Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 854, unexpected negotiation

"San Mao should be worried about Mr. Lin."

He has not used to know that Hong Jinbao refused to have such a simplicity, the biggest reason came to the autumn of Lin Dao.

Hong Jinbao smiled and didn't speak, but he knew it on his face. He also should be guessed.

"I know that Sanma and Ah will have a lot of concerns, this time I have sincerely invited two to return to Jiahe, so I can wait."

He Songchang did not give up because Hong Jinbao's rejection.

But he is also very clear, now to convince Hong Jinbao, it is almost unobsive, so he can only wait.


"So exciting conditions, they all refused?"

After returning to Jiahe, He also came to the office of Zou Wen in the first time.

I heard Hong Jinbao and Yuan Wei refused the conditions of Jiahe blog, which made Zou Wenxu are not very happy.

Although he also guessed before, this time, Hong Jinbao would be returned, and it will really be very difficult.

But he didn't expect that if they were sooth, they still refused.

"I guess San Mao I am afraid I think, even if I bought the Kowloon Academy, I am afraid that there is no way to fell and man."

Although this is just a guess, but when he finished, Zou Wenhui's expression is more smelling.

"Forget it, their things will be put on one side, now the most tight, or negotiated with Lin Daoqiu."

Zou Wenxuo is not a fool, and Lindao Qiuqiang's anti-balance of Jiahe is definitely the next policy.

He has received a serious consideration before, and he felt that this approach was really good.

As long as Lin Daoqiu is willing to accept all their requirements, then they don't have to worry about the income.

However, Zou Wenxiao insisted that Jiahe should account for the big head of the new hospital, the boss can let Lindao autumn, but they have to get the most benefits.

"Mr. Zou, Lin Daoqiu may not agree, let us occupy the big head of the hospital, I think it is the limit that Lin Daoqiu can accept."

This sentence is obviously not Zou Wenhuai likes to listen, but this is how to think about the answer given.

"Let me talk about him and see what he means."

Zou Wenxuo is really unwilling, just bought the Kowloon Academy line, now we must be in the autumn of Lincao.

For the requirements of Zou Wenxu, He has only point to nod to agree.


When I received a call to He Concinci, Lin Daoqiu had already known, and he asked Hong Jinbao and Yuan Zhen.

There are very few walls in this world, let alone this time Hong Jinbao took the initiative to report this matter to the autumn.

This is actually an expectation in the autumn of Lin Daoqiu.

Jiahe has now found that there is no enough star enough, there is no way to make money.

Although it is understood, this does not mean that Lin Daoqiu will not happen.

"Mr. Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time."

When the door of the box is opened, Lin Daoqiu enters the door, He Concall has already stood up from the chair.

"I originally thought that Jiahe should now be busy with this new court, I didn't expect to have a person who was empty in my new Orient."

Lin Daoqiu is in the door of the door.

Inside Lin Daoqiu, He also realized that Hong Jinbao has told him about the matter.

"Oh ... Mr. Lin said, the new Oriental talents, just pick one can be starring, Jiahe is also very hot."

Lindao autumn leather smiles don't laugh, and then take it to his opposite chair.

"Jiahe also has a lot of excellent actors, such as Cheng Long and Xu Guanwen, I don't know whom you don't mind me."

Cheng Long and Xu Guanwen can be said to be the life of Jiahe, if the Dao Qiu is digging away, Jiahe will lose a heavy loss.

If you replace it, he really doesn't put these in your heart.

But the person who said this sentence is Lin Daoqiu, and He has had to pay attention to it.

"Mr. Lin said, Awu and Along, how can they be better than the new Oriental star, they still stayed more suitable for Jiahe."

He Songchang asked Today, Jossin Road, I originally talked about the other party to promise, accept Jiahe's request, forming a new hospital.

But now Lin Daoqiu suddenly pulled the topic to Jackie Chan and Xu Guanwen, which made He Songchang began to be nervous.

"He Mr., before Jiahe, Shao Shao, just teamed up with me, I didn't think about you, I didn't expect you to buy the Kowloon Hotel, the first action is to dig me, you think I can Do you swallow this? "

If Lin Daoqiu said, the Jiahe will probably will be more consensus.

If you don't put it out of your hand, you will only become more.

He also said that he was scared by these words from Lin Daoqiu.

"Jiahe is now only two roads, selling some of the Kowloon Hospital, you account for 30%, I account for 70% ..."

He successively listened, his eyes were immediately wide. He lifted his head and was just ready to speak, but he was stopped by Lindao Autumn.

"Second, I will use all the ways to dig into the new Oriental, and I believe that Mr. He will know how much Hollywood is, how old is A Long, which can make him famous in Hollywood, only me."

This sentence is only to say that Lin Daoqiu said that it can be convincing. If you replace it, it will only be treated as a joke.

I thought I thought I occupied the peak, but I heard Lin Daoqiu said that He has immediately started tense.

"Mr. Lin, 30% of the proportion of Jiahe is no matter how he will not promise, I think five or five should be a relatively reasonable allocation."

He has not dare to open the price of 60% now, he is even worried that after this time, Lin Daoqiu will begin to dig angular actions against Aron.

"Mr. He, my conditions have been completed, what goes, all from Jiahe, this condition I will not change again, I still have something, I am withdrawn."

Lindao autumn is a cup of tea, there is no drink, and it will directly get up and leave.

He successively couldn't call him in the back, and he could only leave the box.

It was that this negotiation was a knot war, but he didn't expect that Lin Daoqiu actually made an article by his own digging Hong Jinbao and Yuan Yu.

If he knew that it would be like this, He also didn't pick up this time to find Hong Jinbao and Yuan.

But now it's too late.

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