Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1035 is off

At the beginning of July, the sequel of "Happy Ghost" has been filmed, and the post-production has also been completed.

This drama took two thousand five million box office achievements this year, making many people a small expectation of this sequel.

However, when they found that the starring group of this drama has changed to another four girls, and the previous death powder is not happy.

"Mr. Huang," Happy Ghost Summer Vacation "poster, will receive a lot of complaints every day, the audience is not satisfied with this moving protagonist."

For this matter, in fact, Huang Baiming has already expected it.

After all, the success of "Happy Ghost" is large and the three girls have a relationship.

Now I suddenly changed them. I have a good audience to "Happy Ghost". I naturally use a wide range of ways to express my dissatisfaction.

In fact, Huang Baiming is replaced by the heroine of "Happy Ghost", because the first part is over, their life has changed.

Lin Jingjing got the championship, Lin Xiaoyu has married the Joseph.

But "Happy Ghost Summer Vacation" is defined as a Youth Campus, let them come to sequel, it is a bit less suitable.

Therefore, Huang Baiming watched and found four new people, intended to continue the glory of "Happy Ghost".

"Don't worry about them, I will be released soon, when the movie is good enough, the audience will definitely buy."

For this, Huang Baiming has a strong confidence, because this "Happy Ghost" special effect technology is more on the next level than last year.

And the plot is not as thin as "Happy Ghost", and there are more men's emotional lines, and there is a "happy girl group" youthful vitality.

How to watch "Happy Ghost Summer Vacation" No matter from the plot effect, it is better than "Happy".

These advantages are added together, let Huang Baiming have a strong confidence in this "Happy Ghost Summer".

In July Xiangjiang movie market, it should be an exclusive show that "Happy Ghost Summer Vacation".

However, at this time, the Bao Chengyuan line is not willing to show weakness, launched a movie named "Double Siliter".

This movie starring Wu Yaohan and Tang Jianxun is a comedy action film.

In addition to their two, many famous stars have also been collected.

For example, Yuan Biao, Mourning, Ye Dejun, Chen Xinjian, Di Wei, Tian Jun, Wen Bixia, etc.

This is a typical Xiangjiang comedy movie that combines the elements such as black, criminal investigation, comedy, and action.

However, because the names of the two protagonists are really weak, they are "happy to live in the summer vacation". Everyone feels that these two plays should be killing.

But because the "Happy Ghost" won two thousand five million box office results, more people still prefer to be optimistic about "Happy Ghosts".

Bao Chengyuanline meeting room, Hong Jinbao and others are preparing to prepare before the "Dildings".

"The propaganda has been done almost, and the bus has also played a lot of advertisements, but the effect seems to be very ideal."

The promotion manager truthfully said that after all, the two starring "the brave and double cannon" is not the kind of person who can take a box office.

and Wu Yaohan can be called a gold supporting role, but if they starring, they have not had a presence of a large seller before, all of which are the colors.

I don't know how this time Hong Jinbao thinks that these two people will take a piece of "Double-cannon".

At this time, everyone put the eyes on Hong Jinbao, because he insisted on the show.

Although the investment in this drama is not big, and there is a lot of stars in the guests in the inside, but it seems that it doesn't seem to have much attention.

"It doesn't matter, the audience is willing to buy a ticket is the most critical thing. I believe that" the brave and double cannon "will definitely get a good box office."

Hong Jinbao has a lot of confidence, because after completion in the later period, he seriously saw "the brave and double cannon" several times.

Funny, martial arts, love, these most popular themes are kneaded into this "brave and double cannon".

Hong Jinbao took so many years of movies, good films and rotten films. He was also separated.

"Increase the promotion, put the advertisement to the one week after the film is released."

As the general manager of Baocheng Institute, the propaganda department is his management. He let the manager of the propaganda department naturally dare not violate his meaning.

After all, there were only two people left in the conference room.

"Honestly tells this play to hit" Happy Summer Summer Vacation ", I feel that I am afraid not a wise choice."

Tang Jianxun said that he said in his heart.

After all, "Happy Ghost" has a successful precedent, and "the brave and double cannon" is a original script, and there is still no market verification, and Jianxun will worry about it.

He is more inclined to adjust the stage of "the brave and double cannon", let other movies hit the "Happy Ghost Summer Vacation".

"Don't you confidence in yourself?"

Hong Jinbao asked with Yu Jian Xun asked.

I heard Hong Jinbao as a question, Qi Jianxun simply lost a white eye to each other.

"This is not a problem with confidence, Bao Cheng is now doing, it is to improve our income, don't go hard with the new East."

What is the most worried about Qi Jianxun is that Lin Daoqiu has already spoken, and it is necessary to fight the Baocheng Cinema within two years.

Changed to others to say this, Jianxun will only think that the other party is joking.

However, the person who said this sentence is Lin Daoqiu, but it has also been spread very well, and now it is a thing that is not known.

So the current strategy of Bao Chengyuan has quietly turned into attack, as long as they pass these two years, they can stand firm.

"You don't want to hurt hard with Mr. Lin, but do you think that the other party will let us let?"

Hong Jinbao said while shaking his head, it seems that he would rather fight and lose a difference between Lindao Qiuqi, and he is not willing to survey.

"Well, this time, I hope that next time we can think of a more secure approach. After all, the box office is the basics of Baocheng College, I hope you can consider some of this."

Tang Jianxun is actually very clear. Now let the "brave and double cannon" modifier are already an impossible thing.

However, he hopes that when you encounter the same situation, he can choose to temporarily avoid the front, don't touch the opponent, so it is the most correct choice.

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