Wang Bin stopped.

Fu Peiwen bit his lip, and had to pass the information in his hand. The interview time has been arranged, and it is his own fight. You can't cancel it, let him see it first, and always have to communicate. of.

  Wang Bin took the information and caught up with Gu Zhennan.

  "Can you drive?" Gu Zhennan asked.

   "Yes!" Wang Bin nodded.

  "Then you can open it!" Gu Zhennan said, taking over the information in Wang Bin's hand.

"By the way, you don't have a place to live yet? Stay in a hotel at night, and you will be reimbursed. After two days, I will find a suitable place to rent a room nearby. Our company does not include board and lodging." Gu Zhennan said. However, appropriate housing subsidies will be given."

"Well, I see. Today I asked other colleagues. There is an accountant Xiao Wu in the accounting department. He rented an apartment by himself, but he happened to be vacant. He said that he could live with him and share the rent between the two." Wang Bin said.

  He had already inquired about it when he went to work. Naturally, the matter of eating and sleeping must be solved first. It is best for someone to rent an apartment together, so that you don’t have to look for it yourself.

  "Is that so? Then go to my house for a meal tonight, and see your sister-in-law, I haven't told him about your coming to Beijing." Gu Zhennan said.

   "Okay!" Wang Bin smiled. He still remembers Guo Xiang, a very beautiful woman.

  Gu Zhennan was a few years older than he was admitted to the university because he worked for a few years. The first time I saw Guo Xiang was called his sister-in-law, although he is now an assistant to Gu Zhennan, he still calls his sister-in-law closer.

  At home, Gu Zhennan introduced to Gu Xide that Wang Bin was a classmate in the Northeast, and now he is an assistant.

   "Thanks for your hard work." Gu Xide said.

   "No, no." Wang Bin waved his hand quickly, "Zhennanken gave me this opportunity, I can't ask for it."

  Not long after, Guo Xiang also came back. He was a little curious when he heard talking in the living room. Is there a guest today?

  Went to the living room and saw Wang Bin, and he recognized him immediately, "Are you Wang Bin?"

   "Sister-in-law, do you still remember me?" Wang Bin was surprised. He hadn't seen each other for several years, and he didn't expect Guo Xiang to remember himself.

   "Your sister-in-law has a good memory." Gu Zhennan laughed.

  "When did you come to the capital?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "Just arrived this morning, I went to work in Zhennan's company." Wang Bin said.

   "Well, give me an assistant, and I have already started work today. If anyone comes to me in the future, I will use him to transfer. Of course, you don't need to find me, just hit my eldest brother." Gu Zhennan said.

  Guo Xiang raised his eyebrows, his husband was already a bit domineering president.

  "You can install a dedicated line in your office so that your family can find you." Guo Xiang said.

   "Also." Gu Zhennan nodded. This line only tells his closest people.

   "By the way, your company doesn't have a front desk yet, right? You can hire a front desk." Guo Xiang said.

  "What is the front desk?" Wang Bin asked. He was in a state-owned enterprise before, and there was no concept of a front desk.

   Not to mention state-owned enterprises, private enterprises currently do not have such a setting.

"It is to set up a special seat at the entrance of the company and invite a beautiful young girl to be the facade of the company. If someone comes to find, whether it is the boss or the staff inside, it must be conveyed through this front desk, so as not to let non-company The members of you are free to enter."

  "High-level people like the boss, you need to make an appointment to see them, and you can't even see them without an appointment." Guo Xiang said.

  Gu Zhennan nodded, "This method is good!"

  "The front desk can also do the reception work. For example, when you are temporarily not available, let the front desk take guests into the reception room and do some work of serving tea and water. Does your company do not have it now?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "There are people, but generally it is whoever has time to do it." Wang Bin said.

  Guo Xiang nodded, “It’s better to appoint one person, so as not to delay other people’s work, and everyone’s responsibilities are clear.”

"Very good, Wang Bin, you will tell the personnel side to hire a front desk tomorrow. It is better to be a little girl. It is better to look at. The front of the company should be decorated a little, and the desk should be bigger, and it should be done beautifully." Gu Zhennan Said.

   "Okay!" Wang Bin nodded.

  (End of this chapter)

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