As a member of MAG, alcoholine is already a famous figure in the industry at this time.

In the Spring Festival of 1982, Lin Daoqiu found that the wine Yanyang invited him to join MAG to serve as a president of the president. This blink of an eye has passed for three years.

During this time, the wine Yanyang Yi, Qingshui Long Tai, Xiao Temple is too three people as the core team, based on the "One Piece", Guangna Talent while burning money.

Lin Daoqiu inside during the period, but also gave MAG for 3 billion yen, can say MAG in the neon comic circle, absolutely a wealthy existence.

If only the "One Piece" income is still unable to support the ambition of MAG.

After two years, the comics of the "One Piece" will move to TV.

But you have to adapt the comics into anime, which is not a small money.

An original wine Yanyi is intended to personally go to Xiangjiang, talk to Lindao Autumn, but now he has reached neon, so the wine Yanyang will remain in Xiangjiang.

With Xiao Temple, Taishi and Qingshui Dragon, the wine Yanyang went to the box to see MAG's chairman Lincao Autumn.

"Mr. Lin has become better and better in the development of the film and television circle in the past few years. When the" Costla "is released, I am afraid I will set off a huge waves."

"Costla" is recently spread to neon.

The discussion on TV shows has given many people to know that "Costla" is really truly.

As the release time is, the more fried the topic of "Costla".

"How did a president, look like a worried look?"

Qingshui Dragon was too discovered that after getting on the bus, he didn't speak, and he knew that he was hiding.

"MAG has smashed a lot of money in the past three years, but in addition to the" One Piece ", we did not take out a bright grade. This time I went to Lin Mr. Lin, I don't know how to open."

In order to "One Piece" anion, the wine Yanyang can be said to be brain juice.

Although this comics have been popular in neon domestic, it is not an easy thing to be anime.

During this period, some people showed interest in cooperation, the meaning of the "One Piece", but the wine Yanyang did not want to refuse.

Joken, Lin Daoqiu is not a lack of people. If he accepts him, he accepts the investment of others, and the wine is a president to do it.

I heard the wine Yanyang, so the Qingshui Dragonato and Xiao Temple are too late to be silent.

Lin Daoqiu asked them to come to the development of MAG better, but now the MAG makes people feel, and it is a bit that is a bit.

When the three people arrived at the Sakhan's Springs, under the leadership of the waiter, I just entered the room, I didn't expect to see a familiar face.

The king of the car field, the ace cartoonist, how can he appear here?

"I haven't seen you for a long time, this no need to introduce you, you should know who he is."

Lin Daoqiu stood up, and then walked over and the wine Yanyang held a handshake.

"Mr. Vikian's big name, how can we not know, I didn't expect to meet you here, it is really our honor."

Wine Yanyang is three people immediately and shake hands.

At this time, the car is just served in the intersection of the "Raw Lang", and now is a rest and conceive the next comics.

Lin Daoqiu is a chance. If you want to ask him to please the box root, the purpose is very simple, just to win his next comic "Saint Seiya".

MGA has been very famous in the neon comics world, but there is no comics in addition to the "One Piece" outside the hand.

So Lin Daoqiu has to help them once, I hope to dig the "Saint Seiya" car field to MAG.

After you sit down, the waiter immediately puts a variety of delicious things.

"I am the biggest pastime on the plane is to watch the comics of" Sky Lang ". I want to draw such a good work in Kirota."

The car laughed and laughed, and the name of Lindao Qiu also heard some.

For this big person in the film circle, I suddenly invited myself to the roots, and the hearts of the auto field are also guess the intentions of each other.

However, when the wine Yanyang is unveiled, the car field is probably guessing Lin Daoqiu asking him to come here.

"MAG has been very good in the past few years, and the" One Piece "of the flag is popular in China, and I like this anime."

The autumn of the car is also in time to return to Lin Daoqiu.

"In my opinion, MGA's development is very general. Today, the reason why Mr. Vention is invited, I hope that you can join MAG, become our family's painter."

Just finished in the car field, Lin Daoqiu suddenly said something that made him feel shocked.

The other party actually sent it to yourself, this is just kidding, a little pawn is not, directly, this is a bit scared.

Even the alcoholine next to the Yakoyang is also scared by the invitation of Lin Daoqiu.

However, when I remembered that the way I asked them to join MAG, the way the speech was almost asked, so the third person in the wine Yanyang was shocked, so it was calm.

"Mr. Lin is not kidding, I am going well in Jingshi, I have never thought about it."

For the authentic in the car, the intersection can be said to be taking care of him. If you go to other places at this time, the car field is definitely unwilling.

In fact, before Lin Daoqiu, he guess the Qi Mei in the autumn of the car, after all, Ying Yingshi did very good to him.

However, even if the autumn is not intended to give up, this time he is iron, you must dig the car field to MAG.

Otherwise, when he will wait for him to draw "Saint Seiya", the possibility of Daoqiu wants to dig the car field is almost zero, which is definitely not willing to see.

"Mr. Tika, not I boast, if you want to have better development prospects in the future, only the MAG can do it."

The car field is not talking, but quietly listening to Lin Daoqiu intends to convince yourself.

Promising? There is no serious thinking about this in the car field. He just thinks of painting comics, and the comics can be wonderful enough.

"MAG this company will definitely become the most influential company in the cartoon world in the future. If Mr. Truste is missing this opportunity, it is not your loss, and it is the loss of our MAG."

I like to rebirth of the 1978, please collect: ( Rebirth of the 1978 pennancy update.

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