Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 957: Visit Panjiayuan

  Chapter 957 Visiting Pan Jiayuan

  After spending most of the day visiting the Forbidden City, Abxin rubbed his stomach and said, “I’m hungry, let’s go eat?”

   "Okay!" Guo'er nodded, wondering where to eat.

  At this time, there is no restaurant in the Forbidden City, so I have to eat outside.

  When I walked out of the Forbidden City, there were some scattered vendors outside. Abu Xin saw Hong Yanyan's bunches of candied haws and became interested, "What is that? Can you eat it?"

   "It's candied haws, it's edible, and it's sweet." Guoer said, "but it's getting a little bit hot like this..."

   "It's okay, as long as you can eat." Abxin said.

  Guoer went to buy a bunch of candied haws to Abxin. He took the candied haws and said, "Buy two more bunches, and you will eat too!"

   Guoer shook her head. She didn't tell him that the hawthorn in it was sour. She didn't like to eat sour.

   “It’s okay, don’t save money for me, let’s say it’s so cheap.” Abxin saw Guo'er handing over money just now, it seems it’s only a few cents, their currency.

  Guo'er still shook his head, and Abxin ignored it, and started eating by himself.

   Take a bite, sweet, chew again, "So sour!"

  Guo'er pursed his mouth and smiled, and Abu Xin blinked, "No wonder you didn't eat it because you wanted me to be fooled?"

   "No, maybe you like to eat sour?" Guoer explained quickly.

  "It's a bit too sour..." Absin took another bite, frowning with sour brows, "Stop eating..." he wanted to throw it away.

   "Hey, don't waste it!" Guoer called.

   "Then you eat!" Abxin handed the candied haws to Guo'er, and she blushed, "I don't want..." He had eaten them.

  Abu Xin smiled, didn't throw it away, frowned and finished eating, somehow just didn't want to leave a bad impression in front of this lovely girl.

  Walking outside and seeing a restaurant, Guo'er took Abu Xin in, and found a position to sit down, so as not to be disturbed.

  I ordered a few Beijing specialties, which are generally not spicy. Absin should like to eat them.

   "I heard that you have any roast duck delicious, not here?" Abxin said.

   "Oh, that's Beijing Roast Duck. It's not here. We have to go to Quanjude. Shall we go to eat at night?" Guoer said.

   "Okay!" Abu Xin nodded and asked Shang Lin Cheng to eat together. Although he didn't seem to be doing anything, it was very hard to follow him all the time. The meal still had to be eaten by people.

   "By the way, do you have a market selling antiques? Yesterday, I heard the waiter in the hotel say, what is it called..." Absinka couldn't remember it anymore.

  Guo'er didn't know, she was not interested in this, so she asked Lin Cheng if she knew.

   "It's Panjiayuan, it opened last year." Lin Cheng said.

   "Yes, yes, it's this Pan..." Abu Xin nodded, "Do you know where it is? There are really many antiques?"

   Guoer translates for him.

   "I know where it is. If you want to go, I will take you there." Lin Cheng said, "Actually, Panjiayuan has been around since the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic.

  "In the early 1980s, a group of Erdao dealers gathered there to buy and sell antiques, and they were always copied by industry and commerce. Later, in order to regulate the market, the Panjiayuan was rebuilt last year, and now there are more and more people."

  "But most of the things there are not good products, they are just to lie to you foreigners. Of course, there are also some stall owners who have misplaced their eyes, and things that are picked up and missed happen from time to time."

   Guoer probably translated what Lin Cheng said, "However, I don’t understand this. What if I buy it wrong?"

  Abu Xin nodded, "It's okay, I don't want the money, just buy some fun gadgets."

  After dinner, Lin Cheng drove Guoer and Abxin to Panjiayuan.

  Because there are not many people because of the hot weather, most people go to places with stores, which is cooler.

   When the outside vendors saw the arrival, foreigners became enthusiastic and desperately promoted their own things.

  "Hey, this foreign friend, come and have a look. The plum bottle from the Ming Dynasty and the snuff bottle from the Qing Dynasty are the most popular abroad. Bring one back?"

  "I have bronzes from the Shang Dynasty, which are invaluable. Take a look..."

   Guo'er's face is hot when he hears it, and this stall returns the bronzes of the Shang Dynasty. You made a fortune early, and are you still setting up a stall here? It is clear that it is Mongolian foreigners.

  Abuxin was not fooled, but he didn’t say a word, and looked at the stalls one by one.

  Some people were disappointed, "It's not a rich man, neither is it a foreigner with blue eyes..."

   "Just to watch the excitement."

   Guo'er frowned. He is the prince of Saudi Arabia. It can be said that he is the richest man in the world. Will he have no money?

  Abuxin could not understand, but he didn't feel annoyed. He looked at them leisurely.

  Suddenly he stopped at a booth and saw two small bronze bells, which looked good, so he picked them up and put them in his hands to take a closer look.

  The small bell has some green rust, but the pattern on it is quite delicate.

  "Boss, this, how do you sell it?" Absin said bluntly and universally.

   "Yo, you can speak Chinese?" The boss laughed, "You have a good vision, this is..." The boss rolled his eyes, "Does the palace know the bells used by people in the Qing Dynasty palace? It's the emperor..."

   Guo'er rolled his eyes, the emperor used this? It's not a puppy.

  "Boss, you didn't say that last time." Lin Cheng couldn't help but interject. He had been here before, and happened to hear the boss say it was something from the Republic of China.

"Hey, I said that you are all Chinese. Don't dismantle my station. Foreigners don't make money for nothing or make money..." the boss couldn't help but said, "Dude, don't tell me, wait for you to turn around. I will give you a rebate!"

   "I'm still listening!" Guo'er couldn't help but said.

  "Do you want a rebate too? Then sell a little bit more, and keep some for you?" the boss said.

   "I didn't mean that..." Guo'er blushed and looked at Abu Xin, wondering if he understood it, "Just what it is, don't brag!"

  Abu Xin didn't care, and smiled, "How much is it?"

   "One is five hundred, you want a pair, give it to eight hundred!" The boss made an eight gesture with his hand.

   "These two bells cost eight hundred?" Guo'er's eyes widened. "Eighty is almost the same."

  "Girl, you killed too hard, five hundred, give you a pair!" the boss said.

   "No, it's too expensive!" Guoer shook his head.

  "You listen to the opinions of foreigners, don't you think they don't need it?" the boss said.

  "Too expensive!" Abxin shook his head.

   "That... three hundred!" The boss extended three fingers again and gestured.

   "It's still too expensive, 80!" Abu Xin used the price Guoer just said, but in fact the price is also high, Guoer just said casually.

   "Eighty is too low, why not one hundred and eighty? Eighteen, to be sent. Do you know what it means? It means to make a fortune!" said the boss.

  Guoer explained to Abu Xin again.

  He smiled, "Then one hundred and eight!"

    Ask for a monthly pass!



  (End of this chapter)

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