Chapter 980

  Thinking of the possibility of bone marrow transplantation in the future, Guo Xiang felt that this method was too backward. Don’t say the donor’s pain, and the efficiency would be lower. He should ask if there is a hematopoietic stem cell separator.

In fact, bone marrow transplantation is mainly the transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells, but hematopoietic stem cells could not be isolated before, so bone marrow can only be extracted directly. With a stem cell separator, you only need to draw out the blood from the human body, and then separate the hematopoietic stem cells through the stem cell separator for input. Into the recipient's body.

  The blood from the separated stem cells can also be transfused back into the body of the original donor, and the impact on the body of the donor will be less.

  Guo Xiang inquired around, and then asked the President Lin of Beijing Medical University. He learned that a company that made medical equipment actually had this kind of machine, or it was imported.

  One inquiries, it costs 300,000.

  But it’s okay, so I just use it once, and I can use it in the future. It can be used for leukemia.

  Guo Xiang immediately contacted that company to place an order, asked them to deliver the goods to the door, and then install and debug. Except for part of the final payment, most of the payments were settled first, so no problems would arise.

  Of course, even if there is a problem, people will also guarantee it, and they are not doing a one-off sale.

  On the contrary, knowing that Guo Xiang’s hospital is strong, they have given preferential treatment. If other machines are needed in the future, they can give priority to them.

  Guo Xiang is also happy, so you don’t have to go abroad to buy it yourself, and a series of procedures such as import declaration will take a lot of time and energy. It is better to buy ready-made.

  After a few days of physical examinations, the two children were also tested for matching. All the examination reports were handed over to Guo Xiang.

   "Sister-in-law, how is it, can it be cured?" Guoer asked Guo Xiang.

  Guo Xiang nodded while reading the report, “This thalassemia is also called globinogenesis anemia, which is a group of hereditary hemolytic anemia diseases.”

  "Anemia or pathological condition caused by the absence or insufficient synthesis of one or more globin chains in hemoglobin due to inherited genetic defects."

   "It is more common in my country's Guangdong, Xiguang and Sichuan provinces. There are sporadic cases in the provinces south of the Yangtze River, and there are fewer cases in the north. Therefore, there are only so many people suffering from this disease in Tan Shaosheng and others."

  "Generally divided into mild, intermediate and severe types. The mild type generally has no symptoms and does not affect usual life. Take some medicine at most. The intermediate type anemia can generally live to adulthood, and the severe type is prone to premature death."

   "Moreover, the severe disease has obvious characteristics, such as anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, dysplasia, and the appearance is large head, wide eye distance, forehead protrusion, easy fracture, etc..."

   "No wonder I said that Tongtong and that Tongtong look a little like, and they don't look very good. It's because they are all seriously ill, so they grow up like that?" Guoer said.

  Guo Xiang nodded, “So it’s still very easy to distinguish. The basic effect of heavy medication is not great, and blood transfusion is possible, but it also treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the main thing, which is what we usually call bone marrow transplantation.”

   "Can Tongtong be transplanted for that city so small?" Guoer asked.

"Yes, they are brothers and sisters, and the blood type is the same. In fact, it is just the umbilical cord blood of the newborn baby, but most people don’t know it and don’t store the cord blood. If there are children with leukemia, they can’t find the matching type and deliberately give birth to them. One child is to save another child..."

   "So it can still be like this?" Guo'er nodded. She studied Chinese medicine, so the knowledge is still very limited.

  "So Chengcheng and Tongtong are matched successfully?" Guoer asked.

   "Yes, they have done it before, but even if it costs a lot of money for the operation, they can't afford it." Guo Xiang sighed, so it is necessary to set up this fund by himself, and it can at least help some people.

  "Can I start doing that?" Guo'er asked.

  "It’s not that fast yet. It will take four days to give Chengcheng a booster. Go and call their father." Guo Xiang said.

After the child moved in, Tan Shaosheng expressed his gratitude and said that he would voluntarily help the hospital to do something. Guo Xiang asked him to do cleaning and nursing work. Of course, he would be paid when he was in such a difficult family. It is not easy for two children.

  Guoer called Qin Shaosheng over. Qin Shaosheng was doing sanitation and took off his gloves, a little cautious, "Dean Guo, are you looking for me?"

  Guo Xiang nodded, "Sit down, I will tell you about the child."

   "The inspections are all done, and the two children match the matching types. Tomorrow, we will start to give the children an invigorating agent." Guo Xiang said.

  "What is a mobilizer?" Qin Shaosheng asked.

  "The mobilization agent is used in the body of the city. The transplantation is mainly the transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. This hematopoietic stem cell is transplanted into Tongtong's body and grows on her body. After that, it will make blood by itself and the body will be better."

  "But the hematopoietic stem cells in the human body are also limited. The amount of hematopoietic stem cells that are extracted from the body of the city is given to Tongtong. Of course, his body will grow, but in order to get more, he needs to use a mobilizer."

"This mobilizer is a factor that allows hematopoietic stem cells to grow. It is to allow the stem cells in the body to proliferate and differentiate rapidly, so that there are more stem cells in the bone marrow, and then the stem cells will be released into the blood, so there is no need to draw bone marrow. Just separate the stem cells from the blood."

   Tan Shaosheng nodded, it turned out to be so.

"The mobilizer needs to be used for four days. It will start tomorrow. After the fight, the child may feel a little uncomfortable, backaches, bone headaches, etc. After all, it is artificial to make it grow rapidly or it is a little uncomfortable, so if you have time, you can give your child a warm compress. Let him not be so uncomfortable." Guo Xiang said.

   "Okay, thank you Dean Guo." Tan Shaosheng nodded, Dean Guo was too considerate for the child.

"However, the mobilization agent will also increase the number of white blood cells. The child may have dizziness, nausea, and vomiting at that time. This is normal. If there is a rash, fever, etc., you should tell us in time. It may be an allergy. Treatment." Guo Xiang said.

   "Okay, I remember." Tan Shaosheng nodded.

  The next morning, the nurse came over to give the first injection of mobilizer. The needle was a bit thick, and Chengcheng's brows frowned and stopped moving.

  Tongtong was very distressed on the side, "Brother, does it hurt? I'll call you!"

  After speaking, pouted and blew lightly on Chengcheng's arm.

   "Sister, it doesn't hurt." Cheng Cheng said softly.

   "Chengcheng is so brave!" Guoer was aside, and it was very distressing to see the child so sensible.

   "A second shot will be given in eight hours." The nurse said, that is, another shot in the afternoon.

  After finishing the second shot in the afternoon, Chengcheng felt a little sore in his waist.

   Tan Shaosheng hurried to get hot water, put a towel on the child, and Tongtong stayed by his brother's side.

  The third and fourth shots were continued the next day. Chengcheng obviously felt that his waist was very uncomfortable, and the soreness was severe. After all, it was a child, and it was still painful.

   Tan Shaosheng hurriedly massaged the child, but it was useless.

   "Continue to apply heat, and give the child a hot bath will also help." Guo Xiang said.

   Chengcheng is still so young, it's not easy for her sister.

  (End of this chapter)

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