Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1022 Changes when an actor

Zhang Weijian, who is fascinating, just following Li Tong to the balcony.

Lock the door, this is absolutely won't come over.

"Remember me before I asked you?"

Li Tong said, Zhang Weijian shook his head directly.

He is now a blank, and I still want to get the previous thing.

"I asked you, if you have not advanced, what do you want to do."

Li Tong had to say it once before he said before.

I didn't think about Zhang Weijian, I haven't thought about it, I have been eliminated before the final, so he didn't consider this problem at all.

But now, when you happen, he has time to think.

"This year's singing competition is over, the fastest will wait until next year, and ... next year, can't enter the finals?"

Li Tong's words heard very harsh, but he said it was very reasonable.

If you choose to continue to participate in singing competition next year, the result is still in the final, what should I do?

"Is there interesting to enter TV?"

At this moment, Li Tong suddenly asked a problem that Zhang Weijian was very awkward.

"Entering TV Station?"

Zhang Weijian did not expect Li Gong to say this, but the TV station is also a formal work. There is a lot of salary to take.

If you can enter the TV station, you can have a stable government work.

This may be a good choice for yourself.

Zhang Weijian clearly gave Li Tong to think about it, he didn't think about the other party at all, let him be an actor.

"How much is the staff of the TV station a month?"

Zhang Weijian wants to ask about it, how much can I take a month.

"What do you ask this?"

Li Tong did not understand, how did Zhang Weijian suddenly asked this.

"My family must rely on me, if there is not much salary ..."

Zhang Weijian is sorry.

Listening to Zhang Weijian, Li Tong was stunned first, then he laughed directly.

"Haha, what is your child thinking about, who let you enter the TV station as a staff member, I mean to let you be an artist training class actor."

"When ... when an actor?"

Zhang Weijian directly opened his eyes, and his face looked at Li Tong.

He didn't want to let him act in the other side. He had never thought of actors before this.

He has always been a singer, so he has been practicing singing.

"I think you are very qualified as an actor, as long as you get a two or three years, when you go back to the protagonist, you will not be afraid that there is no money to spend."

Li Tong is to persuade Zhang Weijian from the region of the economy.

After all, the other party has never thought of being an actor, I am afraid from other places, I am afraid that there is no effect on Zhang Weijian.

"Tong Ge is not kidding, how do I get an actor, I will not."

Zhang Weijian quickly shook his head. He had never thought about playing, and he didn't even think about becoming an actor.

"I have no time to joke, I just had a quota of intravenous training class, this is a good opportunity for a thousand years, if you miss it, no longer have a second chance."

Li Tong has such a big thing, his quota in his hand is also giving him the autumn.

The artist training class that usually wants to enter Asia has passed the assessment after registration, and it has passed the training class who can become a subsequent training.

If there is a big man like Lin Daoqiu, in this time, Zhang Weijian's qualification to register the artist training class, mostly the fate to be eliminated.

In seeing Li Tong's expression, Zhang Weijian realized that the other person did not joice with himself.

However, the actor's road, he didn't think about it from a small to the big, and suddenly he went to the actor, and the impact of Zhang Weijian would like to know.

"Don't the actor can be a singer? Rong Shao is not a good singer? Isn't it an excellent actor? You are famous, everyone is not a drama to grab you.

Li Tong's words, let Zhang Weijian's eyes immediately.

Yeah, my idol, Zhang Guoyong, not just a good singer, but also a very good actor.

He can do it, why not do it.

"Tong Ge, do you think I can really?"

It seems that Zhang Weijian is obviously being moved by the other party.

"No problem, as long as you work hard to learn, I believe that you will succeed in your talent."

Li Tong nodded.

In fact, he doesn't know if Zhang Weijian will succeed on the way to actors.

However, his luck is very good, there is a big people like Lin Daoqiu, maybe when it is fake, Zhang Weijian can also become a red big star, and his own broker can follow him to eat with him.

As long as Zhang Weijian enters the artist training class of AV, after he graduated, Li Tong will resign from Seiki, then enter the new Oriental, give Zhang Weijian as a full-time broker.

Before these things, Lin Daoqiu had already said with Li Tong.

"Tong brother, I will train, I will work hard, and become an actor like honor."


"Mr. Lin, I have something to talk to you."

After the end of the "Star Lottery Singing Competition", Zhang Guorong heard that Lin Daoqiu was also in Seiki and found it directly.

"Is there a problem?"

Lindao Qiu took Zhang Guorong and asked again and asked.

"Mr. Lin, in fact, this, just the game, I found a very good singer, but unfortunately he worse than the top 16, you can see if you can help."

Zhang Guorong took the initiative to give a contestant, and Lin Daoqiu is very unexpected.

"Which singer is it?"

Lin Daoqiu did not have an emergency, but wanted to know who Zhang Guorong wants to help.

"Zhang Weijian, No. 8, I think he has the strength of the top 16 and even the finals. If he is eliminated here, it is unfortunately."

Zhang Guoyuan is a judgment from a musician perspective.

And when he just gave Zhang Weijian, 9 points, but did not expect that he was still eliminated, which made Zhang Guorong really don't understand wherever the problem.

"Rong Shao knows Zhang Weijian?"

Zhang Guorrong shook his head: "I am just the second time, but I have never said it."

Lindao nodded.

"Rong Shao, the game has passed, and the list has been fixed, no one can change, otherwise it is fraudulent."

This sentence he said very guilty, but he said in front of others, it is already possible to do it without red heart.

Zhang Guorong also known that things have been difficult to make changes.

After getting the answer from Lin Daoqiu, he could only nod, and then walked out of the office.

Zhang Guorong is a famous favorite to help people, and when he and Zhang Weijian have a lot of money.

Just now, Li Tong has already submitted news, Zhang Weijian agreed to enter the artist training class of AV. I believe that Zhang Guorong has a chance to make up for this regret.

I like to rebirth of the 1978, please collect: ( Rebirth of the 1978 pennancy update.

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