Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1005 gives them to class

Prior to this, in fact, Lin Daoqiu is not a person who likes to rush to kill, how many of him will leave someone to leave the way.

However, those practices before Pandad have been completely irritated.

Coupled with Lin Daoqiu does not want to continue to waste time, he will unify the movie market of Xiangjiang as soon as possible.

So the Baochengyuan line became the block stone in front of Lin Daoqiu.

And there is a big batch in it, let Lindao autumn are very disgusted, but it is very appreciated by director and star.

When this power is collected together, it is really unfortunate.

In the first half of March, Lin Daoqiu held a special meeting in the conference room of New Oriental.

People who come to attend this meeting can be said to be the most in the past year.

The four people in Xinyi City, three of the text, and the director and star of Shaw, and more than 20 people plus them.

For the convening of Lin Daoqiu, everyone smelled a different form of taste.

Recalling the previous Lindao Qiu said that in two years, I have to fight Baochengyuan line within two years, I am afraid that the theme of this meeting today should be related to that.

At this time, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and only the people came in from outside.

When I saw the party, everyone thought that Lin Daoqiu was already here, and I was preparing to stand up and welcome him.

But only the obedience is said.

"Everyone is coming, Mr. Lin is already in the shooting hall, please come with me."

Lin Daoqiu didn't come, but he didn't come over, but first went to the screening hall.

Everyone in the scene is unclear, but still hurry up and got the past.

The New Oriental Screening Hall has been renovated, and a group of new movie players from Hollywood imports have been replaced.

Lin Daoqiu is sitting at the most intermediate seat at this time, and Daixella is talking to the whisper.

At this point, people in the conference room have come in from outside.

"Please sit, please see something today."

Lin Daoqiu did not explain, just let everyone sit down.

When people arrive, the lights slowly darken.

Although everyone knows, Lin Daoqiu wants them to see, it should be a movie, but as for a movie, no one can guess.

And the text and Zheng Danrui have always followed him from Lin Daoqiu to Xiangjiang, knowing what is much more than others.

I saw that Daxella also appeared inside the shooter, and they suddenly emerged a very shocking idea.

"Is there a movie that has been taken?"

The text has not spoke, but turned to look at Zheng Danrui.

In the eyes of the two, almost at the same time, there was a shock expression.

However, the movie has not started, they didn't dare to completely, so they can only calm down.

When the screen is slow, everyone's eyes are concentrated above.

Neon, Tokyo Bay, a solitary boat drives above, and the rain suddenly in the night, they have to go back to the terminal before the typhoon came.

After a conversation, everyone in the boat, almost also heard a horrible voice.

Like a dragon scream, or a shout of a certain animal, there is no one can distinguish something.

At this time, everyone in the cabin stood at the same time, and everyone on the face was a horrible expression.

At this time, the hull suddenly became dramatic, and the people in the cabin were scared, and everyone hugged the things next to them, and wanted to stabilize their bodies.

However, after a while, the amplitude suddenly began to weaken.

"Old days, my wife and son are still waiting for me to go home, beg you."

At this time, people who gathered a little bit have been crying.

But strange is that after the screams just call, everything is as calm.

At this time, the lens suddenly pulled the big sea.

Because of the storm of the ram, you can't see it around the sea.

In the cockpit, the captain and the driver is preparing to speed up this ghost, because they have heard the snoring, and more clearly more than the people in the cabin.

At this time, I saw that they suddenly slowly lifted their heads, and then looked back in front of his eyes.

In the next second, a shocking wavy suddenly hit, and touched the hull directly.

When the ship was knocked, then disappeared in the sea, everything was restored to calm, as if there was no matter what happened.

This scene is seen that all people can't help but open their eyes, because they have seen such a realistic movie before this.

It's not that they can't shoot such a plot, but the things inside, it is really like it is true, people can't distinguish.

"Sure enough," Costla "..."

Seeing this, the text is finally determined. This drama is a "Cosla" that Lin Daoqiu took a few years and smashed more than 100 million US dollars.

Originally, the text also thought that this play should not have anything that is too great.

After all, he has already seen so many movies from a small to most, he does not think there is a movie at this stage and can shock himself.

But the emergence of "Cosla" has shocked in the words.

And there is such an idea, there is more than a person in the scene.

"Cosla" is actually not filled, but has been produced.

Lindao Autumn Today, I want to see this small part, I want them to know the trend of movie's future development, it is advancing towards special effects movies.

"This play is called" Costla ", I took a few years, I have been involved in more than 100 million dollars, this year is released globally."

Lin Daoqiu took the stage, and the people at the scene began to tell the class.

Everyone has come back from the previous shock, now Lindao Qiu also tells them a more shocking message.

More than 100 million US dollars, this is too crazy.

You must know that the total income of the movie box office in Xiangjiang is 100 million US dollars.

In 1983, the total box office income of Xiangjiang movie was only 283 million Hong Kong coins.

Lin Daoqi actually spent 1 billion Hong Kong dollars to take a movie, this really let them don't know what to say.

If it is exchanged, there is so much money to take it, how can it take a movie.

And even if you want to shoot, the maximum one or two million investments is already very disappeared, and hundreds of millions of production fees do not want to think, because no one dares to take such a big risk.

"Today, what you want to let you see, because I want you to know that future movie development trends, special effects movies will be the main force of the movie market, not only in Hollywood, and in Southeast Asia.

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