Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Can Chapter 867 come back?

Hong Jinbao and Yuan Yu, naturally hope this "Xianjian Qi Chuan" can be able to have a box office.

If Lin Dao is successful, then his status in Xiangjiang has become more secure.

There is a way to be a pointed roof, the more powerful, and the people they naturally have a better.

When Yuan Yu said, Lin Zhengying did not refute him.

However, I will know that Lin Zhengying looks that he does not agree with the Yuan Hao.

If you are not next to the clock, I have been in the eyes of him, I am afraid Lin Zhengying will say a few more words.

What is the premiere of "Xianjian Qi Chuan" today, when this is said that these unlucky words, it will inevitably make people feel adequate.

Lin Zhengying is not the kind of person who is not sensible, but because he has always been straightforward, what is the character of what is said.

Even in front of Lin Daoqiu, Lin Zhengying did not hide his true thoughts.

"Mr. Lin, let you call the guests, let's go in."

Hong Jinbao worried that Lin Zhengying continued to stay here. When he said, he would like to make Lincao Autumn uncomfortable.

"Several one please."

Lindao is a little bit.

In fact, he does not mind where Lin Zhengying is said. After all, he is not as small as a metric.

When Hong Jinbao came in, the beam red next to him looked like a very worried look.

"The" Xianjian Qi Chuan "is so high. If you can't get this, you will not be very troublesome."

Zhong Chuhong was completely worried about Lin Daoqiu.

Although she understands the film of the film, it is not a lot.

However, so far, the box office of Xiangjiang movie has not exceeds 40 million.

Lin Daoqiu spent 40 million in special effects at once, even if the box office can exceed 50 million, "Xianjian Qixia Chuan" is definitely losing money.

"If you go to the rural box office of Xiangjiang, it is zero."

Lin Daoqiu didn't think about the end of the head, "Xianjian Qixia Chuan" is able to return to the box office of Xiangjiang

Even if he thinks, even if you add the money of selling, "Xianjian Qi Chuan" is unlikely to collect the cost.

I heard Lin Daoqiu said that the concerns on Zhong Chuhong have become more obvious.

"In fact, you don't need to worry about me, these have long been in my expectations."

Seeing the concerns of Zhong Chuhong, Lin Dao Qiki smiled, but also to comfort her.

Zhong Chuhong also thought that Lin Daoqiu has already prepared for money.

Looking at Zhong Chuhong, a look of unhappy, Lindao, I thought I thought, and then went to her ear.

"" Xianjian Qi Chuan "is not losing, and finally will definitely make money, rest assured."

After listening to the autumn of Lin Dao, the concerns of Zhong Chuhong have been surprised immediately.

"If you lose, don't you still raise me?"

After Lin Daoqiu said, I couldn't help but laugh.

Zhong Chuhong didn't know how Lin Daoqiu thought, this time, there is still a thought to tease her.

Directly rewarded a white eye, but then Zhong Chuhong also laughed with Lin Daoqiu.

At this time, I am not happy with it.

"You are really annoying this person, I still say this this time, I am really too lazy."

Zhong Chu Hong just finished, Mai Jia and Huang Baiming have come over with Lin Daoqiu.

Lin Daoqiu had to stop his mouth and did not continue to hopatically and Zhong Chuhong.

"Mr. Lin, congratulations, Miss Zhong is getting more and more beautiful, the two is really a pair of monks set up."

When I heard Mai Jia, Zhong Chuhong looked strange.

Although she also felt that she was very equipped with Lindao autumn, she would never be said.

"What is the Mai Dynasty says, I am just a small actor, which can match the big character of Mr. Lin."

Zhong Chuhong worried that if Mai Jia's words were listened, it would have a bad impact on Lin Daoqiu.

Even her is still worried, if I have heard it by others, I thought I was the kind of woman who had to climb.

Zhong Chuhong is actually a very good girl, she doesn't want to be misunderstood by others, so I will immediately open Mai Jia.

However, Lin Daoqiu is not worried about these. If Mai Jia said, he is very happy.

"Mai director just said in his heart, you don't need to be so nervous."

"To the right, or Mr. Lin is most understanding."

Mai Jia quickly attached to the way.

Zhong Chuhong directly glared in the autumn of Lindao, but she did not continue to refute each other.

"Mr. Lin," Xianjian Qi Chuan "This drama said that the special effect production fee is up to 40 million, is this drama really come up?"

It seems that Mai Jia is also interested in this problem.

Not only Mai Jia, even the Huang Baiming and Taddy Robin next to it, and also looked nervously.

If this time Lin Daoqiu can succeed, the new art city can be made as a method.

"Best partner" If you add special effects, it is definitely a great selling point.

But now I have to watch the "Xianjian Qi Xia Chuan". This drama does not give up.

If you go to the street, Mai Jia felt that Lin Daoqiu will not easily spend a lot of money.

So Mai Jia is still very hoped, "Xianjian Qi Chuan" is finally successful.

"This problem is afraid to wait until it will be announced, now let me say, I have no way to predict."

Lin Daoqiu did not want too many people to know, so he only said with Zhong Chuhong.

Although I have not been able to get a sure answer from Lin Daoqiu, Mai Jia thinks that Lin Daoqiu should not be the kind, people who will decide.

How to say "Xianjian Qi Chuan Chuan" investment, at least exceeds 50 million.

Just think about how rich Qiuqiu is rich, and you will not make money so messy.

Although the outside world, including him and Huang Baiming and Taddy Robin, it is the end of the "Xianjian Qi Chuan" finally can recover the cost, and maintain a suspicion.

But for Mai Jia, the producer and screenwriter of this drama are Lindao Autumn.

The light is the three words of Lin Daoqiu, which has been worth a thousand gold.

After sending away Mai Jia and others, Zhong Chuhong suddenly said.

"It seems that everyone seems to have no confidence in" "."

In fact, this time, the outside world has always been a good thing to say "Xianjian Qi Chuan", but its industrial people are generally not optimistic about "Xianjian Qi Chuan" finally recover costs.

As long as you know the people of Xiangjiang movie know where the ceilings of Xiangjiang movie box office.

And let alone the type of movie of "Xianjian Qi Chuan", what will be encountered while selling.

I like to rebirth of the 1978, please collect: ( Rebirth of the 1978 pennancy update.

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