Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1045 does not shoot?

Lin Daoqiu has helped the wireless to take a "school police attack", and the four people in Tangzhen, who were in the road.

This is his experimental item. In fact, I didn't think about Lincao Qiu, I really have to make this class into a five tiger will be.

And the reason why the "school police attack" is also in the end of Lu Dingtang, and it is very good in the final effect. It is also very satisfied with Lu Dingtang.

However, for the autumn of Lin Dao, "the school police attack" he did not have too much effort.

"The Sword Qi Qi Chuan" is obviously different from the meaning of Lin Daoqiu and the "school police attack".

This play is in the concert to start shooting, selecting an actor, and then looking for Hu Jinlu to direct, then go to the mainland, all of which is best to do.

Although one is a TV series, and the other is a movie, the two should not be compared.

However, it also belongs to the category of idol drama, and Lin Daoqiu is obviously the extent to "Xianjian Qi Chuan", far from "school police attack" can be comparable.

And this " " also did not live up to Lin Dynasty, and finally won 3,300 box office results.

As the starring, Zhang Guorong, Chen Yulian, Li Sai Feng, these three people have skyrocketed in the famousas of Xiangjiang.

Before Zhang Guorong, it was the first child, TV series and singing this, and now there is a "Xianjian Qi Chuan Biography" that is taken. It is the first person of the Xiangjiang Entertainment Circuit Film and Television Songs.

More than he sang is more than him, but he is better than him in the movie and TV series, it is worse than him.

In combults, Zhang Guorong, can be said that he has reached the first peak of his performance career.

"Ah ... honor, I love you ..."

"Yulian, you are so beautiful tonight ..."

"A Feng, you are more and more beautiful ..."

This screaming of this is not stopped, and it seems that everyone really likes them.

"Four, welcome to participate in today's Xiangjiang Movie Picture Award, first we come to interview, Rong Shao Xian and TV sets, and the audience of the scene."

"Hello everyone, I am Zhang Guorong, I am very happy this year, I will participate in the Golden Image Award with the actor."

Although Zhang Guorong will sing on the stage, this year he participated in the Golden Image Award with the name of the candidate who competes for the best actor award.

I don't talk about the best male protagonist to win, but I am a small breakthrough to Zhang Guorong.

Because in recent years, he took TV dramas, rarely participated in the film.

I didn't expect to play "Xianjian Qi Chuan", it turned out to be a best male protagonist this year, even if the chance of Zhang Guorong knows the award, he is still very happy to participate in the Golden Image.

"I believe that the audience who knows is very clear, and it is always the main direction of the TV series. I rarely filmed the movie. Why did you think of the role of Li Xiaoyao?"

For this question, Zhang Guorong has thought about how to answer before coming, this can only be a routine.

"The Sword Qi Xia Chuan" is a movie after the novel. When Mr. Lin is thinking about this book, I want to shoot it out, so I will find me, maybe because I am lucky enough. "

In fact, the reason why Lin Daoqi should shoot "Xianjian Qi Chuan", one is to complete his wish, the second is to fight Xu Ke's "New Lushan Swordsman", do not let the other party be special.

As a result, the final result of course is a very satisfaction of Lin Daoqiu. The box office of "New Lushan Swordsman" is more than 10 million more than "Xianjian Qi Chuan".

And "New Lushan Swordsman" has also voted more than "Xianjian Qi Chuan".

Final Baoyang just beautiful Xu Ke also defeated himself with "New Lushan Swordsman", and this drama also achieved a movie of the final product of Baofa.

"Rong Qi smiled, Since Mr. Lin, since Picking you, Li Xiaoyao definitely has his unique idea, if I let me come to the director of this play, I will choose Lee and I will play Li Xiaoyao."

Chen Xinjian said that there is a bit of a horse behind, and now Zhang Guorong's Li Xiaoyao has been recognized by the public.

However, at the time, when most people were very optimistic about Zhang Guorong to play Li Xiaoyao, there is still a part of the book fan to think that Zhang Guorong is not suitable.

"I really thank Mr. Lin to give me this opportunity, and the event of" Xianjian Qi Chuan "should not let Mr. Lin are disappointed."

This drama has been preparing for the loss of Lincao, but I didn't expect to win 3,300 box office achievements.

Although Xiangjiang native box office is no way, but with this grade to sell "Xianjian Qi Chuan Chuan" sold overseas, it is also a very good box office.

In the Southeast Asia, there are also cold people and neon, "Xianjian Qi Chuan" relies on cool stunts and the picturesque landscape, and the HKM has earned tens of millions of HKDs.

After a year, a large number of books hope that "Xianjian Qi Chuan" can shoot the second, but this thing does not have a following.

Since I have encountered Zhang Guorong, I have to ask this question.

"The sequel" "Xianjian Qixia Chuan"? Mr. Lin has not mentioned me, but if there is a chance, I certainly hope that I can play Li Xiaoyao. "

Zhang Guorong did not exclude the springs, after all, this play is really good, regardless of his representatives of these years.

If Lin Daqiu is really going to shoot, Zhang Guorong does not mind in the show, but the problem is that this is nothing.

And when they talk about the topic of "Xianjian Qi Chuan", the books like "Xianjian Qi Chuan" before the scene and TV, and the sequel of this drama began.

Because the film version of the "Sword Qi Xia Chuan" plot only took the town demon tower, it did not finish all.

The novel serial is close to the end, although the following plots have already known, but they still hope to give these three people in the movie version, Lin Daoqiu can give these three good endings.

"As for the" Xianjian Qi Chuan "will not succeed, this is afraid that only Mr. Lin can give an answer."

When Taddy Robin said this, in the VIP room in the new heaven and earth, Lin Daoqiu is also looking at the scene's broadcast.

"Xianjian Qi Xia Chuan" should not set up, this matter, he has never thought about it. If today is not Taddy Robin them, Lin Daoqiu is afraid to really think about it.

"Don't shoot ..."

Lin Daoqiu whispered.

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