Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1020 will definitely eliminate

"Zhang Weijian ... Lu Fang ... Du De Wei ..."

When these three people appeared on the list of the resort, Lin Daoqiu's eyes couldn't help but

If there is a file to block his face, it will definitely be discovered by Li Xiaotian.

Lin Daoqiu did not expect that they had come to participate in the "Star Look".

Although I can't remember how they are red, Lin Daoqiu remembers, and some people should be the only passage of the "Xiu Song Competition", but I can't think of it.

In fact, there is no one. In the last life, Lu Fang is the 2nd champion of the "New Show Song Contest", Zhang Weijian is the third champion, and Dudewei is the fourth champion.

Because Lin Daoqiu's relationship, the three champions actually ran together to participate in this "new singing contest".

If Lin Daoqiu knows, he will definitely be very surprised.

"Mr. Lin, how do you think this resort is?"

Li Xiaotian asked politely.

In fact, he did not think that Lin Daoqiu recognized any players inside, asked only for courtesy.

"I don't know, but since I can stand out from three thousand people, I believe these sixty players, it is definitely a trip."

Lin Daoqiu boasts it, but in fact, he has chosen the championship, locks on the three of Zhang Weijian, just don't know who can win the last champion.

But regardless of the last outcome, these three people Lin Daoqi intends to include them into it.

As for Zhang Weijian, he sent him to Seiwei to take a TV series.

After all, the singer, Zhang Weijian almost didn't walk, he still went to the film and television drama.

Poor Zhang Weijian still doesn't know that his destiny is given by Lin Daoqiu. At this time, he still practiced songs, and did the efforts of the emergency final.

The rematch is carried out by Ricota and several professional musicians as reviews.

Those star's judges did not appear. When they arrived at 32, the TV station would broadcast, and they will attend.

Even so, this time the rematch is still very intense, starting from the 9th point of the morning, the players start playing in Seiwei.

Sixty players took turns to play, each person has a performance chance of songs, got the high score to directly advance to the list of 32.

Zhang Weijian prepared for a long time, has a smooth promotion of 32 in a "fate of" "fate" in a "fate).

Lu Fang and Dudewei also showed the exhibition, and easily won the quota of promoting 32.

Li Xiaotian is very satisfied with these three players, and he is also very optimistic about these three players.

Especially Lu Fang, Li Xiaotian will look at him again after it comes.

At the time of the screening, Li Xiaotian was in the same morning, and his play did not let Li Xiaotian disappointed today.

After the completion of the completion, the time to rest for five days, I will have a 32-strong game.

Successfully entered the 32nd, Zhang Weijian looks very happy.

"Tong brother, this time I thank you, if you are not you, I really don't necessarily come to sign up for the" Star Selection Singing Competition "."

The next day, Zhang Weijian invited Li Tong to eat, and the two met in a hot pot.

But today is strange that Li Tong looks like the expression is not too natural from the head to the end.

But because of a good relationship, Zhang Weijian did not discover the opponent's different.

"Attachment, this" Star Look "player is very good. If you can't advance the 16th, what do you plan?"

Li Tong is very optimistic about Zhang Weijian, and even feel that the other party has the possibility of promoting the final.

But today, he suddenly asked Zhang Weijian a problem that is difficult to answer.

"Why do you want to ask this way? I think I will advance the 16th absolutely no problem, and I feel that I have the level of the top three."

Zhang Weijian never thought that he would be eliminated in 32, he felt that he would definitely be able to advance to the finals, and then won the top three.

"Agiant, the so-called day does not measure the wind, people have a good fortune, no one can expect things after the thing, if, if you have not advanced, what do you plan?"

Li Tong looks like to answer from Zhang Weijian's mouth.

I feel that the other party is very disappointing, but Zhang Weijian still thinks about thinking.

"If I have not promoted, I may only go back to the wine, continue to sing, and then I will find a chance to find a chance."

Zhang Weijian is absolutely do not want, and it is not willing to appear.

After Li Tong listened to Zhang Weijian, he just nodded and did not say anything.


As a small staff in the subsequent production group, Li Tongping did not get in touch with you.

However, when he was prepared in the "Star Selection Singing Competition", he had to see Lin Daoqiu.

However, if Li Tong didn't think of it, he suddenly received a call from Yesterday morning.

I didn't say anything special thing in the phone, just let him go to the New Oriental.

When Li Tong came to the New Oriental, he appeared in front of him, which was an assistant party in Lin Daoqiu.

Then he was taken to the office of Lin Daoqiu.

Recalling that yesterday, Li Tong is now feeling that he is dreaming.

Now, he is standing in the top floor of New Oriental Company, outside the door of Lin Daoqiu office.

"go in."

Fang Jingsheng heard the voice of Lin Daoqiu inside, he immediately let Li Tong go in.

I have finished my clothes, and Li Tong went to push the door.

After entering the door, Li Tong discovered that Lin Daoqiu was dealing with documents, so he walked to the other side, standing in that movement, did not dare to say, no dare.

"You have seen it yesterday and Zhang Weijian?"

Lin Daoqiu didn't look up, but he knew that Li Tong has come to face.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, I have a meal with him yesterday, and I talked simple."

After Lin Daoqiu heard, put down the pen on the hand and then looked up.

"How did he answer?"

"He said that if there is no way to advance 32, he can only go back to the wine, then continue to find a chance."

These are Zhang Weijian's original words, and Li Tong repeatedly repeatedly represented the full meaning.

"Zhang Weijian will definitely be eliminated, I have already said to you, you have to do it next, just help him enter Seiwei."

Li Tong really wants to understand why Lincao Qiu is so targeted to Zhang Weijian.

The level of the other party sing is really excellent. If it is in normal case, he will definitely be promoted to the final.

Even if you can't get the top three, you will never stop 32.

"Don't say anything, don't ask, you will be tied together in the future."

Li Tong didn't understand that Zhang Weijian did not have a sin of Lin Daoqiu, otherwise why the other party would be so for him.

But like his little person, I don't dare to ask in front of Lin Daoqiu. He can only do it in accordance with the instruction of Lin Daoqiu.

As for Zhang Weijian, Li Tong can only feel silent in his heart.

I like to rebirth of the 1978, please collect: ( Rebirth of the 1978 pennancy update.

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