Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 802 misunderstood

For a few days ago, Baoyang may carefully consider this suggestion of Chen Jiao.

But now he feels that the big shareholder of Xiangjiang electric light should be herself instead of Chen Jiao.

"Chen Shu, I have an idea here, I don't know if you are interested in listening."

"Please say it."

Chen Jiaxing did not think that he replied directly.

"In addition to the 34.6% shares of the landing group, we have thought that from other people's hands, the shareholding ratios have more than half of the shares, and these shares are four or six points."

After listening to the treasure, I thought I thought I thought I was 60% of myself.

But even if he also carefully considers it, do you want to promise this suggestion of Baogang.

"Chen Shu, just help me a busy, wait a few years, I will transfer all the shares of Xiangjiang electric lights in my hand."

Chen Jiaxing thought that if this is the case, the Bao Shaogang is the suggestion that it can be considered.

Anyway, I am a big shareholder. When I arrived, I didn't want to sell the shares on my hand, and he couldn't help but control the Xiangjiang electric light.

In the future, I would like to continue to acquire the shares of Xiangjiang electric lamps in the market. Once my holding has exceeded 50%, I naturally not worry.

"Well, since I said this, then I will sell you, but I first declare that my shareholding ratio has exceeded 30%."

The first half of Chen Jiao, let Baoyong just have just been happy less than a second, and the second half of the sentence will let Baoyang's face, and suddenly fall.

"Chen Shu is not joking with me, saying good forty-six, if your shareholding ratio should exceed 30%, isn't it to let me find the same proportion of shares in the market? This is not realistic."

"What are you talking about? Isn't I divided 60%?"

Almost at the same time, both people understand that the other party misunderstands their meaning.

One time, they suddenly began to silence, no one didn't talk, the atmosphere became very .


"Interesting, it's too interesting. I didn't expect Xiangjiang electric lights actually attracted so many high-quality buyers. Now I am a bit reluctant to sell this company."

Shawn had never thought that he was treated as a burden, and now he suddenly became snapped up.

Forden, Chen Jiaxing, Baoshao, these three buyers have put their eyes on the Xiangjiang electric light, which makes Shawn don't know if it is happy or sad.

However, Brown on the side is not as hesitant like Shawn, because in his view, the fragrant river lighting is already unquestionable, there is no need to discuss more.

The problem now is just that I will make much money in this business.

"Mr., now there is strength, there is enough funds in his hand to complete this transaction, and it is only three in Xiangjiang."

Brown does not think that in addition to these three, someone will jump out.

Shawn just just joked, if he really intended to pinch the Xiangjiang light light in his hand, those directors would probably kill him.

"Reassured, I didn't intend to pinch the Xiangjiang light light in the hand. Now the generic needle is to handle the bad assets on the hand as soon as possible."

Now some people are willing to pick Xiao En, I haven't come yet, after all, in this situation, the cash is Wang Cai's king, and the asset that pinching a lot will only lose money to die.

I thought about it, Shaoen looked at Brown.

"I hope this 34.6% of the shares can bring us no less than $ 35 billion."

When I bought these shares, I spent 3 billion when I bought these shares.

When the economy is now so late, Shawn actually wanted to make a big profit on the Xiangjiang electric light, and he didn't know what he thought.

"Please rest assured, I believe this price, they should have some people who are willing to match."

If there is no treasure international to mix this foot, Sean is going to be able to sell the original price, or a 90% sale.

But now Bao family suddenly ran out, Shawn naturally won't miss this good opportunity to make money.

Just announced in the Board of Directors, he intended that he intended to acquire the Xiangjiang electric lamp, Chen Jiaxun has quietly launched the first round of the group headed by Brown.

Originally, Chen Jia wants. Now this time, I am willing to buy the original price to buy the Xiangjiang electric light. The other party should be happy to accept it.

But it didn't expect that when he proposed that all shares were in the original price of the United States, including Brown, including the high-rise, all of the high-rise, all laughed.

"Mr. Chen is not joking, I want to buy Xiangjiang electric lights with the original price, this is almost impossible."

Brown smiled and shook his head. He was very good at this time. It was not afraid of Chen Jiazheng.

Chen Jiaxing seems to have already guess the other party to say this. He took the prepared information, first from the economic level of Xiangjiang, talked about the recent situation and the future economic situation.

What he means is actually very simple. If the place is now not selling, the value of these shares will only get more and more shrinking in their hands.

However, it is clear that Brown is not recognized by this statement of Chenjiao.

"Mr. Chen, simply, if you want to buy a shares in our hands with thirty billion, then I can only say it 's sorry."

Brown showerped by Chen Jiayou shrugged and exposed a bad expression.

"Mr. Brown, I believe that I just said ..."

When Chen Jia, he didn't finish it. Brown directly lifted his hand and interrupted the other party to the words.

"Mr. Chen, the buyer of Xiangjiang electric lights can more than you, if you want to transaction with this price, then I don't think it is necessary to talk about it.

Brown's bottom gas is from Ford and Bao family. This point of Chenjiao is also known.

This negotiation, ending, although not until it is not happy, but Chen Jiao has not been able to get anything he wants.

Leveraging the building of the group, Chen Jiao, who took the car, had been silent.

Now take 3 billion to acquire Xiangjiang electric lights, which is already a very adventive behavior for Chenjiao.

Because you have to take this big money to do the action, it will greatly affect the Xiangjiang Industrial.

Moreover, it is more unlucky, because the recent relationship of Broadcasting silver roots, leading to him to apply for loans to apply for loans to do this time.

This is a bad news that is not a snow that is hardened.

"back office."

Chen Jiao shook his head, he looked like some tired look.

Because the progress of the progress is not smooth, even in the mind of Chenjiao, I still have an idea of ​​simply stopping.

I like to rebirth of the 1978, please collect: ( Rebirth of the 1978 pennancy update.

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