Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1013's strategy

"Mr. Lin, Xiangjiang electric lights may be just an investment project, but for the Xiangjiang Industrial, this involves the layout of our company in the next few years, as long as you are willing, I will never let you down."

Listening to Chenjiao said that as long as Lin Daoqiu returns out this competition, you can get the benefits from Chenjiao's hands.

Lin Daoqiu is a little curious, Chen Jiao is willing to make yourself.

"I don't know what I can get?"

Lindao autumn pretend to be very interested.

"The place of rotten waters, as long as Lin is willing to collect hands, all of my hand is sold to you in the market."

Chen Jiaxing did not sell a lot of bad waters in his hand.

After a year, the land price of rotten waters is still around 1000.

Lin Daoqiu is now bought, and it is a few years, and it will definitely be appreciated in the future, and the benefits are absolutely big.

But unfortunately, there is no comparability at all in the ground and Xiangjiang electric lights.

Can hit the Chenjiao, and can also grow myself, where to go.

"Mr. Chen, you still stay in the bad water, I have no interest in investing in real estate, I like this industrial company like Xiangjiang electric light."

When Lin Daoqiu came out, Chen Jiaxi immediately realized that the other party would never let go.

"Mr. Lin, two tigers will have a hurt, and according to what I know, your funds are not abundant."

Chen Jiaxing has sent people to simply investigate Lin Daoqiu.

Although the other party makes money, it is also very fast.

Although I don't know how many houses in Lin Daoqiu, but Chen Jiaxing estimates, the other's hand is only 40 billion in cash.

It is just the number of funds that Chen Jiao can use, just in this range.

If you really want to fight, no one can grasp each other.

"Mr. Chen, I don't even know how much I don't know, how can you know."

Lin Daoqiu smiled, he thought that Chen Jiao was too cute.

To persuade yourself with this method, it is almost zero.

"Mr. Lin, when I have a bad watery, I have not yet looking for you, don't you think that I am really bullied?"

Chen Jiaxing was anxious, when the rotten waters were considered by Lin Daoqiu, he did not find the other party.

Now Lin Daoqiu will come to cross the bumper, and Chen Jiayou can't help it.

"Mr. Chen, who is compared with Baoyang, who is weak?"

At this moment, Lin Daoqiu suddenly asked Chen Jiazheng a very strange question.

He and Baoyang can just say that it is not comparable.

The age of two people, the origin, the idea, the status is totally different, how to see Lin Daoqiu should not take him with himself.

"Mr. Lin feels?"

Chen Jiao asked someone to ask.

"On the strength, the treasure family behind Baoyang is more than ten times more than you, than the age, Shao Shaogang is 30 years older than you are young, you think about it, how is his current situation."

If you don't say that Lin Daoqiu, Chen Jiao will not want to think about these things.

However, after Lin Daoqiu said, Chen Jiaxun suddenly wrinkled.

When the Bao Qiuqiu broke the battle, Chen Jiaoi thought he was in self-cultivation, after all, but even Chen Jia did not dare to touch the taboo.

But now, the Baoyang has just stopped in the treasure of the treasure. Bao Shaoqiang has almost iron to become the future heir.

At the beginning, everyone was originally thought that Lin Dao Qiu's criminals were just dead.

However, the result is unexpected to all people.

Baoyang didn't turn off the Baojiayuan line, even the treasure of the real estate of Baochang, can only be died in the Bao Yun International as a deputy general manager.

It can be said that Lin Daoqiu has almost winning the treasure.

"Mr. Chen, you don't think about the Xiangjiang electric light, even if you return 10,000 steps, the Xiangjiang electric light is bought by you, but you have to pay is a blood book, and you will have more headaches."

Lin Daoqiu is almost in order to tell Chen Jia, as long as he bought a Xiangjiang electric light, the goal of the next to the autumn is him.

"Is Mr. Lin threaten me?"

Chen Jiaxing didn't like to be threatened, but this young man in front of him didn't light this, and he really had the capital of your own.

Lin Daoqiu smiled and didn't speak, but from his expression, he was almost the default.

This afternoon tea is drinking Chen Jiazheng, but he also has no choice but to Lincao Qiu.

As the other party said, even the treasure is not his opponent, Chen Jiao is now so big, and it is a vulnerability everywhere.

Once Lin Daoqiu is aiming at him, when Chen Jiao, Chen Jiao, I am afraid it will pass the day of the east wall to make up the West Wall.

And the most exciting, or the age of Lin Daoqiu, he is only 23 years old this year.

In the year of 23 years old, I created my wealth that I spent half a lifetime. Chen Jiao didn't want to be enemy with Lin Daoqiu in the future.

But if he let him give up the Xiangjiang electric light, Chen Jiao is very unwilling.

"Mr. Lin, the funds in everyone is a bit stretched, there is no need to die, it is better to cooperate, one person is half, buy the shares of Xiangjiang electric lights, how about it."

Since there is no full grasp to swallow this 34.9% shares, it is better to cooperate with Lin Daoqiu, and when I want to buy the shares.

"half each?"

Lindao Qiuyi picks up, it seems that it is not very happy.

"As long as we join hands, Shawn must not stop, 35 billion will definitely can buy it, I have half, take 17% of the shares, the remaining 17.9% to Mr. Lin, you are."

Chen Jiaxing is like this, equal to the white delivery to Lin Daoqiu 20 million, will he have so generous?

Lin Daoqiu didn't think of it, this is just a strategy that Chen Jiao is playing with a refund.

However, the other person is afraid that there is no one in his hand now, there is already a shares of 3% Xiangjiang electric light.

"Is Mr. Chen not going to be more than 50 million?"

Lindao autumn leave is very unexpected to Chenjiao.

"Just as the meeting of Mr. Lin."

Chen Jiaxun smiled and hooks, and 50 million to him is not a big money. As long as you can buy Xiangjiang electric lights, this money is still very happy.

"Well, who makes the funds in my hand are not very adequate, I wish us a happy cooperation."

After Lincao Qiu hesitated for a while, it was finally todped in a very difficult place, agreed to Chenjiao's request to acquire Xiangjiang electric lights.

"Happy cooperation ..."

Chen Jiazheng stood up and shake hands with Lindao, looks very bright.

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