Chen Jiao intends to acquire Xiangjiang electric lights and immediately causing a wide range of discussions in Xiangjiang.

Most people think that at this time, it is not a wise choice to buy such a big money.

However, there is still a small part of the person thinks that Chen Jiao will move very well, because the Xiangjiang electric light is really a high quality company.

Every year, it is not only a stable income, and some of the business has not yet developed.

Just as everyone is still discussing, Chen Jiao's move is not correct.

Bao Shaogang was on the next day, suddenly visited the office of Chenjiao.

"Bao Shao, why have you come to see me today."

For the visit to Baoyang, Chen Jiaxing appeared very unexpected.

Since the last two people cooperate after a big loss in the rotten water, he has not been contacting with Baoyong.

"Chen Shu, in fact, I am not a three treasure hall today."

Baoyang naturally will not be free to come to find Chenjiao. He is in the same purpose today. It is actually very simple, just want to cooperate with Chen Jiao, and share the shares.

Others do business, Bao Shaogang may not be in the eyes, but the people of Chen Jiazheng, the Baoyang is still very admired.

At least in the eyes of investment, Baoyang has had to admit that Chen Jiao is much stronger than him.

"Bao Shao, please say that if you can help you, I will try my best."

Chen Jiaxing knows that the recent situation in Baoyang is very unique.

Because Heaven International's thing, he has been transferred from Baochang Real Estate and returned to Baoyou International as Deputy General Manager.

Although the treasure family has not announced the third generation of heirs, but with the current situation of Baoyang, his big brother is much higher than him.

So at this time, Baoyang just wants to reverse the Qiankun, you must make some achievements in business.

In the case of thinking, how much Chen Jiao has guess to find his own purpose today.

"I watched the newspaper yesterday, saying that Li Shi wants to buy Xiangjiang electric lights, don't know if this is true?"

Baoyang just hurriedly saw Chen Jiaxing, just want to determine that the news on the newspaper is not true.

Chen Jiao did not deny that he nodded directly when he was in the face of Baoyang.

"It's this, that is so good, Li Shu, I have a less concern, I hope this Xiangjiang electric lantern acquisition plan will let me consolidate."

Sure enough, like the you guess, Baoyang just uses this acquisition, reversing the unfavorable situation in the treasure.

In fact, for Chen Jia, someone can help him share some of the funds, he will definitely not refuse.

But the current problem is that this acquisition case, Chen Jiao is not to buy all the shares of Xiangjiang electric lights, just buy 34.6% of the Xiangjiang electric lights in the hand, becoming a big shareholder.

If this time, if you have just participated in it, on the structure of the shares, this big shareholder is not very stable.

"Bao Shao, this acquisition I have prepared for a long time, all the work is ready, can't make changes."

Chen Jiaxing was obviously only a truth, because he did not have a formal and setup group began to negotiate.

But he is impossible to talk to Baoyang, so it can only be performed with such words.

Before, Baoyang was originally a confident, Chen Jiao will definitely promise to let himself participate.

But he didn't think of it, Chen Jiaxi will refuse himself, this is equivalent to a punch in the heart of Baoyang.

When the moment, the Bao Shaojun is not how to persuade Chen Jiao, let the other party change his mind.

What he thinks is that Chen Jiao is not going to go online with his big brother, so he will not let himself share.

When I think this, I have become very cold when I look at Chenjiao, and even if there is a feeling of treating each other as an enemy.

Chen Jiaxing didn't expect that it was just because of his rejection, Bao Shaoang actually had an enemy to himself, which let him find who speaks.

"In this case, then I don't bother Mr. Chen, and I will have a period."

When the fire of Baogang, I took a look at it. After he finished, he wanted directly.

"Bao Shao ..."

Chen Jiayou shouted and did not leave Baogang.

Looking at the other party quickly got out of your own office, this made Chen Jia Xi suddenly feel that he just didn't do something wrong.


"Chen Jiaxing, what do you count, I dare to refuse me, wait for me to be a home, I swear, I don't let you have ..."

After returning to your own villa, Baoyang has also begun to mess around the house.

The maid has been hiding at this time, because they know that Bao Shao has just lifted things, not half an hour will not stop, this time is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing.

As usual, Liao Wenxiang stood in the corner, and before being injured by Baoyang, he returned to Baoyang.

Recently, Liao Wenxiang is quiet, and it is not provoked, it can be said that honest is not good, so do you have a lot of you recently.

After the Tao Shaoyang was tired, he sat in the sofa and gasped, suddenly turned his head to the side of Liao Wenxiang.

"How should I deal with Chen Jiao?"

Liao Wenxiang, who has been low, listening to Baoyang, just said, he was scared to raise his head.

"Bao Shao, now it is not as opposed to Chen Jia, and the family will not agree with us."

When Chen Jiaxun and the treasure family have a very good, when the purchase of Xiangjiang warehousing is, it is relying on his help to achieve smooth reach of this transaction.

Bao Shaogang is now going to deal with Chenjiao, and the baby will certainly not support him.

"If you don't deal with him, my big brother has his own aid, and I am not dangerous."

If you don't let your own shareholding than Chen Jiao, Bao Shaogang is more afraid that the other party has already placed it.

Liao Wenxiang didn't know how to persuade Baogang, so he could only silently put the head below.

At this time, the footsteps suddenly came up on the stairs.

Baoyang just turned his head and looked at it and waved Liao Wenxiang.

"It's a waste, rolling, I am annoying you."

Liao Wenxiang has no way to comfort the treasure, but someone can.

I know that I will continue to stay in myself, I will only joys less, so Liao Wenxiang can only turn around to leave.

He just got out of the door, and he came to a woman's exclamation, it seems that the Bao Shaogang is in power.

Leaving the villa of Baoyang, Liao Wenxiang wants to be more depressed.

In the current situation now, the situation of Baogang has been unfavorable. If you continue to follow him, it is possible that the bamboo basket will take an empty.

When I think this, Liao Wenxiang immediately produced a sense of crisis, he felt that he must do something.

I like to rebirth of the 1978, please collect: ( Rebirth of the 1978 pennancy update.

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