Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1043 Chapter Change

In the late July, Xiangjiang Golden Image Award was held in the new Oriental Dragon Cinema, and the new heaven and earth theater was held here.

In order to the Xiangjiang Movie's Christmas, it is responsible for the full broadcast of AV, which sent the best production team.

The host responsible for interviews outside this year has become Taddy Rob and Chen Xinjian and Chen Baixiang.

It is very interesting to say that Chen Xinjian is really interesting. He has begun to admit it to the police, but also achieved the Governor.

In the 75th, he was responsible for the criminal investigation of Kowloon.

But because of the production of film and television dramas, in 75, the director Liang Pu Zhi and Xiao Fang were invited to participate in the police film "Dish" script creation.

At this "fumdy", in 1976, the Hong Kong movie has become a number of Hong Kong movies, and has got more than 380 million box office, and the third place in the annual box office is ranked.

Since then, Chen Xinjian officially resigned from the work of the police, and put into the film and television circle as a consultant and criminal TV drama, and often played a police officer or criminal police in the play with the actor's identity.

And the Taddy Robbin partner is responsible for hosting the Orthodox Outfield, Chen Xinjian is very unexpected when receiving this invitation, because he has no intersection in the autumn before and Lin Dao.

However, because the person invited him is Yu Yu, Chen Xinjian has not thought more, and I will agree directly.

After all, the Xiangjiang Golden Famous Award for the film circle of Xiangjiang, is an annual annual event. Chen Xinjian should be more integrated in the development of the film circle.

As for the battle between Baocheng Cinema and Xiangjiang Institute, this is not a matter of relationship with Chen Xinjian. He will not be stupid to run.

After all, for him, there is such a good thing in the left and right, and you should down to one side of all the chips. This kind of stupid thing should not be better.

"It may not be known to say that Mr. Chen Xinjian is before entering the film and television circle, but a high-level police division, how do you think about the post to shoot movies?"

There are not many things you know. After so many years, everyone is used to treat Chen Xinjian as an actor or screenwriter or even the director.

So when Taddy Robin said, there were many spectators in front of the TV.

Chen Xinjian did not expect that Taddy Robin first started to interview himself before the guest did not come.

"In fact, I have a very strong interest in the play from a small time. However, I will take the police school after I grew up, I didn't expect that I was taken up, and the position was getting bigger and bigger."

Chen Xinjian looks very modesty, but if it is just a good luck, it seems that it is not realistic.

"Mr. Chen, you are in the film and television drama, and it is a very color star. Do you think that the police officers in the film and television drama are different?"

Chen Baixiang next to it later asked.

Chen Xinjian thought, then laughed and replied.

"As I played in the film and television drama, I blow to the air conditioner in the air-conditioned room, and the hand is fighting outside, which is the exaggeration of the film and television drama. In fact, the responsible police officer in reality is still much more. "

Since Chen Xinjian served in the police, Chen Xinjian, naturally did not speak the bad words of the Police Force, and he couldn't praise too much.

"Mr. Chen said that I fully agree that the law in Xiangjiang has been greatly improved, which is beneficial to the efforts of the police, here we have to give them applause."

The first Xiangjiang Movie Golden Image Award, the "Police Story" of Jackie Chan did not get any awards, when Chen Xinjian also felt a pity.

Chen Xinjian wants if he is the judgment of the judge, will definitely give the best movie to "Police Story".

And this year, there is no such thing as "Police Story", most of them are comedians or literary films, this has to be said to be a regret.

At 7:00 in the evening, Taddy Robin has received the news, the first Mercedes-Benz has been opened from the hotel.

The first interview this year, according to the practice, it should be the President of the Penmark Award. Last year, this person is Lin Daoqiu. This year, it is replaced with others.

Only a few people know that the chairman of this year's rotation is Zou Wen.

When Mercedes stopped before the red carpet, the door opened, and Zou Wen, a suit, came down from the car, and then came over with Taddy Robin.

His arms clamped a briefcase, which was installed in this evening of the award list.

"Mr. Zou, please."

Teddy Robin and others quickly requested Zou Wenchen to the location of the middle.

"Hello everyone, I am Zou Wenxu, this year, the President of Xiangjiang Movie Picture Award."

Zou Wenzhu smiled and greeted with the scene and the audience in front of the TV.

"Mr. Zou, I believe that it is not only three, I am afraid that many people will be very surprised. Why is this year's Golden Image Award?"

The issue of Taddy Robin did make many people feel very unexpected, but when I think about it, Zou Wenhui came to the wheel value of this Golden Image, I really can't pick a short-touch problem.

"In fact, there is no more complicated cause. After the end of last year, Mr. Lin will ask me to help serve the second round of the president. He said that this is also for the sake of Xiangjiang movie, I have not much to agree. Down. "

For more than a decade, Jiahe's position in the Xiangjiang film market has always been a state of the two years old.

Before Wosewow appeared, so that they can accelerate, almost, it is necessary to get Shao to get over.

However, the emergence of Lin Daoqiu crushed the dream of Zou Wen Hua, and now Jiahe has become a new orientation.

Moreover, with the influence of Lin Daoqiu in the Xiangjiang and the International Film Market, the pattern of Xiangjiang film and television circles is also changing.

Zou Wenxiao predicted that the final Xiangjiang film and television circle will rise to rise, and this person will never be Jiahe, and it will not be a Bao Chengyuan line. It must be Lin Daoqiu.

"The ultimate goal of changing the Xiangjiang Jams Awards, in addition to commending the excellent movie workers last year, we also want to promote the influence of Xiangjiang movies to the world, and the Xiangjiang Movie Golden Image Award is such a medium."

For the words of Zou Wenxi, Taddy Robin and others responded as a warm applause.

After Zou Wenhui accepted a simple interview, it will be the admission of the representative of the film crew.

"In 1983, Xiangjiang, has born a lot of excellent movies, and I don't know which film crew of the first place to embark on our golden shoots this year."

Teddy Robin just finished, the red carpet has stopped two Mercedes.

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