Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 970: Something strange

   Chapter 970

   "Go this way!" The village head pointed to the front.

   Suddenly thought of something, and said to the villager who was guiding the way: "Lucky, you go to Tongtong’s house and say a word, and you say that there are guests coming, let people clean up the house, the guests don’t look well."

  The villagers were stunned at first, and immediately reacted, and said quickly: "Okay, I'll go right away."

   "You are welcome, we can understand this mountain." Tang Le smiled.

   "Hey, you didn't know that his house is very poor, and he doesn't usually clean it, and he doesn't even have a place to sit. You always have to sit down when you come." The village chief said, "You are here this time..."

   "We are here to find out about the situation. Family conditions must be verified. Only those hospitals that really meet the conditions will give free surgery." Tang Le said.

   "Should, should." The village head nodded.

   Not far away, the villager waited at the intersection before, “The village chief, the house is all packed, it’s okay.”

   "Okay!" The village chief nodded, "You lead the way."

  Tang Le and Guo'er looked at each other, their faces were a little surprised. Why doesn't the village chief seem to know where Tan Tong's house is?

   In front of the previous house, which was also relatively dilapidated, the village chief said, "This is Tongtong's house."

  "Call the students, the guests are here." The village chief shouted at the door.

  Tang Le frowned, summoning students? Not Shao Sheng? Is it wrong again?

  A man in his thirties came out with a smile, "Welcome, welcome!"

  "Are you Tan Shaosheng?" Tang Le asked.

"I’m Tan Zhaosheng, not Shaosheng. The letter was written incorrectly. I didn’t know how to write it. I asked others to write it. But that was also a half-bucket of water and always made typos. I also heard that the village chief said that I received you. The phone number knew it was wrong," Tan Zhaosheng said embarrassedly.

  Tang Le nodded, "Is Tongtong at home? Can we see him?"

   "Yes, here, I will tell him to come out." Qin Zhaosheng said, went to the house and called a child out.

   is a boy, his face is not very good, he looks sick, and his facial features are a bit strange, but he looks a bit like the Tongtong he just saw.

   "Tongtong, this is a doctor from Beijing. They can help you see a doctor for free, so please call an uncle and aunt quickly!" said Qin Zhaosheng.

  Tongtong glanced at the two, but refused to call, looked at the village chief.

   "The people in the mountains have never seen the world, and are timid, don't be offended!" said the village chief.

   "It's okay!" Tang Le shook his head.

   "That's the case. The letter I received before did not specify the child's condition, which type of thalassemia? Have you seen it in the hospital? Do you have a medical history?" Tang Le asked.

   "Yes, yes." Qin Zhaosheng said quickly, and took the case from the table to Tang Le.

  Tang Le took a look, and the characters on the medical records were rather scribbled, and many of them could not be understood, but the heavy characters were still visible.

  It seems to be true?

  "Don't you have any income at home?" Tang Le asked.

  "Look at your home and you will know..." Tan Zhaosheng smiled bitterly, "We are already poor here. There are some mountain products in the mountains that cannot be transported because the roads are blocked. There are few fields and there is only enough food for ourselves."

   “I had a little money to save, but the child got this disease, and he had to take medicine every day, wherever he could afford to spend, he ran out of treatments for the child, and sometimes he couldn’t even eat.” Tan Zhaosheng sighed.

  "Comrade, in this case, children should be able to watch it for free, right?" the village chief asked.

   "If it is a long-term medicine, our hospital does not support it. We just do the operation for free. If the operation is not cured, we can't help it." Tang Le said.

   "The operation can be cured, the doctor said, it is to transplant bone marrow, but it costs a lot of money, our family is so poor, where's the money?" Tan Zhaosheng smiled bitterly.

  "Bone marrow transplantation is not so easy. Finding a matching type is not so easy to find." Guoer said.

   "Yes, they have some people, they are all matched successfully, but there is no operation fee..." the village chief said.

   "Huh? The matching was successful?" The two were surprised, "Where is that person?"

   "It's also a child, his cousin." The village chief said, and then called into the house, "City, come out!"

  A boy walked out of the house, his face was sour, he looked at Tang Le and Guo'er fiercely.

  Tang Le looked at this boy, how did he feel that he looked more like the Tongtong he had just seen?

  "This is the kid? Is it still so young, okay?" Tang Le asked.

   "I don't know either." Guoer shook his head.

   "Yes, yes, the matching is successful, as long as there is an operation fee, bone marrow transplantation can be done immediately, it is my family, it doesn't matter." Qin Zhaosheng said.

   "This..." Tang Le deliberately pretended to be embarrassed, "Village Chief, that's it, we are not doctors, we are just ordinary workers, we don't understand this condition, we just come to understand the economic situation."

"They have the economic conditions for this kind of free operation, but I don't know if they can do it. I want to bring this medical record back to our dean. She wants to do the operation for you. I can't decide." Tang Le said.

   "Is that so?" Qin Zhaosheng's face was a bit bad, and he glanced at the village chief.

  The head of the village smiled, “It’s definitely possible to do it. Our doctors here all say it can do it. Look, how about your own doctors if you send the money over?”

"That's not okay. Our hospital is a private hospital. Although it promises to be free, it is also conditional. The operation performed in our hospital must cooperate with our publicity. Then it will be on TV or in the newspaper. If you do it here, then We didn't do it in our hospital, so we are at a loss?" Tang Le said deliberately.

  The head of the village cursed inwardly. It turned out that he was also a capitalist, and he thought there was such a cheap thing.

   "It turned out to be like this, it should be, it should be." The village chief echoed.

   "Then we must go to the capital to do it?" Qin Zhaosheng asked, "But we can't even afford the round trip fee."

   "We can also reimburse the travel expenses." Tang Le said, "But we have to wait for our dean's notice. You know that our hospital also performs operations on other children and we have to wait in line."

   "That's it?" Qin Zhaosheng and the village chief looked at each other, "Then can you guys as soon as possible? After all, the child's illness waits for no one."

   "Well, we will inform you as soon as possible if the operation can be performed. If we can't do it, we will also say." Tang Le said.

   "What can be done, it must be possible. Even the child can be taken to the capital together. There is nothing that can't be done." The village chief said, "I will take them personally when the time comes."

  Tang Le nodded, "Then we have to wait for our notice."

   "Look, it's noon, so come to my house to have a potluck?" The village chief looked at the sun in the sky and said.

   "I'm sorry, I don't have anything in my house, not even rice or vegetables to invite you to dinner." Tan Zhaosheng seemed embarrassed.

   "It's okay, it's okay, no, we can just go down the mountain and eat." Guoer waved his hand again and again.

   "If you want, if you want, you help him to help our village. I will invite this meal, but there is nothing delicious in the country. Don't dislike it." The village chief said.

   "No." Tang Le smiled and gave Guo'er a look.

  "Then I will put away this medical record and take it to the capital tomorrow." Tang Le said, "If you don't need it, I will send it back for you."

   "Okay, take it." The two nodded.

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  (End of this chapter)

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