Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 835 This time is big.

Suddenly, I called Ford, and about the other party seeing this practice some Tang Jun.

But for the Xiangjiang electric lamp, Chen Jiao can't manage so much.

In the café in the peninsula, Chen Jiao has arrived in the evening of 15 minutes earlier, which is here to wait for the arrival.

When the clock turned to three o'clock, the second needle just got a few seconds, Chen Jiayou saw that a young man came from the door.

When I saw Lin Daoqiu, Chen Jiao didn't think too much, but soon, she took her gaze, from the other's body.

When he saw Chen Jia, when he saw Chen Jia, he walked over the opponent.

When Lin Daoqiu came to Chenjiao, the other party didn't seem to be confused.

"Mr. Lin, is there anything?"

Chen Jiazheng stood up, then smiled and held handshake with Lindao.

He also thought that Lin Daoqiu came to say hello to himself.

But let Chen Jiazhen did not expect that Lin Daoqiu's answer made him scream.

"I am representing Mr. Ford to see you."

After Lin Daoqiu finished, the smile on the face of Chen Jiaxun suddenly solidified.

After two seconds, Chen Jiao responded.

"It turned out to be like this, Mr. Lin quickly could sit."

It is really that Chen Jiaxing really can't understand that it is Ford, how can I take a forest road?

However, when Chen Jiao is still confused, Lin Daoqiu has given him a clear answer.

"Mr. Fuden can't take a time, so I will ask me to come out, if you need to convey, I can help the Mr. Ford."

Chen Jiaxing did not expect that Lin Daoqiu was so good to follow the relationship between Ford.

For Lin Daoqiu, Chen Jiaxing feels that he and the other party must absolutely can't use it.

According to him, Li Guangwei has turned to the New Oriental of Lin Daoqiu.

For this young man who has been with yourself for many years, knowledge and talents are very good, in fact, Chen Jiao is still very important to him.

Just because of the previous changes, he can't continue to trust Li Guangwei.

But in this case, Chen Jiao won't be said in the autumn of Lin Dao, he can only pretend that there is nothing to know.

"Mr. Lin, in fact, I met Mr. Jossanden today, I hope to meet him, by the way, it is possible to cooperate together in the future."

Since it is not a Ford, Chen Jiao will naturally not tell the truth with Lin Daoqiu.

After all, his purpose of Johindon, is to hope that the other party can withdraw from the acquisition of Xiangjiang electric light.

For the forest road in front of the forest, Chen Jiaxi has a lot of concerns about him, and naturally does not say his true idea.

"Mr. Chen is really a huge eye, the Lawrence family has a strong capital, and cooperate with them. It is quite right for Xiangjiang Industrial. It is my words."

Both people are garlic, no one will say their own ideas.

So this afternoon tea, drinking Chen Jiao is sorry.

"Mr. Lin, I hope you go back to Mr. Ford, if he has time, I hope to enjoy the face with a cup of coffee together."

For the request of Chen Jiao, Lin Daoqiu naturally agreed.

"No problem, I will definitely change Mr. Chen if I go back, I will tell Mr. Ford, goodbye."

Lindao Qiyan Chen family waved, then turned and left the café of the peninsula hotel.

I didn't see Ford, I can't convince the other party to exit the acquisition of Xiangjiang electric light.

So the next period of time, Chen Jiao has been trapped, and continues to increase the price or exit the choice.

At this time, the new year's footsteps are slowly approaching, and there is still three days in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Jiahe post-production company suddenly came up with a sound of celebration.

The post-production formal declaration of "iron plate burning" is completed.

For this trick, Baichen line can say that all the expectations of the Spring Festival file are put on.

At the test film held on the same day, Baoyang, Zou Wenhuai, He Chengchang, Shi Wenyan, Xu Guan, and Shi Tian and Zeng Zhiwei and others were sitting in Jiahe's reflection hall.

For Xuan Guanwen's ability, there are some people in the field to maintain optimistic attitudes.

After all, Xiangjiang at this time can be said to have a comedy master, just have his people.

Under his dazzling light, everyone feels that "iron plate burning" will be successful as before.

Sitting in the most intermediate Bao Shaogang, I am very happy to chat with Zou Wenxiao next to the movie.

But in the next time, the doubts on his face began to slow down.

This time, Xu Guanwen in the image of "iron plate burning", and a large change in the image of the city's scorpion and thin gas.

In the "iron plate burning", Xu Guan has become an image of an afraid of a wife.

Although a lot of smiles, but compared with the previous few departures, there was a small change in the plot and funny atmosphere.

After the test piece will end, the Baoyang just took the lead.

He didn't have much movie before, but he felt that you can laugh so happy, you will be able to sell.

"Congratulations on Mr. Xu, took this good movie, I saw this year's Spring Festival file, Baofa will definitely live."

It is not the same as Baoyang, and Xu Guanwen looks very cold.

For this 'cold-faced smileer', the work is good, he can still see it.

This "iron plate burning", is very short from the beginning, plus the tacit comment of the cooperative team cannot be compared with the previous.

Plus this drama is still his transformation, it can be said that it is just a test item.

So this picture is not good, it is also normal.

However, I heard the Baoyang just said that, Xu Guanwen himself felt strange, is this drama really shot?

For this, there is no way to get an accurate answer between Xu Guanwen.

After waiting for the Bao Shao, they all left, Shi Tian and Zeng Zhiwei were still sitting in the screening hall.

"I have a big trouble this time."

Shen face, Shi Tian looks very serious, because after reading this "iron plate burning", he predict that this drama will not sell like a movie before Xu Guanwen.

"No, I think it is very good, there is a laughter with a woman, it looks very funny."

Zeng Zhiwei's words did not let the stone day frown.

He turned his head and looked at Zeng Zhiwei asked him.

"Do you think" Iron Boys "can win the triple?"

When I was asked by Shi Tian, ​​Zeng Zhiwei suddenly said.

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