"Merry Christmas" This drama can be seen as a change in Maijia small.

This drama is not as big as "the best partner", and it is a warm route.

This time, Mai Jia played a master, and independent pulled three children.

Just this day is Mai Jia's birthday, colleagues collectively, he expressed celebration, boss sent a car to him in order to commend him for many years.

But who knows that the passenger is rubbing with Mai Jia, and when Mai Jia is in the wrong, the new car is dismantled.

Because of the relationship to work, Mai Jiaping can only send the little head to the singer A Phoenix family.

In fact, Mai Jia has actually had affection for A Phoenix, but it has not been willing to say it.

On the other hand, the emotional problems of their own pairs also make Mai Jia headache, afraid that the daughter is angry with him, and she is looking at the son.

On the eve of Christmas, a family's love drama finally staged.

The director and screenwriter of this drama are Gao Zens.

Because of the success of "Happy Ghost", this time he has the opportunity to direct this "Merry Christmas".

In fact, this play Mai Jiahe Gao Zhisen is not particularly confident. Although it is the comedy of their hands, it is not like the high-tech and action scenes in "Best Pair", and there is no special effects like "happy ghost". .

It's all necessary to drive the play of the audience to attract the attention of the audience. I have to win a nice box office, Mai Jia and Gao Zhisen's heart is actually very no bottom.

However, for them, the biggest good news is that this time "Merry Christmas" has a low investment, and this drama has spent less than 50 million compared to tens of millions.

Therefore, as long as the box office can break one thousandth million, this drama will not lose money, so their stress is relatively laughing.

And on the other side, this time Bao Chengyuan line is a movie to be released in Christmas, which is the "owl and small fly icon" starring Hong Jinbao and Lin Zixiang.

But the most special place is that the heroid of this play is an actor named Yang Ziqiong.

If Lin Daoqiu saw the "owl and little flying icon" the actor table can be small, because Yang Ziqiong actually made her first movie at this time at this time.

But good in Lin Daoqiu now has Lin Qingxia, otherwise he really has some headaches.

At this time, Yang Ziqiong will not be Mandarin, even Cantonese will not, although she is a Chinese family, but the family has always said to be English.

However, this is actually not tight, because she will shoot this drama, it is entirely because of Pandier.

A year ago, Yang Ziqiong returned to Malay to participate in the beauty activities, and met Pandier in the event. From then, Mr. Pan did not forget Yang Ziqiong.

He first invited Yang Ziqiong to take ads, and then please call the movie, do our best to win the heart of the beauty.

The woman in the later generation is completely different. At this time, Yang Ziqiong's image in the "Owl and Xiao Fei Intersection is a gentle female teacher.

I am afraid that no one can imagine, after a year, such a gentle and beautiful female teacher has turned into a moving actor, and it is still very good.

You must know that Yang Ziqiong is growing up in Malay a rich family, which is very good education from a small to the big.

When the hour, I learned the ballet, and later, because of the cause of the injury, I had to terminate the study of ballet.

And this is such a thousand golden lady, and I don't like to use it in the way of shooting.

In fact, she revealed that she had fearfulness during an interview in the later generations, but even so, as long as the director shouted, Yang Ziqiong was forgotten.

Although the "owl and small fly icon" is a movie starring Hong Jinbao and Lin Zixiang, but everyone's focus is on the body of Hong Jinbao and Lin Zixiang, no one will pay attention to Yang Ziqiong this actor.

However, after the "Owl and Xiao Fei Intersection" announced the list of actors, Lin Daoqiu found that Yang Ziqiong also appeared.

Although I don't know why Yang Ziqiong will turn into a woman, Lin Daoqiu will not let Yang Ziqion have become a box office weapon for Baocheng.

And she and the marriage of Pandier are not very good. After getting marriage, it is divorced for a few years.

"Mr. Lin, is this problem with this drama?"

Fang Jinsheng found that Lin Daoqiu looked at the publicity poster of the "owl and Xiao Fei icon". He thought of any problem.

"Go to help me find this contact information called Yang Ziqiong, I have to see her."

Playing women is not good, like Yang Ziqiong can be famous for its nationality.

Fangguang did not think much, and then wanted to contact Yang Ziqiong after picking up a poster.


"Mr. Lin wants to see me? Is it true?"

At this time, Yang Ziqion is an actor who just finished "Owl and Xiao Fei", and there is not much idea in the future.

Stepping into the entertainment circle is just because there is a help of Pandier.

But now, the internationally renowned film producer Lin Daoqiu has to see her, which makes Yang Ziqiong happy.

She didn't think much, I promised this meeting, but in fact, Yang Ziqiong still didn't know that Bao Chengyuan line and Xiangjiang hospital line were hostile.

A few days later, Yang Ziqiong came to the tea restaurant with Lindao Qiu.

I didn't recognize Lin Daoqiu, but Lin Daqiu recognized Yang Ziqiong.

"Miss Yang, Mr. Lin is there, please come with me."

Fang Jin lived in front of Yang Ziqiong came to Lin Daoqiu.

When I saw Lin Daoqiu, Yang Ziqionn looked shocked, because the other person looked too young.

In Yang Ziqiong's cognition, you can shoot so many excellent filmmakers, at least 3 to 40 years old, how could it be so young.

"Mr. Lin, he is, I am Yang Ziqiong. I am very glad to meet you. I have almost seen the movies you took, I like it very much."

After surprising, Yang Ziqiong still helped to say hello to Lindao Qiu.

Because the country will not be Cantonese, "Yang Ziqion is said to be English, good in Lin Dao Qihui, otherwise their conversation is also looking for a translation.

"Miss Yang, hello, please sit."

After the two were sitting down, Yang Ziqion looked at Lin Dao Qiu Xin is all question mark, because she didn't know why Lincao will suddenly meet her.

"Miss Yang, in fact, I will meet this time, I want to talk to you."

"Mr. Lin wants to talk about my future?"

The words of Lin Daoqiu have listened to Yang Ziqion to a mist, what is the relationship between my future and Lin Daoqiu? It is just that this is just that they first met.

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