Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 255: sharpening knives

Standing in front of the chopping board in the background, Sada Zhenyi carefully selected vegetables and cut meat, and was very capable.

Although girls in the island country have taken home economics classes since childhood, they are at the level of frying eggs and bacon, killing fish, and handling ingredients with blood on their hands.

Therefore, it is very difficult for high school girls to face the **** ingredients in the kitchen, but Sada Maui handles the ingredients neatly and does not look like a delicate girl, whether it is raw fish, or use a skewer to wear the internal organs and handle the beef tongue. There is no discomfort at all, absolutely cold girl.

She looks completely different from a good high school student, she looks neat like a housewife in her forties.

Erina breathed a sigh of relief. If a really delicate little girl couldn't do this job, she was very satisfied with Sada Mayi's performance.

Erina has planned for a long time to recruit another person. The popularity of the store is becoming more and more popular, and the flow of customers will naturally increase, especially after Mizuno's energy is more focused on ramen making, the work of set meals. She overwhelmed Erina again, and she was even more tired than before Mizuno came.

I earn more money...but that's the trouble of happiness.

"If you want an onion, peel it with a knife like this..." Erina demonstrated with an onion, and Sada Mayi nodded beside her.

Her little hand held the air, imitating a kitchen knife in her hand.

"The onion carved in this way looks beautiful, and the peeling speed is very fast, and the peeled onion strips can continue to be used in dishes."

"Come and try." Erina brushed her hair and handed the kitchen knife and onion to Sada.

"Is it like this?"

Just watched it once, the onion that Sada Mayi peeled off looks like a decent, and it is very good that the newcomer can peel this flower-like shape for the first time.

Erina looked aside and nodded. What she taught Sada Mayi only had to be said once, and there was no need to teach it a second time. Smart people really saved trouble.

My own daughter can't do it. Even if she studies very seriously, she has to repeat it several times in a row to master it. Fortunately, Kaebe has patience and good temper, and can continue to consume it. Sada Mayi's talent is very powerful, so it was when Mizuno-kun first came to the store.

But when it comes to Mizuno, Erina found that Sada and Mizuno have a little overlap in temperament. This temperament should be said to be capable.

While giving Sada some basic skills, a guest pushed open the door and walked in.

"Madam, here's a... ah, if the noodle guy isn't here, let's have a pork chop rice."

The noodles at the Haibu Restaurant are unparalleled, but the chef still has to cook the food to make it taste good. The little handsome guy can't do anything if he is not here.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Erina wrapped the pork chops in bread crumbs, and chatted with Sada Shinei about daily life cordially.

"Is Sada written on the consent form a student of Runde Girls' High School?"


"That's the most famous private girls' school in the district. When I was young..." Erina showed a look of memory in her eyes, "I also attended there."

"Hey?" Sada Mayi was really surprised this time. The store manager who was working outside was actually his senior. This chance...

The chances are not low. After all, Runde Girls' High School has been established for a hundred years, and it's located in Adachi Ward. If the store manager is a native of Adachi Ward, it's not surprising that she went to Runde Girls' High School.

"The principal should have changed a long time ago." Erina smiled, "Why did Sada think of doing odd jobs?"

Those who can go to a private high school must have a middle-class family. It is common for boys to work part-time jobs, and there are not many part-time jobs for girls.

"I am admitted to the school, free student."

This sentence is enough, Erina can hear the potential meaning of this sentence, Sada's family should not be rich.

A good-looking person who obtained a free student by his own ability, and now works part-time to subsidize his family, Sada Mayi's image has become more and more lovable in Erina's eyes.

"Here, your pork chop rice."

Erina changed this somewhat heavy topic: "In addition to Sada, there are two other people in the store, who are also high school students, it's just that they walk a little slower from the school, and they will relax after they come, so don't worry about the store The task here is too heavy."

"And the two of you are very easy to get along with, you have no problem getting along with your peers..."

The diners who were eating pork chop rice took over the conversation: "Oh! Yes! Especially the little handsome guy below, who looks like a little girl like you, hahaha, as handsome as when I was young."

Sada Zhenyi didn't think there was anything. Colleagues would have things like this sooner or later, and the other party was also a high school student, so it shouldn't be difficult to get along with.

As for handsome?

Heh, in her eyes, they are only superficial men. What is the use of handsome people other than a deceiving face, is it possible to cultivate super powers? She Sada Mayi will not be disturbed by a man.

She doesn't want to give up this hard-earned part-time job. The lady boss seems to be very talkative. The hourly salary of 1,000 per hour is definitely not low, and the shop is very close to the apartment. .

Besides, the work content is not tiring, and I can also learn some opportunities to cook. In the future... I can also cook for that guy Mizuno, so that he will not have to buy some cooked food from the outside to eat at home from time to time - it is very expensive.

Cutting beef, cutting broccoli... Sada Mayi's speed is not fast, but the knife is stable, but after cutting for a while, the edges of the pork cut out have some irregular tearing.

The knife is dull.

"It's because the knife is a little dull. Use a whetstone to sharpen it." Erina took out a small whetstone from underneath.

It's not such a precious stone, but it's enough to sharpen a kitchen knife.

"Salsa." The steel kitchen knife blade and whetstone made a scratching sound, and it is normal for kitchen knives to wear out during kitchen work.

Erina demonstrated, and Sada Mayi nodded. In fact, she can do things like sharpening knives, but she just took a part-time job in the store, so she should not show that she is proficient in everything, so that the proprietress has the satisfaction of teaching an apprentice.

Holding the handle of the knife with one hand and pressing the body of the knife with the other hand, the kitchen knife went back and forth on the stone.

" The kitchen knife and the stone rubbed together to make a salsa sound, and the brown stone powder was washed away by the water and flowed into the sewer.


The sound of Huo Huo sharpening the knife continued, and the cold light reflected on Sada Mayi's delicate face.

There was a little sweat on the tip of her nose.

The warm spring breeze blew in from the door.

"I am back."

The door of the shop was gently pushed open, and two smiling figures walked in against the light.

Light footsteps, laughter and joy!

One man and one woman, so good match!

"Aunt Erina..."

"Sasha... sonorous!!!"

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