Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 837, caves?

"Mr. Lin, according to Chuan Baoji just prepared to sell the Kowloon Academy line to exit the movie circle, if it is true, have you intend to reorganize Xiangjiangyuan?"

Lin Daoqiu took Lin Qingxia just stabilized on the steps, and the reporter suddenly threw a heavy news.

When did Bao Shao just sells the Kowloon Hotel, this news does not know.

"I have never heard of this news, I don't know where you have heard it. If it is confirmed to be true, I will take the answer."

Lin Daoqiu does not think that Baoyang will choose the Kowloon On this time.

But this kind of thing is impossible to be a hole in the wind, I am afraid there is some signs of signs.

"Mr. Lin, Baichen Line From the composition to the present, the income is great, the earnings is not as good as your previous Xiangjiang hospital line, if the Bao Shao really chooses to exit, will you consider buying the Kowloon Theater?"

Lin Daoqi didn't know where the guys he sounded.

"Sorry, today is the premiere of the" best partner "sequel, I don't answer the topic of the premiere."

After being refused by Lin Daoqiu, the reporter had realized that this topic Lin Dao is temporarily not answered.

So they had to transfer the problem to the "best partner" and the Spring Festival file this year.

"This time the Baichen line will sacrifice this" iron plate burning "this play and you don't know if you have confidence to win this play?"

This problem sounds more normal, although it is still very happy to let Lindao Autumn.

However, in rejecting the reporter's answer, it seems that it seems to be a big name.

Although Lin Daoqiu is playing a big card, these reporters have no way, but he does not want people to leave such an impression.

"" Iron Burning "is a film made by Mr. Xu Guan. I personally like him. As for the last, whoever will lose anything, it is not important. The audience can see several excellent movies, that is our production movie The original intention. "

When I arrived in Lin Daoqiu, I would like to say anyone who wins such a thing. If my own pattern is too small.

And the reporter did not have a satisfactory answer in Lin Daoqiu, and they had to turn their attention to Lin Qingxia next to it.

"Miss Lin, may I ask Mr. Lin?"

Lin Qingxia has always been a smiling to stand next to the autumn.

She didn't expect the reporter to ask such a direct.

"Because I am a role in" Best Partup "in the" best part ", I have participated in this premiere today. As for the relationship between Mr. I and Mr. Lin, it is very simple, that is the relationship between boss and employees."

Lin Qingxia did not admit it in front of the reporter that he and Lin Daoqiu were actually a couple.

After all, they have already discussed this matter, and the final decision is not open to the outside world.

And Lin Qingxia's answer, obviously no way to make reporters satisfied.

They asked a few questions, but they were avoided by Lindao Qiu and Lin Qingxia.

After paying the reporter, Lin Daoqiu took Lin Qingxia Dynasty theater.

On the way in went, Lin Qingxia suddenly asked Lin Daoqiu.

"If I just said yes, what would you do?"

Lin Daoqiu did not expect Lin Qingxia to suddenly asked, he looked at each other with his head.

In fact, Lin Daoqiu did not think about it. Just, Lin Qingxia will give them an answer.

But until the other party suddenly said such a question, Lin Daoqiu began to seriously consider this problem.

However, it is different from Lin Dao Qi, in fact, Lin Qingxia can guess how much if I answer it, Lin Daoqiu has a response.

With Lin Qingxia's understanding, he has more dissatisfaction in his heart, but it will also be admitted to the face of the reporters.

After all, in her impression, Lin Daoqiu is the kind of old man, he will never let yourself not come in the front of so many reporters.

"If you really answer is, don't I say it?"

After a few seconds, Lin Daoqiu gave his answer.

This is exactly the same as Lin Qingxia.

However, when she heard the Question of the Qindao, he heard the smile on the face of Lin Qingxia became more.

"I will answer if I know."

Although Lin Qingxia said this, I really want to make her do this, she is still a meeting, and she will not make that kind of personality.

After listening to Lincao Qiu and Lin Qingxia arrived, Mai Jia and others also hurried out.

People who come to participate in this "Best Compartment" this evening, there is not much, and Lin Daoqiu does not have a few times a few times, and the new East's star is coming.

After all, the "best partner" has already had the first word of mouth, and this thing is not needed.

However, even if you starring friends, there are still many special trips to come.

"Hey, if you want to see Mr. Lin, you will not take us out."

At the corner of the theater, Shi Tian, ​​Xu Ke, Zeng Zhiwei sat here.

They bought a ticket for today's premiere, I plan to come here.

"Mr. Lin is not so small, and this drama has been filled, let's give him a movie ticket, he should thank us."

The three new articulate rebels will be here today, because "iron plate burning" will be released tomorrow.

Three people are idle, just like Shi Tian to find a few "best partners" premiere tickets, so take them with them.

Although this drama and they have no relationship, but the reason why the "best piece file" will be born, they can say that they have a not small.

Even if they have not participated in the production, these three guys still want to take a look, this sequel will be made by Mai Jia and Huang Baiming.

In fact, when Shi Tian came in from the door, it was already recognized by the staff of the theater.

"Mr. Lin, Shi Tian, ​​Zeng Zhiwei, Xu Ke is also coming."

When the other party had just reported this matter to Lindao autumn, Mai Jia and others came to Lin Daoqiu.

When he heard that the guy was coming, Mai Jia frowned.

"Put them out, it is not where they are here."

It seems that Mai Jia's betrayal of several guys in Shitian, until now is still awkward.

"Well, since people are buying tickets, it is our guest, there is no need to catch people, let them look good."

Lin Daoqiu put his hand, it seems that he seems to do not mind.

I heard Lin Daoqiu said like this, Mai Jia only nodded, and then put the stone in their own things.

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