Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1055 has an idea director

"Mr. Xu Ke and Lin chat is so happy, it is really envious of him."

Shi Tian and Zeng Zhiwei are sitting in the other side.

They all saw Xu Ke and Lin Daoqiu. I was very happy. This cream eye Xu Ke ran to find Lin Daoqiu, don't want to know what he wants to do.

"Mr. Lin gives" Best Movie "to Xu Ke, which is really dying."

At the scene, it is some experienced director and screenwriter, "New Lushan Jian Xia" and "Xianjian Qi Chuan Chuan" which is more excellent, I don't believe it.

"In fact, Mr. Lin has always appreciated Xu Ke, he is much more fortunate than us."

Zeng Zhiwei had to feel emotion, people and people are different, Lin Daoqiu's first play "Qian Ye" he gives the other party as a deputy director, but compared with Zheng Danrui, he is in the heart of Lin Daoqiu. It is worse than the two guys.

Later, when the new art city was established, he was one of the founding veteran, but in the minds of Lin Daoqiu, he was more than Xu Ke.

If the Bao Chengyuan is really killed by Lin Daoqiu, Zeng Zhiwei considers that he should go to Xiangjiang to go to him.

"The husband and wife are the same forest bird, which is more difficult to fly. Some people will have this idea."

Yan Jianxun kept smiled, others may fly, but he and Hong Jinbao must fly because they have already killed Pandier.

Hong Jinbao is not interested in the conversation between Shitian et al., At this time, his brow is deeply locked, it seems to be worried about why things are worried.

The side of the side also noticed that the expression on Hong Jinbao's face was too serious, and he asked a little.

"Master, is there?"

When I heard the Yuan Bao, Hong Jinbao only shook his head.

Lin Daoqiu's influence in Xiangjiang is getting bigger and bigger, movies, TV stations, and the Golden Awards, which can be said that Lin Daoqiu has already controlled the vast majority of resources in Xiangjiang Entertainment.

Although Hong Jinbao does not think that Lin Daoqiu is able to fight the Baochengyuan line within two years, after three or five years, can Baagecheng Cinema Line still maintained like this now? This is afraid to hit a big question mark.

"Nothing, just suddenly thinking about something."

Hong Jinbao did not tell the true thoughts in his heart, and the things they thought just, he will never tell others.

After all, Hong Jinbao is a fixed sea neminated needle, if he has a shake, this will definitely affect many people in Baochengyuan.

Compared to this table of Baochengyuan, the atmosphere on the Xiangjiang Institute is significant.

Although the new art city did not take the award of the Golden Award, but "Xianjian Qi Chuan" has taken a full lobby.

From the two actresses, the best actress, support, newcomers, Hu Jinxi have got the best director, and there is "best photography" and "best action design".

It can be said that this year's Golden Image Award is a dreamy night for the " ".

"Hu director," Xianjian Qi Chuan "got such a good result, have you considered the continued thing?"

For this problem, Hu Jinyu has never thought about it.

But "Xianjian Qi Chuan" took a good box office, and also won so many awards on the Golden Track Award. It has been put on the schedule.

For Hu Jintuan, "Xianjian Qi Chuan" has so many advantages, but this is not a movie he wants to shoot.

After all, the script of this drama has been killed by Lindaoqiu, can't have any changes, so he can only make an article from the way of shooting.

This kind of shooting feeling is that Hu Jintuan is in fact, it is not good at all, or because he has taken such a good result, he will probably not consider the collection of concusses.

Now just "Xianjian Qi Chuan" is close to the end of the "Oriental Daily", this dress is a very good point in time.

"This matter has to ask Mr. Lin, after all, the script of" Xianjian Qi Chuan "is written by Mr. Lin. If you want to shoot, there must be Mr. Lin's script."

In fact, even if Lin Daoqiu does not write the script, I will give this thing to Hu Jinji to him. Even Hu Jinji will be more happy to arrange this arrangement.

However, in Lincao Qiu's emphasis on the "Sword Qianshi Chuan", if you set it, he will definitely pay the drama's script to yourself.

"In fact," Xianjian Qi Chuan "has been preparing, since the audience likes this drama, I think the dress is also a matter of course."

At this time, Lin Daoqiu came to Hu Jinxia to this table.

Hu Jintuan and a starring Hu King's "Sword Qi Xia Chuan" see the autumn, and immediately stopped from the chair.

The hand was pressed down, indicating that everyone sat down, Lin Daoqiu took Lin Qingxia to the side of Hu Jinji.

"I took the" Xianjian Qi Chuan Chuan "last year, I originally thought that Hu Director will have a new play. Since I haven't moved it for so long, it is better to take this time, I will shoot" Xianjian Qi Chuan ". How do you? ? "

Lin Daoqiu is planning to enable the original staff, and shoot the lower half of the " ".

After all, from the reaction on the box office, the audience has accepted Zhang Guorong and Chen Yulian and Li Si Feng's combination, so they still have young, and quickly shot this play.

For the proposal of Lin Daoqiu, Hu Jintuan did not immediately agreed, and he looks like some hesitation.

"Mr. Lin, in fact, before shooting" Xianjian Qi Chuan ", I did have a movie I wanted to shoot, but after I was filled, I didn't feel the play of the original hand. "

Hu Jinjun is not really not wanting to open a new play, but because he can't think of a suitable subject, there is no action in dragging more than a year.

"In fact," Xianjian Qixia Chuan "is a very good work, not only in the box office, and has also received affirmation of the Golden Award Jionial Committee, which is really excellent."

Lin Dao Qi did not understand, "Xianjian Qi Chuan" wants money to have money, and there is also his own script, Hu Jintuan as long as it takes the sequel, and he will send fame and fortune.

Such a good chance should be a good grasp, how can you hesitate?

"Mr. Lin, in fact, I also like" Xianjian Qi Chuan ", and when I was shooting, I can always have a lot of inspiration, but because of the limitations of the script, I can't play completely."

If you replace it into other people, it will be old and old, and Hu Jintuan is not the same, but Hu Jintuan is not the same. He is a director who is pursuing. If he wants to set up, you can create a "" pass".

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