Reborn Wolf Cub

Chapter 89: blood

    Yu Lang has a psychological shadow on the car accident, not to mention that the car accident happened in front of him, but he hasn't figured out what's wrong in his heart, the first reaction is to Check out the car.

    "What are you doing?" Yu Haitian didn't expect Yu Lang to be so bold, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed it.


    "He's fine!" Yu Haitian said decisively.

    Yu Lang also felt that the people in the car were all right. After all, the car was specially remodeled, and even the glass was bulletproof. Ordinary car accidents really can't do anything to the people inside, like It's rare to see yourself so unlucky.

    At this time, Yu Lang didn't know that the previous car accident was similar to his own bad luck, because the place where the car accident happened was not far from the curve, and under the guardrail was the slope, and both cars fell off. down.

    Yu Haitian took advantage of the time when he was distracted, had already driven the car and started again on the road.

    "I don't think it's right, I see that the car in the back is clearly trying to hit the car in front." Yu Lang glanced at Yu Haitian and asked, "Dad, I called the police. what?"

    "The car behind should be Kang Hui..." Yu Haitian said in a low voice.

    Yu Lang's phone fell to the ground with a bang, he was silent for a while, and put the phone back up before asking, "Dad, how do you know?"

    "I guess!" Yu Haitian was a little tired for a moment, or he was seduced, but he didn't dare to think that Kang Hui could really afford it and let it go to this extent. It really did.

     "Remember I asked you just now, if you were Kang Hui, what would you do at this point?"

    Yu Lang nodded, but didn't speak. Whenever he found out that he already knew Kang Hui, Kang Hui would always refresh his upper limit. I'm afraid Yu Haitian was not unprepared.

    "Dad, do you know Kang Hui has an idea?"

    "You don't know Kang Hui, Kang Hui is the kind of arrogant and arrogant person, let's put it this way, I'd rather be the world's people than let the world's people blame me, this kind of person is impossible to accept If he has lived his whole life, I am afraid that he would rather die." Yu Haitian steadfastly controlled the steering wheel, "Kang Hui is my only son after all, your grandfather is already in his twilight years, the possibility of a comeback is too unpredictable and successful. The odds are too low, if you want to get the Yu family, there is a faster, simpler and faster way.”

    It is to let both Yu Haitian and Yu Lang die. If both of them die, as the only blood of the Yu family, the Yu family will naturally belong to Kang Hui.

    Yu Haitian never felt relieved towards Kang Hui. When he knew that Kang Hui had been asking people to check his and Yu Lang's whereabouts, he was a little surprised at first, and slowly began to doubt the opposite. .

    To be honest, at that time, Yu Haitian wanted to end Kang Hui, but he couldn't do it. After all, he was just doubting, he would think, if he thinks wrong, he will kill Kang Hui , what should I do then. If he kills Kang Hui, I'm afraid he will never know if he killed Kang Hui by mistake.

    He couldn't make a move, but Kang Hui could make a move.

    Yu Lang is still a little unbelievable. He thinks that no matter how bad a person is, he can't be bad enough to kill his father. He can believe that Kang Hui wants to kill him, but how could he attack Yu Haitian? But after thinking about it again, he felt that with what Kang Hui did, it was not surprising that this kind of thing happened to Kang Hui.

    "But even if our father is dead, grandpa will not spare him."

    With Grandpa Yu's personality, even if he is the last, even if he fights the whole Yu family, he will avenge them, he will not care that Kang Hui is the blood of the Yu family, let alone put Yu Tutored to kill sons and grandsons.

    Yu Haitian sighed slightly, a smile appeared on his face, "Where is Kang Hui's murderer, this is clearly an accident!"

    Yu Lang just wanted to say, Kang Hui would not think that my grandfather was as innocent as him, when he saw Yu Haitian with a cold smile, and said: "Maybe your grandfather heard the news of our death, It's even better if you have a stroke!"

    Anyway, Kang Hui will never lose money, and no matter how bad it is, it will not be worse than the current ending. The worst ending is just one hundred and one hundred.

    However, the premise of all this must be that Kang Hui can survive, and Kang Hui is not God, how can he calculate that Yu Haitian will definitely die in this car accident, and he will definitely live, and he actually personally Going into battle is not as good as what you did on yourself in your previous life.

    At this time, Yu Lang was afraid that Yu Haitian would be sad. Although he didn't understand, he didn't ask Yu Haitian. Later, he slowly figured it out.

    Kang Hui didn't get Yu Haitian's brakes because he didn't have a chance, after all, Yu Haitian was not himself.

      If you go to the UK, there is absolutely no chance.

    Yu Lang still had a warmer thought in his heart, Kang Hui was not so vicious and had no burden on his father's killing, so he gambled with Yu Haitian, only to see God standing there, At that time, I am afraid that Kang Hui had no hope for the future. He wanted to die, but he was not willing to commit suicide, nor did he have the courage to end his own life. Lost, just reincarnated.

    Unfortunately, it did not die.

    This year, the Yu family provided sufficient gossip for people in T City. First, there was another son in the Yu family living outside, and before this one entered the Yu family, and did The heir of the only child in the family for more than 15 years, started a big show of power struggle. The one who was born noble and did not hesitate to abandon her husband and children also wanted to marry Yu Haitian's biological mother.

    Before the Kang family's joke passed, another scandal broke out. The two children were secretly dropped fifteen years ago. The one in the Yu family should be the Kang family. The one who lives in the Kang family should live in the Yu family, it's just a mess.

    The scandal among the scandals, the Kang family actually slept with his own cousin, and then he was promptly kicked out of the house by the Yu family.

     Let them recall at least ten years.

    When they felt that it came to an abrupt end, they suddenly heard a thunderstorm, which made them dizzy - the abandoned son of the Yu family had a car accident.

    The report in the newspaper is very simple. On XX, XX, in X city, a serious car accident occurred in the northwest section of Huabei Road. Two people were slightly injured, one was seriously injured, and no one died.

    There is only one sentence, not even the identity of the party involved in the accident, but the powerful family naturally has its own channels, and they knew immediately that the other party who was seriously injured was the abandoner of the Yu family. The other party in the car accident was Yu Haitian's car, but the people in the car were not Yu Haitian, but two anonymous people.

    Hee hee-, things are very interesting.

    Yu Haitian took Yu Lang to pick up the little fat man, and went straight back to Yu's house, as if there was no car accident halfway, and before they got home, Yu Haitian's phone buzzed When he got up, the phone didn't stop for an hour. Countless people called him to greet him. If he had something to do, he would come to him quickly. If he had nothing to do, he also started to look for him, just to make sure Yu Haitian was still alive. Boss, the other side of the car accident. It's not you alone.

      His biological son was murdered.

    Although Yu Haitian wanted to throw the phone away, he knew that many of the people who called were partners. If they got their hair up, they would immediately re-evaluate the Yu family. After humming for a long time, I have to prove that I am alive and well now, and I have no problem keeping myself in power for decades.

    Yu Lang also received a call from Li Kan, because there were two people in Yu Haitian's car, Li Kan was afraid that one of them was Yu Lang, and immediately called Yu Lang, of course he called It wasn't Yu Haitian's cell phone. The number on Yu Haitian's cell phone had already been lined up to go to City C, and he was calling Fatty.

    Little Fatty gave Yu Lang the phone number on his chest and started playing his Tetris.

    Yu Lang reported to Li Kan that he was safe, but said nothing else, he paused and said, "Dad Li, that side seems to be Kang Hui?"

    Li Kan was silent for a while, as if uncomfortable, and after a while, he calmly said, "I know."

    Yu Lang hated An Huilan more and more, it wasn't An Huilan's fault, how could he make people like this? He regarded Yu Haitian as his father, but Li Kan was his blood father, and Li Kan, even if he knows that Kang Hui is not his own child, Kang Hui is not worthy of his love, but the 15-year relationship does not mean that it can be recovered if it can be recovered. It is like Yu Haitian, if Kang Hui is not his son by blood , but if a stranger wanted to kill him, he would not feel any discomfort or melancholy at all.

    Li Kan, it must be very sad to see the child she raised become what it is today.

    "I'm fine, don't worry!" Li Kan said over there, "I've already thought about it, I should be glad it's not my child!"

    If Kang Hui is really his own son, I am afraid that one day he will be the current Yu Haitian. Anyone who thinks about Kang Hui's performance will feel cold, and the rest is nothing but fear .

    Kang Hui is not dead, Kang Hui's best goal and worst goal have not been achieved, Yu Haitian is not dead, Yu Lang is not, he himself is not dead, but he is better than dead. Is it.

    Yu Haitian received the news that Kang Hui had suffered a crushed fracture in his foot, suffered a setback in his spine, and was paraplegic.

    This news made Yu Lang quite silent. He also checked the computer on the Internet, and carefully learned about the high paraplegia. The high paraplegia simply means that all four limbs are paralyzed. If you can move your neck or not, it all depends on whether a miracle can happen.

    Yu Lang thought about himself for a moment, and then he had a cold war, and then he was more silent, he thought of his car accident, and thought of Kang Hui's car accident, a few days later, he decided Go to the hospital to see Kang Hui.

    Yu Haitian went with him for a day, and when they passed, Rong Yueze was there, probably every parent would give in under the threat of their son's death, he still came out, no Those who didn't eat or drink began to guard Kang Hui. Kang Hui didn't eat, and he didn't eat. Kang Hui threatened to jump off the building. Rong Yueze sat at the window with Kang Hui in his arms, and stepped out of the window - everyone died together.

    Yu Lang heard the guarding bodyguard twitching the corners of his mouth while reporting, and he couldn't help twitching.

    Yu Lang glanced at the door and was not ready to go in. He just wanted to say goodbye to the past. When he took Yu Haitian's hand and walked back, he asked Yu Haitian, "Dad, if I become like Kang Hui, will you treat me like Rong Yueze?"


    Yu Haitian shook his head and rubbed Yu Lang's small head, "Dad will let you go happily."

    "Why do you say it so nicely, Dad, just say I'll take you to the West Sky directly." Yu Lang pursed his lips.

    Yu Haitian smiled, "Rather than living like that, there is no hope at all. Dad would rather take you on the road with his own hands."

    Dad will never make you suffer for himself, I am very painful to lose you, but let you live like that, I am not in pain, but your life is better than death.

    "Then Dad, you must protect me!" Yu Lang muttered again, but the smile on his face indicated that he was very satisfied with Yu Haitian's answer, but Yu Haitian's answer would not Let him suspect that Rong Yueze loves Kang Hui better than Rong Yueze, because he knows that Yu Haitian loves him more than himself.

    It's stupid like Rong Yueze. He walked out of the hospital and asked Yu Haitian, "Dad, what do you think will happen to Rong Yueze and Kang Hui in the future?"

    Kang Hui is like this, Rong Yueze's love for a while is not his ability, if he can love for a lifetime, Yu Lang will write the word 'admiration' on his face.

    Yu Haitian touched his chin, "A few days ago, Rong Yueze called specifically to say that he wanted to take care of Kang Hui, and asked me to give Kang Hui to him. Your aunt also meant the same thing, and she was going to watch it too. How much love can the two of them have compared to Jin Jian, I'm just deciding to promise him."

    To support Kanghui, the medical expenses are also a lot of expenses.

    Yu Lang also felt that this idea was too bad, he immediately slammed Yu Haitian, "Dad, please promise him, I heard that a high paraplegic has to insert a catheter even to **** and pee. What about Selu?"

    He was tired of waiting to see them look at each other, he glanced at Yu Haitian sympathetically, "Dad, I think Kang Hui has to be in your hands, at most four or five years, Rong Yueze will definitely Give them back to you."

    Yu Haitian snorted at Yu Lang's optimistic estimate, he felt that two years was a very optimistic estimate.

    When getting into the car, Yu Lang had to drive the driver off and drive by himself.

      If he had a driver's license, he would even sneer. He was 100% sure that Yu Lang must be lying. Yu Haitian had to coax him, saying that he would teach him to drive in person tomorrow, and when he got his driver's license, he would even give him a sports car.

    Yu Lang is not happy, he will go now, "Dad, you don't know that today is very memorable to me, this is the day I start a new life."

    After a long time of trouble, Yu Lang finally got his wish and sat in the driver's seat, the poor driver sat in the back seat with a sad face, the co-pilot was Yu Haitian, Yu Haitian had two eyes Staring closely at Yu Lang, determined not to let Yu Lang's speed exceed the bicycle.

    I didn't get home until after an hour of driving, Yu Lang finally got angry, "Dad, are you trying to find fault? When will we get home like this?"

    Yu Haitian looked indifferent, "Where there is a father is your home!"

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