Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 874 Sky Price TV Series

"Xu directors, how do you rest in these days?"

After San Sheng persuaded, Xu Ke came to Jiahe to find He Chengchang.

"I am very sorry, this time" New Lushan Swordsman "I didn't shoot, and Zou Mr. Zou's expectations."

Although Xu Keard said like this, He Chengchang did not think that he was really thinking in his heart.

If he really felt that his heart is confident, he will not come to find yourself so quickly.

If it is because now Jiahe is using people, I am afraid He Concall will never look at the good face of Xu Ke.

"The victory or defeat is all the event, Xu Guard does not have to be too minded, lost to Mr. Lin, not shame."

If the "New Lushan Swordsman" is the words of Jiahe investment, I am afraid that now He also will not be this picture.

Even if you lose money, it is also the relationship between Baoyang, and there is no relationship with Jiahe semi-pennant.

And this time, "New Lushan Swordsman" has got 20 million box office, but Jiahe did not lose money, but also earned millions from the box office.

Therefore, He has also changed too much to Xu Ke's attitude.

"Mr. He, in fact, I am going to continue the last time today."

"Xu Guo said, is it to invite several things to join Jiahe?"

He Chengchang heard the strings, knowing what Xu Ke came to find him.

Xu Ke hit a nod to acknowledged.

"Like a few such excellent movie talents, it is the need for Jiahe, I welcome three joins."

Originally, Zou Wenhui and He Chengchang are to ask Shi Tian, ​​Zeng Zhiwei, Xu Ke, Sinnan, please go to Jiahe.

Even if this time "New Lushan Swordsman" box office is not good, they have not changed their previous ideas.

After all, these four people say that they are members of the former New Art City, and they have never been lost in the urban comedy of their most good.

Although the previous "iron plate burning" lost to Lin Daoqiu, it is also realized to make money for the Baojiayuan line.

"Mr. Zou's meaning is very simple. Several set up a new movie studio, from Jiahe, and account for the major shareholders, the funds needed to make a movie, all by Jiahe."

When this condition was present, Shi Tian was the first opposition.

Because though let them don't need to worry about the pressure of funds, but in contrast, when the movie makes money, they can share less.

Before Xu Ke came, he had already thought that He has also rejuvenated the old things.

If the box office of "New Lushan Swordsman" is very good, the other party will never come out.

But now, they can say that they are in an absolute disadvantage, there is no capital that is negotiated with the other party.

"I have no opinions and nansun."

Schnan has been analyzed by Xu Ke to analyze the pros and cons.

Now, if you have taken a few packages, you can talk to Zou Wenmis.

But if the attitude has been so tough, Zou Wen Huai may be almost zero.

Don't look at Zou Wenzhuo, you have a pair of temperament, it looks very well, but people who are familiar with Zou Wenxiang know that he will not easily change your decision.

So now Xu Ke needs, it is an opportunity to stand up, otherwise everything is just empty talk.

"Thanks to the understanding of Xu Director, since this kind, the Mr. Shi and Mr. Zeng will come over tomorrow, and everyone will plan it."

He Songchang did not feel unexpected to Xu Ke will promise the conditions of Jiahe.

After all, these few people have no place to go, except Jiahe, Xiangjiang will not have any places dare to pay them.

It can be said that this decision of Xu Ke is the best choice for them. It is also the most correct choice.


"Mr. Lin," Sword Swordsman Biography "Since the film version is filled, it is better to take the TV drama."

Lin Daoqiu's office suddenly came to two rare.

Huangxi, General Manager of Asia, and Xu Xiaoming, Director of the Disco - Production Department.

They come to Lindao autumn is very simple, just want to let Lindaoqiu agree, let the Seiwei turn the "Xianjian Qi Chuan".

"You plan to use the original class of the movie to shoot TV series?"

Lin Daoqiu, I know that Huang Xi Zhao and Xu Xiaoming must have to think about this heat through the heat of "Xianjian Qi Chuan" movie.

After all, the three protagonists are AV actors. At this point, Seiwei is already a monk.

"Sure enough, I don't want to stay with Mr. Lin, we do have this idea."

Huangxi took a little bit.

"The" Xianjian Qi Chuan "movie version, special effects spend more than 40 million, if you shoot TV series, how much is you planning?"

This thing Huang Zizhao has been pleased to show Kunden.

"The boss has already said, if Mr. Lin agrees, Seiwei will invest 20 million to shoot" Xianjian Qi Chuan "."

If the number of "Xianjian Qi Chuan Chuan" is tentatively twenty to 30 episodes, the production fee of each episode is up to one million.

This has broken the production fee of the Xiangjiang TV drama, and it is not known to mention the ceiling.

"Qiu boss is really generous, 20 million pieces of TV series, he is not afraid of loss."

It is necessary to know that in 1983, the price has not risen, 20 million can be absolutely not a small money.

"The boss is also hopes, can shoot" Xianjian Qi Chuan "into a classic, so they are willing to take so much money."

For Huang Zhao's statement, Lin Daoqiu just laughed and did not express his opinion.

From the laughter on the autumn face of the forest, this thing is like it.

However, in Huang Xi Zhao and Xu Xiaoming thought that Lincaoqiu immediately agreed, the other party said, let them fall in the glasses.

"If you want to shoot" Xianjian Qi Chuan ", you can do it at least 60 million production fees."

In this way, Huang Xi Zhao and Xu Xiaoming are almost at the same time, and they stand up from the chair.

"Sixty million? Mr. Lin is not kidding? Can a TV show can spend so much money?"

Xu Xiaoming can't believe that Lin Daoqiu can say such an illegal words.

"Xu director, you know me so long, when will I see it on the movie?"

Lin Daoqiu turned his head and looked at Xu Xiaoming, and asked him seriously.

I asked by Lin Daoqiu, Xu Xiaomington, when he was in his cognition, Lin Daoqiu was in this matter, it was really not joking with them.

"Mr. Lin, 60 million production fees are absolutely will not promise, you can't do this, 30 million, I will talk to the boss."

Huang Zizhao does not think that the Kuidgen will be willing to take six hundred million to take a drama, but try to make a way to add 10 million perhaps.

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