The police system is already very upset, and the trouble in the palace hall has only added fuel to the fire.

The most painful thing is that the layman guides the layman, whose police system wants to grasp the dynamics of supernatural beings more than anyone else.

If there was a paranormal radar, they'd be willing to spend as much as they could, but there isn't one at all.

However, the government is no longer in a state of smearing the supernatural. The sacred tree spawned by spiritual power in the shrine also acted as a radar in the Ravenclaw incident, but this time it may be because it is not harmful, so The divine tree had no warning.

But the thinking circuit of the divine tree is too divine. Even if there is no harm, but she appears around the imperial palace, what if those ordinary people die 10,000?

The weight of life varies from person to person from the moment of birth.

While sending someone to contact Miko Ito, the police system opened an emergency closed-door meeting.

As the head of the Imperial Household Agency said, Chiyoda Ward is the heart of the country, not for the emperor, but also for themselves. Moreover, in the hearts of the islanders, the status of the emperor has always been ambiguous. If an accident happens to the members of the royal family, everyone should take the blame and resign. .

Basically every year, there are surveys about the emperor's status in the hearts of the people. Every time, nearly 90% of the people think that the current virtual emperor system is very good, followed by people who think that the abolition of the emperor and the implementation of the real monarchy account for the rest. one-half.

Everyone in the meeting looked serious, and since the supernatural appeared, the hair of this group of bureaucrats has been reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, under the serious expression of Minister Shishima, half of the sadness and half of the joy are in the heart. Compared with other people, it can be said that he is very happy.

Although it is a bit outrageous to think like this, the person in the imperial palace feels dangerous now, and the registration of the supernatural response will definitely be higher. Go a step further.

"It's... a good thing."

In the closed-door meeting, an expert suddenly said in a shocking voice.

"Professor Mizuda, can you elaborate on your thoughts?"

Professor Mizuda came up and set the tone first: "Well, you must know better than me about the supernatural events that have occurred recently, so let me briefly explain my point of view."

The bureaucrats at the meeting tapped their fingers on the table. There is no doubt about this. Even if the advice of these experts is needed, some inconvenient things have not been disclosed to them in detail, and the police system cannot guarantee absolute purity. , outsiders can not be trusted.

"Actually, someone put forward this point a long time ago. Okigyohori and Bodhisattvas may have existed since ancient times, but Yuri if the minister is not. From the analysis of Okibori's words, if the lily is formed by the belief of all sentient beings Existence, so we can easily know that there are currently three types of existence in the supernatural who are manifesting today."

"First, it has existed since ancient times, and the world has long had legends about them, such as Bodhisattva and Shigakubori; second, after some passages, they became the acquired supernatural existence, the black angel, the Minister of Defense of Osaka; third , formed by the aggregation of sentient beings' beliefs, this is Minister Lily Ruo and the baa who appeared last night."

"During this period of time, we gathered all the universities and top folklore teams in the country, visited various places, and confirmed that Minister Lily Ruo is indeed a fictional character in the legendary story of Xing Ruowu, whose character image was born out of the Internet and mobile phones. , advertising, to create a perfect virtual god."

"He is powerful, righteous, passionate, protects the country, has unparalleled strength, and blesses the world. He possesses all the qualities of sage, eternal justice, and eternal existence..."

"The common deity of 100 million people!"

The voice of Paddy's professor seems to be magical, and every word makes a drum beat in the listener's heart.

Artificial gods.

The bureaucrats here are very skilled at using public opinion to lift a person and make a bad person.

But mobilizing public opinion and using 100 million people to create a real **** is something that has never happened before. Just imagine that they, standing at the top of the pyramid, used public opinion to manipulate the people to create a real god. This feeling, this **** will The benefits it will bring to them...

Just thinking about it makes me addicted.

" The Director of the Metropolitan Police Department took the lead in recovering from Paddy's words, and he knocked on the table, "Professor Hatta's words, we will discuss later. "

The current meeting is a closed-door meeting of the police system, artificial gods and so on, the topic is too big, and it is not something that can be decided by their system. To discuss it, it is also the cabinet, the parliament, and even the emperor and the emperor must be present in person.

A true deity, who can be more closely related to this in the whole island country than the royal family.

"Then my opinion is to strengthen the power of Lord Lily, although Lord Lily appears and disappears from time to time, but in several crises, Minister Lily appeared at the juncture of great danger, so in addition to the TV that will be shown soon, we We must continue to intensify our advocacy efforts.”

The giant Buddha in Osaka is also a **** in the eyes of ordinary people, but everyone here knows that in the eyes of the Buddha, they are no different from ants, without cruelty and compassion.

No one would go out of their way to deliberately promote the Buddha.

"The power of Minister Baiheruo comes from the belief of the people, so I suggest that the propaganda of Minister Baiheruo should...intensify and protect!"

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