Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1070 Neon Promotion

At the beginning, the problem of Lucas finally asked, just politely asked.

But I didn't expect him to ask such a question, even dug a shocking quite.

At the "late night interview", the editor and reporters of major newspapers and magazines were also called to find what kind of movie in the "Cosla" in Lin Daokou.

More than 5 million US dollars, this is almost a thing that cannot be imagined at this time.

To know that even in the many movies released, the box office can break through more than 500 million, only a few.

Even 90% of the movie, if you can get a Billioni box office, those manufacturers and directors are almost happy.

However, Lincao Qiu actually took a movie with such a big money, which is really unimaginable.

Early the next morning, the public relations department of the global models continued to be in the next year, and people who came to call were inquiring the "Costla".

This includes editors and journalists of all newspapers and journals, they all want to ask more information from the global model.

And in addition to calling, there have been reporters directly to find the door, and to interview the relevant people of the global film industry.

"Mr. Lin, look at the good things you do, last night, you said that today, the headquarters of the glimpse industry has the outside of my office, almost crowded with reporters."

Langmeye shook his head. He also looked at "late night interview" last night. When he heard Lin Daoqiu, he threw the topic of "Cosla" in the end of the interview, Langmeye knows how big things don't know.

He immediately contacted the head of the public relations department and other sectors, and how to deal with those reporters when they go to work in the morning.

"Is this not a good thing? From now on Christmas, the global model will be the focus of your attention."

Langmey also knows that the media puts the focus of attention in the global model, which is really a good thing for their company.

"Costla" trailer, when are you planning? "

In fact, "Costla" trailer is already in production, it can come out after a few days.

However, Lin Daoqiu didn't want to put the trailers so soon. Now I have two months from Christmas, and I will start the trailer so early.

"According to our previous discussion, first start from the poster, the trailer is started in late November."

With two months, "Cosla" promotion offensive, will reach the highest DPRK in Christmas Eve.

"Okay, your guy runs to neon to publicize, let go of me to deal with those annoying reporters, this is not fair."

Lin Daoqiu's next stop to go to neon to make publicity, after all, this is good to discuss in Matsuka Congkang.

And neon as one of the largest tickets in the Asian region, and Lin Daoqiu naturally has no reason.

"Mr. Langmei, please believe me, wait until" Costra "is released, all your complaints will disappear in an instant."

In this era, the movie that can defeat "Cosla" has not been born, and the special effect technology of this play is absolutely unprecedented.

Even if the "Star Wars" and "ET Aliens" are moved out, it is definitely not "Cosla" opponents, because everyone is not at a level.

I have seen the "Costla" Langmeye, there is no doubt about this sentence of Lin Daoqiu.

He is almost almost fingered in the day, and the head is so eagerly looking forward to Christmas to come quickly.

When Lin Daoqi and Lin Qingxia left Hollywood, "The Tomb Raidth" has been released for two weeks, and the box office has also been coming to 150 million.

I believe that if you continue to grind, the 300 million box office is definitely no problem.

And after this play, the world's main movie market will be released, coupled with the revenue of the tape, and Lincao Autumn can earn $ 200 million this time, this is the most conservative estimate.


When Lin Daoqiu and Lin Qingxia arrived in neon, they came to pick up their or Jichuan.

"Mr. Lin, Miss Lin, welcome two, Matsuoka President is rushing back to Tokyo, he let me represent him to two apologies."

As a director of the external relationship, Jichuan is basically one usual, unless it is very distinguished guest.

That is like Lin Daoqiu, you should come to Menggang Gong, you should come to welcome it, but it is not in Tokyo, it is now going back, so let Jichuan just pick up.

"Mr. Yichawa is polite, everyone is old friend, no need to be so polite."

Lin Daoqiu smiled and shakes his hand, and then took the car on Lin Qingxia.

For this neon trip, in addition to the publicity of "Tomb Raidth", Lin Daoqiu's purpose will also take a look at the development of MAG.

In the past few years, Lin Daoqiu did not ask for the development of MAG, in addition to being thrown into several comics, it is funded by MAG every year.

At this time, how often, the development of MAG, the heart of Lin Daoqiu is not very so, so his neon trip should be obvious to the way, whether the development of MAG has been on orbit.

Jiichuan is a ride, and Lin Qingxia came to the hotel to rest, and the time of Matsuka Congchang is scheduled tomorrow.

After Lichuan is left, Lin Qingxia stretched a lazy waist, and then lying directly on the couch.

"I am exhausted, I haven't run like this long time."

From Hollywood to Neon, Lin Qingxia has been promoted almost every day during this time.

Compared with the show, this kind of boat is easier to make people feel irritating.

"After the publicity of neon this side, I will give you a holiday."

Lin Daoqiu knew that Lin Qingxia took a lot of bitterness, and he would also accompany him to run to do publicity, he is very distressed.

However, these things are unavoidable. After all, Lin Qingxia is the heroine of "Ancient Tomb Raidth". If she is not referring to, I can't say it.

"A person is more than a holiday."

Lin Qingxia's most hopeful or Lin Dao Qiu can come with her to travel to play.

However, I think that there are so many things in the autumn hand to handle, Lin Qingxia has only canceled this idea.

"I have a lot of time, I will take you to neon elsewhere."


Lin Qingxia lying on the sofa has a big eyes, she immediately sat up from the sofa.

It seems that this proposal for Lin Daoqiu, Lin Qingxia is very happy.

"Of course, I am trying to bring you to the hot springs, and ... ..."

Lin Dao's autumn dialect has not finished, the neck has been held, and then the room suddenly suddenly calmed down, and then after the sound of the sound, it was completely unspeak.

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