Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Which is the benefit of Chapter 1057?

The Golden Image Award has successfully ended, and several happy happiness, but at this time, everyone is far less than the later generation.

How to enhance the popularity of the Golden Image Award, Lin Daoqiu must work hard in this.

The honor of the award, but this is just a sense of honor represents individuals.

In fact, the actual benefits that can be in hand are the most important places.

Why is Miss Xiangjiang so hot, that is, because as long as it is selected, you can join TVB, flew it on the branches and change the phoenix.

Even if you can't marry the big rich, you can also become a big star.

What is the benefit of the Golden Image Award, now it seems that everyone does not have a clear concept.

In this case, Na Linqiu is to get enough benefits to get a prize, otherwise there is no way to reflect the bull X of the Golden Image Award.

Best Actress and Female Frontier are the Actors of the AV, Chen Yulian and Li Sai Feng have started up great rise before the "Xianjian Qi Chuan".

Especially Li Sai Feng, it was still a little girl who was unknown in Seiwei, only playing angle.

However, after the "Xianjian Qixia Chuan", the Sun Xiaohong in "Xiao Li Fei Knife" was played, and several TV series were also met.

It can be said that the 19-year-old Li Siefeng is now a hot star, although there is no way to celebrate in the name of Chen Yulian and Mi Xue.

However, in her now, it is much more concerned about how many times the actress of the same age.

Chen Yulian naturally does not have to say, she is now a pillar of Siam.

Now as long as she participated the TV series, it is certainly the best script of Sei, Chen Yulian is almost the same in the status of AV and Zhao Yazhi in the wireless position.

Put them high, everyone is afraid that they will not feel too unexpected.

Since Chen Yulian and Li Sai Feng are not suitable, then Lin Daoqiu can only turn his gaze to other people.


Liang Jiahui, this movie emperor just won the best male protagonist, or a newcomer who just entered the film.

"Fire" and " " is his first movie in the actor.

However, Liang Jiahui's luck is really good. The first movie is a male protagonist, and the first actor has taken the best male protagonist.

Liang Jiahui holding a small golden man has not returned to God.

His girlfriend Li Dianxin sat next to him.

Liang Jiahui can have the opportunity to go to the mainland, it is entirely because he is talking to Li Dianxin.

"Jiahui, although you took this gold image, but I remember my heart, I can't think of your acting."

Li Hanxiang did not want Liang Jiahui because he took the best male protagonist of the Golden Image, I thought he really didn't afford it.

For Liang Jiahui, Li Hanxiang treats him as a son, and naturally hope that he can get better and better.

"Master, please rest assured, I will never be proud, I can get this award, I am afraid just that I am lucky, my acting is really very far away."

Liang Jiahui is actually a person who is very self-known. He is not the genius player, but relying on his own tricks to become a big star of the lane.

"You can think of this best, in fact, the gold shot in this evening, the road inside is not simple."

"Xianjian Qixia Chuan" wrapped six awards, although there was no evidence that Lin Daoqiu was doing this.

However, Li Hanxiang dared to bet, there must be a shadow of Lin Daoqiu, and he did not win "Xianjian Qi Chuan".

The purpose of Lindao Autumn is actually in order to make the Golden Image Awards, not like the literary film to the tyrant.

I believe that next year's Golden Seat Award, the Awards awards will be allocated average, at least one type of movie will appear in the scene of several awards.

"A dad, you said that this time I took the Golden Image Award this time, is it helpful to his performance?"

Li Dianxin and Liang Jiahui are in love. Almost all of the brains are thinking about Liang Jiahui. She really wants to know how much help to Liang Jiahui.

For this problem, in fact, Li Hanxiang didn't know how to answer, because the benefits of winning the POA, it seems that it is not fully reflected.

If it is a big prize in foreign countries, it can improve the popularity of the actor, and the movie work can also be attracted to more viewers in the foreign award.

But what is the benefit of the Golden Image Award, I am afraid this problem, I have no way to answer.

The next day, Liang Jiahui has played a big morning in the same morning. He is ready to go and drink early tea with Li Hanxiang and Li Dianxin.

However, he was finished, and he suddenly received a call from Li Hanxiang.

"Jia Hui, Mr. Lin is about you to drink early tea, you are now in the past, the address is ..."

Lin Daoqiu didn't know the phone of Liang Jiahui, so he gave Li Hanxiang called a call, let him help to tell Liang Jiahui.

Although I don't know what to drink tea, Li Hanxiang can be sure, Li Hanxiang is definitely, which is definitely a big happiness.

The actors who look at the autumn of Lin Dao can become a hot-free big star in Xiangjiang.

Li Hanxiang, who is more hopeful than to shoot with himself, and Li Hanxiang can give it to the hands of Lindao autumn.

The brain is still in a state of dizzy. Liang Jiahui did not expect Lin Daoqiu to ask himself to drink early tea.

But in the words of Li Hanxiang, he immediately put down the phone, he immediately sprinkled his leg and quickly ran downstairs to go to Lin Daoqiu.

Conducting slowly, Liang Jiahui rushed to the bridesee of the Queen Autumn with the fastest speed.

Up to the second floor, and the waiter said that he was about Mr. Lin, and the other party immediately took Liang Jiahui to a box.

When the door opened, Liang Jiahui saw the people in the box and a person he didn't know.

Previously, Liang Jiahui did not see the students, so he did not know the assistant of Lindao Autumn.

"Mr. Liang is good morning."

Lin Daoqiu stood up, Liang Jiahui did not dare to hold the big, and he immediately held the hand of Lin Daoqiu.

"Mr. Lin is embarrassed, I am late."

Liang Jiahui actually came immediately, but Lin Daoqiu was waiting for him here, so it seems that he is very polite.

He is just a young man who has just entered, Lin Daoqiu is already a well-deserved movie tycoon, almost the same as the level of Sixth of the year.

Let such a big person waiting for himself, Liang Jiahui thinks that this is a bit of a little skinny, and I don't know if Lin Daoqiu will not be angry like this.

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