Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 893: everything in a dream

The little black worms greeted their emperor in Paris like the loyal people of the hairy country. The Tibetan people from Jianhei pushed open the door, and there was no sound in the room for a moment.

The entire container has become a nest of insects. In the corners and in the crock pots, piles of insects can be found everywhere. People who are afraid of insects will turn their backs on the spot when they come to this space. gas to go.

But what is even more terrifying is the underground of the container. The original rock and soil were swallowed and transported by the little black worms, and a huge space was dug out of the ground, and there were roads leading in all directions like a labyrinth.

This is the inspiration that the Kuro Tibetans found in the Yokosuka underground base, and the construction of the underground nest itself is also the specialty of the bugs.

Sitting on a second-hand chair that he bought from nowhere, the Tibetan man from Jiankui flipped through a suspicious magic book.

"Foreword..." The English of the Tibetans in Jianhei is not at a level that is easy to fool.

To be able to enter the medical department of a famous university and graduate successfully, and become a forensic doctor, no matter how bad the English level is, it can't be much worse.

Roughly scan the editor's pretentious preface, he then leisurely turned back a few pages.


A group of little black worms crowded together, carrying water cups, and moved to the hands of the Jianhei Tibetans. The little black worms who worked together showed extraordinary organizational skills.

As long as the number of black bugs is large, let alone a water cup, even a tank can be overturned directly.

"Thank you." Saying thank you to himself, the Tibetan man in Jianhei turned the page again.

The more he saw what was written in the second magic book, the more the Tibetans in Jianhei felt that a fool's money was easy to deceive.

This is some kind of weird magic.

The magic that can curse other people's constipation, the magic that can curse other people's diarrhea, the magic that you can pick up coins on the side of the road when you go out, the sleeping magic that can make you sleep more peacefully.

The Tibetan people in Jianhei found that most of the magic in this book was robbing their doctor of the job. Fortunately, he couldn't find the magic that could revive the corpse for a long time. Otherwise, he would be hostile to his job as a forensic doctor. It is not bad to think about the extraordinary ability of mastering corpse control.

"This magic is too stupid."

"Write the names of yourself and your loved one in the middle of the magic circle, and you can fall in love within thirty days."

"How come the same routine is used decades ago and now, is there really a fool who believes this?"

This made the Tibetan people in the black immediately remember the XX constellation today's love fortune programs that boring TV stations broadcast every morning in order to increase the ratings.

The little black bugs carried paper and pen to the Tibetans in Jianhei again, and another wave of little black bugs filled the cups with water. The intelligent home system researched by high-tech companies has been realized in the hands of the Tibetans in Jianhei.

"Hello, there are."

Picking up the paper and pen, the Tibetan people in Jianhei seriously began to transcribe on the paper.

As a medical student, throughout his college career, he painted various parts of the human body and tissues and organs in great detail. Medical drawing is the basic skill of a surgeon. In order to strengthen his memory and straighten his thinking, every medical student has been trained to become a master of painting.

Maybe this magic book is really the real thing. Anyway, it won't hurt if you experiment. You have to try it.

"Whose name should I put on it, Hirosue Ryo O? Chang O Yami? Aragaki O Yi?" Scratching his head, the Tibetan man in the black simply waved his hand. With so many choices, who would be so lucky to be his wife? ?

"Forget it, I choose to have everything!"

"Since it's a foreign magic circle, if I write Chinese characters or pseudonyms, I'm afraid I won't be able to read it, otherwise I'll mark them in English. Okay, that's it, the next step is to draw it on the ground, right?"

With the smart home system in place, painting on the ground doesn't have to be done by the Tibetans at all. The little black bugs immediately drew neatly on the ground according to his thoughts.

The magic circle is two meters in diameter, and it still looks very imposing.


A thought of suicide flashed, and the tool worms died violently on the spot. Even if the blood of a worm was less, thousands of deaths would be enough to leave a thick layer on the ground.

The Tibetan people in Jianhei can't figure out where the ability to create tangible insects with invisible energy comes from.



But the death of thousands of little black worms did not cause any visions, only a ridiculous magic circle on the ground alone.

There was neither a sudden light, nor any familiar from the magic circle.

"How can I be stupid enough to believe this kind of thing."

After knocking on the forehead, the Tibetan Jianhei sighed deeply.

As a social elite, as an excellent forensic doctor, he would believe this kind of thing for a moment.

"I see, there must be a special ability in this magic book that can lower the IQ of the readers!" The Tibetan man in the black felt that he had caught the crux of the problem.

But after a while, he threw away the magical magic book, and it was ridiculous to believe that there was a magic circle.

The Tibetan people in Jianhei didn't know that there were a pair of eyes staring at him in the hidden Mizuno was amused by the offline of Jianhei.

Is this because of mental problems in the country of rainbows, or is it the nature of the Tibetan people?

Hidden to the ends of the earth in the physical sense like Joburg, the country of rainbows, as long as he didn't take the initiative to reveal it, Mizuno believed that the Tibetan people in Jianhei could hide until old age and death, and even if he was discovered by someone who was cunning and cunning, he would be able to escape into the vast expanse. the African interior, once you step into the African interior, you can never be found again.

But this downline really has an uneasy heart, and in a short period of time, the black Tibetans have made considerable research on parasites.

Compared with the Naruto world with the power of chakra, the human beings on earth are undoubtedly weak, but this weakness has instead promoted the establishment of the social organization and scientific system of the earth civilization. Generations of oil girls have used primitive methods to cultivate Bad bugs, although time is long, but behind the black Tibetan people is the bonus of the experience of the entire earth science system, not to mention the indirect system assistance of cheating.

Away from the mainland of the island country, whether it is a black Tibetan or a Mizuno, you can let go of your hands and feet and make some bold new attempts.

"The new type of insect is too destructive to the human body, but there are too few reference samples. Only ordinary Toxoplasma gondii can be used as a reference. If only I had money, it would be great." At that time, we must build the most high-end research institute in the world, and we can do whatever research we want, and we don’t have to be so constrained as we are now.

After imagining for a while, the Tibetan man in Jianhei held his hands in front of his stomach, sat on the chair, leaned back, and slowly fell asleep.

There is everything in a dream, and everything in a dream will come true.


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